So how do i unlock the earthen?

i know the i need to finish the war campaign but the fifth chapter hasnt unlocked yet, i expected it to be avaliable after this weeks reset but it isnt the case, am i the only one or did i missed something?


They disabled it earlier. Some of us unlocked it before they did.

so im f then

Didn’t they reenable it a bit ago? Or was it disabled a second time?

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Wait its disabled now? Glad I got mine jeez.

I’m unsure if they re-enabled it. I know there’s maint Thursday.

They definitely did, wowhead reported on it, so unless they disabled it a second time the quest is over with Alleria in front of the big hole going to the second zone

it’s 100% enabled again

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Weirdly, I can’t even get the first of the last 4 chapters going. Alleria is nowhere to be found.

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Maybe for you.

seeing others say it’s enabled as well

There’s only 5 chapters. Where does your quest log tell you to go to continue the campaign?

Yes it has you literally just go to Alleria outside the archives in Dorne and pick up the quest from her.

I had my Earthen unlocked about an hour after reset this morning.

If you were logged in when they disabled it to fix the bug you may just have to relog to see it but about 2 hours ago they re-enabled it

It’s been fixed.

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It was re-enabled over 2 hours ago it was only disabled for about 40 minutes


Sorry, I do have 5 on my achievement tracker. It says I’ve done everything except for the War Within campaign ending. I’m missing: Against the Current, Ties that Bind, News from Below, The Machines March to War, and A Light in the Dark.

I’ve done everything else. I did find Alleria in Dornogal, but she has no quest for me. Neither do Anduin, or Moira. They’re all just standing there. I’ve done everything else… I went to the Weaver and looked around, but nothing there. There doesn’t seem to be a way for me to start the quest. (And I’ve only logged in now, so I’m not someone who was logged in during the time they took the quest offline, so that shouldn’t be the problem.)

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Relog. Atleast that’s what wowhead suggests.

Did that twice. No change.