So how did your decade go

it is almost over now

was it ok?



I’ve come a long way since 2009.

Lost a parent.
Gained a spouse.
Stayed at the same job, moving up in the company though the future is far from certain in that respect.
WoW’s been a semi-constant through that decade.

Here’s to the next decade. And pour one out for us Millennials who now have to grapple with the fact the 90s will be 30 years ago going forward.


I have made very little progress since the previous year. In some ways I suspect I may be worse off than the previous year. But at least still I have a roof over my head and internet access.

Addendum: Upon further reflection of the decade I can at least say that I may on the track to becoming a better writer, though I have little to show for it. Perhaps next year I will.

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Finished public school. Finished high school but I wish I had just dropped out. It’s weird to think about it all, honestly. I went from being in 8th grade to an adult all in the span of 10 years. I wasn’t sure I would make it this far but it’s been a ride and I’m interested in how the next decade goes.

Went to school, dropped out of school.

Enlisted in the Army. Left the Army, but after getting to live in a few places I’d never have otherwise seen.

Went back to school. About to graduate. Made some friends along the way.

I mean, I could have made some better decisions, but that’s more on me than anything else. Let’s see what the next decade has to offer.

Pretty awesome. We moved to the Styx after our son was born so I changed paths from realty to hospice. I’ve spent the last 10 years getting to know my son, know my spouse better and enjoy them both while enjoying a couple hours a night making Azeroth less safe.

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Not sure! I repressed most of it. :upside_down_face:


Went to school for writing, then tried to become a voice actress. Neither panned out, so still a vestigial secretary who could be replaced by a poster that says “please wait for someone to call your name.” Four of those years struggling to walk through blinding pain each day because I couldn’t afford to get the problem fixed, eventually followed by two surgeries and six months of recovery alongside a healthy dose of behavioral trauma that I still can’t shake.

Also officially the first decade of my life where I’ve ever had to live completely alone after losing my dog, and turns out that really isn’t as fun as it sounds

Went great. I’ve a great life.


Grandfather died
Got married
Moved to Canada
Got nasty divorce
Got sole custody of our son. No child support granted.
Now live with roommates to help reduce costs to take care of my son.

Some good. Some bad. Some really weird.


I graduated high school, graduated college, graduated law school, passed the Bar exam, married my beautiful wife, work with a lot of autonomy at my firm and hopefully, God-willing, will own my first home before years end.

All in all this was a fan-freaking-tastic decade.


It was wild. Amazing things balanced by tragic things.

Then, moving to a new country and starting over, a reinvention of the professional self to fit new markets. Which I didn’t expect to have to go so hard on, I assumed I’d have it easy because of my work history and all I’d done…

Nope! Pretty much no one here cared. It’s really all about local experience and networks here. It actually still kind of blows my mind – not that I wasn’t warned, but I was too cocky and found it impossible to believe.

So there was hardship, I won’t pretend like hitting the reset button on a career is pretty, but through it I did learn one thing: I can start over and go from stigmatized to successful relatively quickly.

Now I look forward to the next decade to come… and am musing about doing it again.


Well, personal-ish dump incoming, but the prompt actually got kind of real to me, so here it goes;

Failing constantly to find my place in the world, several failed relationships, becoming estranged from my parents to the point where my father got in a physical altercation with me that disfigured my nose, the one man on earth I looked up to as a pillar of strength more than anyone else, and regressing on and off into suicidal pitfalls were among the many things that I struggled with the past 10 years, but…

This past year alone has made up for it all. I found the love of my life, who makes up for years of abuse and neglect from my family by loving me unconditionally and changing my expectations, finding more confidence in myself, finally moving away from the wrathful hand of my father, learning to drive and overcoming my dread of the road, and becoming a father-like figure to two little girls who have none to speak of. I finally see a horizon that is imbued with a warm light, rather than a cold darkness, and upon that sunlit horizon is my wife to be. Maybe it’s not independent, but I feel there’s nothing wrong with finding strength in the right person, and to be able to truly say that you have is in and of itself a triumph.

I’m finally making good on my last words to my grandfather before he passed.

“I will be alright.”


It’s been one heck of a decade. I’m in my early twenties so I started this decade in, like, middle school. As you can imagine, there’s been a LOT of growth for me since 2010.

Learned I loved to draw with a friend in eighth grade. Never was that great at it but it did set me on my path for creativity.

Made it to max level for the first time in Cataclysm. I’ve been playing since Burning Crusade, hurray for being a kid who doesn’t know how to play games!

Survived the apocalypse in 2012. Literally remember waking up and checking the backyard for meteor craters.

Graduated high school. Planned on serving as a missionary for my religion after that, but only a few days in the training center I realized I really wasn’t prepared to do it and dropped out.

Since then I’ve been in an odd place with said religion. Still believe in it but I’ve been struggling to feel like I fit in.

Went to college, started off studying animation then decided to just go into Entertainment Arts Education (EAE) Computer Science instead. Good call, I like the topics and find organization of data and logic fascinating.

Decided I wanted to get better at drawing on my own, so I looked up guides on Youtube and I’ve been working hard. Starting to see some payoff and it’s made me very happy.

Back to the religion thing, I decided I’d just do my own thing. Attend church still and stuff, but at this point I’m pretty agnostic.

And now for this year, I found some good friends for RP. Literally makes each night I RP the highlights of my evenings and I am having so much fun exploring long-term character development. It’s inspired me to work harder at writing too and I think I’m getting pretty good at writing realistic characters and relationships.

I’ve been having a bit of trouble with my main RP partner not logging on much for the last few months but I figure they’ll be back more once 8.3 drops.

School is still going but it’s meh. I like the topics and think I’m learning but the school I attend has a really competitive computer science major so I have to get a 3.5 average GPA in order to be automatically accepted into the major. I’m applying this winter break, but I do NOT have a 3.5 average GPA so chances are I have to make a little “resume” thing for them to consider. Which I can’t because no CS employers want people who don’t have a degree.

Oh well. I have a good idea for a series of novels at least so maybe once I get off my butt and start writing the whole thing I can see if writing is a career choice I can consider.

The next decade is going to be fun…


Lots of grinding, plenty of beer, and new friends. Overall good, heres to make the next one even better.

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constant stress but god were the memes fire


It’s been wild.

Went back to school, finally took strides in building a career in my state. Had two family members get diagnosed with cancer within a year (both are doing alright, thankfully). Finally moved out of a terrible neighborhood into a quiet, peaceful one. Life is alright.

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moved 4 times, went through middle and high school, lost all of my childhood pets, got new pets, lived in 3 states, started and stopped playing WoW

was pretty interesting, i suppose

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