So how about removing pathfinder from AT LEAST WoD and Legion

if I wasn’t intending on being lazy I wouldn’t be playing WoW to begin with…


Then MMOs really aren’t for you whatsoever. Hell, even RPGs as a genre aren’t for you if you don’t like “chores”.


Raiding isn’t a chore, PvP ins’t a chore, Mythic Dungeons ins’t a chore, but doing hundreds of quest and rep grinds for old boring content is absolutely a chore…


Well, at least when it comes to leveling soon it will be a non-issue in Shadowlands.

All of those activities are a chore to someone. Just because they aren’t a chore to you doesn’t mean they aren’t magically a chore. If you don’t like to do quests then, again, MMOs/RPGs aren’t for you whatsoever. Pathfinder is fine, easy to get and extremely quick to get considering the amount of complaints from the lazy masses like yourself.


Well WoD’s pathfinder is the worst amongst them all so I dont mind having that removed. Legion’s fine go put some effort into your game.

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stop calling me lazy like that means a damn thing, this is a video game for crying out loud you are ALL lazy for playing a video game period. When I come to WoW I don’t come here to NOT be LAZY.


We hate it but they won’t get rid of it .

Better solution would be let Shadowlands PF part 1 open past Pathfinders and it I had my preference flying in the initial zones.

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Why? 11 posts and you created a gripe thread to gripe about an old topic. Your OP has no meat to it and…look at your name. Looks to me as though you are trolling.

You are going to get backlash.

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If they removed pathfinder for old content how does that affect you, why are you defending it, what difference does it make to you if after several years people get free flying for this old content.

If anything you are the one trolling because you have no reason for defending it.


Oh I hate it and I’ve done every one since it’s inception .

Wouldn’t be so bad if they made each part open flying for the zones they were done in and each part had it’s own Lore Master and Explorer cheevo to show you have done the story and saw all of the zones . I would add max level to original zones in the expac and maybe a couple of rep grinds to honored for the part 2 zones.

I’m not a fan of Pathfinder but at this point a 120 should be able to knock them out pretty easily.

Most of the criteria is met simply by questing and exploring the various zones. The longest bits are probably the Taanan Jungle reps and the 100 WQ’s in Legion and maybe your class order hall campaign.

I’ve been saying that through out BfA

Afaik they are, wait till shadowlands.

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Pathfinder is gist a time sink …

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Same here. They should just go back to letting people purchase flight.

I say keep pathfinder for those cheapskate altoholics and let them suffer for their BoA flight, but let the rest of us have fun the way we want to have fun.


You can literally be lazy in anything you do. You really can’t be this dense. You are complaining about things in a video game that you were too lazy with your time to do when, quite frankly, you weren’t doing anything else in-game to justify NOT spending the minuscule amount of time it would take to get those previous Pathfinders. You aren’t doing Heroic raids, you aren’t doing high level PvP, you aren’t running high level keys. What is your time spent on, exactly, that you are too busy to do Pathfinder but aren’t too busy to return to those old worlds in the first place?

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If Im not doing raids, mythics, pvp, leveling, etc, then Im probably not playing WoW at all, this isn’t the only game I go to when I feel like being lazy, and when I wanna be lazy I don’t go give myself chores in WoW and do mind-numbing content…

now go away you entitled pathfinder completionist troll, I already know you will be defending it till the day you die and you want no one to have flying free for in 9 year old content because you are nefarious and just want people to have to suffer for it…


Did you really just call me entitled when you are whining all over the forums about having to complete achievements in order to get flying? Really? Now that is hilarious. It is also hilarious that you said you don’t give yourself mind numbing content to do in WoW but that’s literally all of the content that you actually do decide to do.


would they need to give all the old entitled players that completed WoD pathfinder when it was relevant a cookie before they get rid of it to make you happy?..