So how about removing pathfinder from AT LEAST WoD and Legion

But those of us that don’t care consider the idea of We did it so you have to as being childish.


Yes and they get a shiny mount and an achievement for doing so, so they (we) can continue feeling special.


I call BS! You’re just a whiner who doesn’t want to earn anything.

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And the rest of us think it is Childish to whine should be given to you without the work the same way a Child whines for Ice Cream he/she didn’t earn by doing their chores!


they should reduce the requirements for PF, just like they are doing for allieds.
Few are going to run thru WoD at mach 7 leveling and then go BACK to finish a month of pathfinder once they hit 51 and are in current content.
Its stupidity to use PF to gate old content.

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you mean like the Flight masters whistle I didnt work for in legion, that you worked for, lol, because the requirements changed later in the expansion?

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I have all pathfinder achievements and feel the older ones should just be rolled into mastery flying after they get a couple expacs old. People who got Pathfinder while that one was current have the benefit of having been able to get it far earlier.


That’s an odd reply - unless you simply can’t read.

Notice I said “we did it”?
Which implies I already did Pathfinder while it was current, which I did.

I just don’t believe the Pathfinder system is appropriate for new players in older areas. It has helped drive several who I’ve encouraged to play, away from this game, and this game needs new players.

I absolutely HATE being forced to do content. Flying is a requirement for enjoyment… GET RID OF ALL Pathfinder… its a bad idea… In shadowlands, let us play the way we want. GET RID OF ALL PATHFINDER


No I can read but just because you implied you’d done it before doesn’t mean you had.
The game needs new players yes but I sure as hell wouldn’t want a new player in an instance or Raid group who gets the idea they will just be given everything instead of having to work at like Veterans of the game.
Besides what would you do next? Hand them BiS gear each level so they didn’t start whining about having to do Instances?

Agreed, new account because I moved regions, I veplayed the legion and wod story a million times leveling alts at the time, I DONT WANT TO DO IT AGAIN

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Speaking as one who did the grind for those things, if getting rid of wod/legion pathfinder keeps flying and just makes flying available to everyone one as soon as their character starts the content, sure get rid of it.

While we’re at it, I demand that all gladiator titles should be given to me because I want them, but I don’t want to have to work for them.

LOL, resorting to a slippery slope argument?
Stick to actual logic or save your breath.

yeah…sorry…WHEN were those available for max level and gold? I forget.
Not even a good try.
Flight is a mode of travel and NEVER should have been TURNED INTO an achievement in the first place.

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yeah…because your joke there is EXACTLY the same as flight having been for max level and gold and BLIZZARD wanting to REMOVE it from the game, but because of player outrage decided to be petulant about it and turn it into an achievement.

S’ok by me. This game will continue to decline until they stop catering to certain player types and figure out that a FUN game is a game people want to play. Not this joke.

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all the “I did it you so have to suffer too!” people are gonna be so pissed when they remove PF for WoD next expac.

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Discussions like this can only end in arguments because it all depends on how each individual personally feels about doing old content.

I used to love doing old content. I used to be heavily against giving people shortcuts for older things.

Now I’m just so drained and demotivated to do anything outside of what gives me better gear. Now I’m all for letting people get older things quicker.

I think the reality is simple;
It isn’t fun to go do old quests and farm reps in dead zones for old rewards.

I wouldn’t want to go back and earn WoD flying right now if I didn’t have it.
So I’d simply never go get it.
Which would probably make me not want to do WoD raids for tmog.
Cutting off a large portion of potentially repeatable content from me.

Whats best for me, best for everyone, is for more people to log in every week.
Removing pathfinder from Legion and WoD would help that cause.


Such an infantile, fit tossing attitude in the first place.
I started in legion. By the time I did start the Flight master whistle came with the purchase of a Big Mac, lmao.
Did they cry about my not having to work for that because ‘muh grindz’ lol?

I have a number of allieds on this account that the grind was done for.
Ive also got some allieds on my other Bnet /wow accounts that I did the grind for as well.
And now blizzard is removing the rep grinds in SL’s.
Know what Im not doing? Crying about it.
If players can get to the allied races easier now, more power to them. Kudos. Blizzard made the right decision in making it easier to get the the races.
Absolutely does not affect me and my game in any way.
And I aint spoiled enough to sit here tossing fits about someone getting something easier than I did, lol


I totally agree. I may be glad that I’ll be able to fly in WoD if it happens, but I don’t spend a ton of time there anyway so it’s mostly a nonissue.

I was just poking fun, but I could be totally off. When they opened up flying for MoP I never heard any backlash. But technically there was no PF for MoP anyway.

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