So how does your ignore list look?

Yeah 100% dude!

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So this is a troll distraction thread from the problems SL have good one.

I myself have about ten folks from the forums on ignore.
Though I wish even quotes would be filtered too, as these folks I don’t want to see anything ever again from them.
I try to explain why at the time I do it, as there can be different reasons why I do so.
I do always say “be well” though. I don’t hate anyone, I just have no interest in getting into personal attacks, going in circles with a discussion or even arguing about a topic.
There is a thing called a discussion where it can be civil.

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So any post not negatively talking about the shadowlands is somehow trolling to you? I’m tempted to add YOU to my ignore list.


I just had to ignore someone solely for using the phrase “snap up”. I’ll tolerate a lot, but that’s going to do it for me.

I don’t ignore anyone.

The trolls provide me amusement and I don’t like to block people I get into arguments with. Sometimes they’re just having a bad day.


Sweet do that. I’m not going to cry over it. Have a good day and GOODBYE.

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wait, there is an ignore feature? this is great.

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4 to 5 peps one is a green text… Pompous expletive…and one is a human pally


I don’t like to ignore because I’m an advocate of free speech and I like to hear what people have to say. I don’t have any on my list

Even the most annoying people spamming in chat, I’ll tolerate

It’s sorta of an ignore not a true ignore

Zero, because I don’t get worked up about what people say to me on a video game forum


Go under your user preferences, then select users.
From there you can add someone to the ignore list. Just be sure to manually type their name and wait for it to show up with the server.
Add, and it will say for how long. You can type forever and that will do it!
Hope that helps!


I’ve never ignored anyone. If someone is getting on my nerves I just look at the icon before I read. (normally I never look until after as I don’t want to prejudice my reaction to what is written)

I suppose if someone was actively pursuing me to grief me… but, I’ve never drawn that sort of attention. Hopefully never will. :crossed_fingers:

I still have a friends list, but they’re all long gone. Don’t think I even have an ignore list. Too entertaining when someone gets all frantic or huffy over a video game to miss it.

I’ve ignored many more people than are on the list, currently. I don’t know if they fall off the list eventually or if the characters get deleted from the game. I probably have ignored 3 times as many people as are on the list right now.

Nobody is on my ignore list, here or in game.


LOL what? It’s just a discussion about our forum community. The amount of reaching there is astounding!

Yeah, that’s why if I know I’ll end up saying something I may regret when I’m in a mood, I’ll use ignore for a day or a week depending, then take them off. I may end up loving them later. :blush:


I know right? If I started ignoring people here I wouldn’t know who needed a good peg knocking down.

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14, don’t know if that’s small or not, no patterns really.