So how about removing pathfinder from AT LEAST WoD and Legion

I never hated pathfinder, I actually don’t mind it at all.

My biggest gripe with it is that they take too long to let us fly in each xpac & it should be 1 part instead of 2. They could also lose all the rep requirements and I wouldn’t miss em.

That being said, nobody needs to touch these old zones come Shadowlands so keeping it in doesn’t really hurt anyone. I’m sure Blizz looks at it as more “content” anyways lol.

I’ve gotten pathfinder for every xpac so I couldn’t care less either way if it stays or goes, they could definitely streamline it a bit though.

Personally I wouldnt mind if they got rid of pathfinder for old content, heck i wish there no pathfinder for current content. Old content is old, why not open it up for people to play around in.


Kind of indifferent to it, but I do have to say it’ll be ultra easy to get atleast Legion PF during this reputation boost month.

I recently did it and it wasn’t a biggie, took me about a week with the Nightfallen storyline taking the longest.

I don’t hate it. I loved working on the Pathfinder achievement process. Tons of fun for me.

Every one should have to do it. Why give special treatment to people because they whine about it?

Then you don’t deserve to fly in those expansions, plain and simple.

The experience of doing Pathfinder in the current expansion is very different to grinding through it in a past one while you’re trying to catch up to your friends.


It’s not that I feel others should have to experience it the same way I did, but I did all 3 PFs and I freaking hate the concept and I’m hopeful others being compelled to complete them will add to the opposition. The issue from Blizzard’s perspective is if they made flying free in previous expansions a lot of people wouldn’t be playing current content.

I’m fine with them keeping it, personally. I started in Legion, and late into Legion at that, so I never got Draenor Pathfinder. I wouldn’t expected it just handed to me. In fact, I finally decided that I’m tired of walking each time I have to run an alt through that expansion, so I am going back to earn it. I figure it gives me something to do before Shadowlands, at least.

Basically, if you want to fly just go do what’s required for Pathfinder…

I’ve done them twice each, on 2 different accounts. “It wasn’t that bad” is such a silly argument. Compared to what, snorting salt? It’s tedious, it’s not interesting, and even with the rep gain increase for Legion WQs it still feels like it takes longer than it needs to.

I wish I could prevent anyone else from having to. WoD, at the very least, should lose Pathfinder. If it’s old content and doesn’t matter, turning flight on for everyone in Draenor isn’t a problem, right?

Yes they do. Current content, I’d reluctantly agree. Old content, not a chance. What they don’t deserve is the grind for old Pathfinders. Letting a new player immediately fly in Draenor won’t impact anyone, save those who say “If I had to, so does everyone else!”
I’m also the (actually, not very) proud owner of all the ARs, AND all the AR heritage gear. I’m thrilled the rep requirements are being removed/lowered/whatever for those, too.


It’s really not that hard to get either.

Yeah I never got pathfinder in either of those cus I quit for a while in Wod and didn’t come back until late legion. And I do not wanna grind all those reps :confused:

Imo 2 Active Pathfinders is enough. Current and most recent previous expansion. So with SL yes WoD and Legion should be opened up and the Pathfinder Achievements for those made Legacy.
Create Flight Training for WoD and Legion. Now people who did get them will still be able to use them, and still retain the bonus speed. People who didn’t buy it with gold on each character.


Pathfinder is always irrelevant tho, it comes when it is not longer useful


Who elected you to speak for everyone and where is your proof! Your small group of fellow whiners isn’t everyone!

A lot of us never even noticed we had done it since we were doing the normal questing and it just happened.


It’s ok OP, if you do like four world quest every few days, you’ll get it in one and a half year, that’s how I got my WoD and Legion pathfinder :innocent:.

Get rid of it for WoD and keep it for Legion… Then when SL pathfinder is available get rid of it for Legion. *simple


This is my issue. All I’m missing is WoD. But I’m not about to grind reps, and chests… on meaningless 4+ year old content. I’ll just avoid it like the plague.

Grats on making people not want to see content Blizzard.


Sure and remove the mount that goes with it.

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Oh that’s a bunch of :horse: :poop:. The old content areas including the classic lands are ghost towns. That includes all the dang areas where you can buy flying with gold.

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