So how are all the "week 1 clears going?"

Everyone was gonna down SSC AND TK in the first day. But a quick glance seems to indicate it’s not quite as easy as some seemed to think. How’s everyone else progressing?


Well, I just lot another [Mok’Nathal Clan Ring] to a non-tank. So the progress on getting (2) of those rings before 70 is still only half complete.

First time was a boosted Mage.
Second time was a Rogue.

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I think a log of dad guilds will not add raid days and most seem to raid on Tuesday/another day or the weekend.

It’ll be a few weeks


My guild figured out what we were doing wrong on Vashj.

We are going back in on Monday for an overtime raid.

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What were yall doing wrong?

They were bringing Drinknblink to the raid.


GOT EM, lol

Nets are huge on that fight. Other than that it’s mostly just people being aware and not dying to spores. Also probably just murder all your healers at the beginning of phase 3, you’re likely better off without them if they go traitor :stuck_out_tongue:

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We weren’t stacking everybody in the middle we were too spread out for the adds.

We were using nets.

With the massive gear advantage guilds had from 3 months of farming t4 there is no excuse if you can’t beat Vashj’ or Kael. Any raid guild that complains about needing more gear and not being able to handle the mechanics are scrub status and most likely wont ever make it into Hyjal or BT before the attunements are removed.

If you are a normal non sweaty type that has been enjoying the game at a leisurely pace then congrats you are playing the game right.


For P2? Yea a hunter/ranged dps with a healer on the corners with everyone in the middle alternating between burning elites and striders seems to be the play. Yall making it into P3 yet?

I’ve been saying since classic, T5 is the first real set of raids with mechanics you need to learn.

I think clear rates will reflect that.

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Day 1 clears were people actually playing on PTR until the very last day of release, training.

Except Insidious, that went training on a Pirate server they own and got several problems with trash, as their pirate server is not well designed for that plus client differences etc.

We cleared 8/10 on first day, will go for 10/10 Monday.

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We were barely making it in the phase 3 overwhelmed.

Stacking everybody in the middle solves a lot of issues like when the elites spawn they will now just all run to the center to a healer which is literally by everybody now by the tank.

Before the elites was just run anywhere and it was harder for the tanks to pick up.

Our best attempt without the strat was 30%.

But yeah we’re going to have four ranged to cover all spots of the water elementals and then everybody else in the center.

I like you more than most on these forums but I still suspect that while you say that you haven’t actually seen the fights yourself correct?

I cleared all raid content in original tbc. This time around I’m playing casually.


Phase 3 is a really mean SOB. We literally got her to 1% 3!!! times and 5% once and wiped before finally finishing her off. One attempt she sat at 1% for like 20 seconds because the dang healers kept getting MC’d and healing the F out of her. Had a druid literally heal her for over 200k one attempt lol… Traitor…

Fair enough. But for the record this Vashj is MUCH harder than the one you cleared, and is in fact harder than any version anyone cleared in OG TBC.

Press X to doubt


Seriously though… please tell me this is sarcasm.

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I mean it objectively is lol. That’s not even a question. Not only is this pre-nerf which only 1 guild cleared in OG TBC (and its a significant change… The MC’s are just brutal without CC,) we also don’t have world buffs like they did. Making this literally the hardest version of Vashj ever.


Not really.
We’re getting the 2.1.0 version of Lady Vashj and Kael’thas, with the 2.4.3 talents and skills.

That will never be harder than the OG Vashj that Method downed. They were full world buffs, and the fight back then were designed considering the stacking of consumables + world buffs.


This is pre nerf Vashj.

Only like a hand full of guilds killed this version back then.

I doubt your guild was one of them.

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