So, Horde's long Q's are OK with Ally

I have yet to see a queue time longer than 21 minutes since Tuesday, I’ve gotten queues as short as 9 minutes. This is not an unreasonable amount of time to wait before entering a BG. If anything it gives me extra time to gather herbs.


yeah and that’s reasonable queue times in my opinion. it’s the only time i’d farm or fish.

If the Alliance want to have 850% faster queue times as part of their “faction identity”…remove the PvE server type from the option list.

You rolled the inferior PvP faction (Alliance all over forums stating this, and is obviously true) and are sheltered by Blizzard from the consequences.

If I’m not deserving of the same sheltering visa vi HvH, then let’s share our consequences together. But right now i’m just reading a collective Felicia with a blue tabard “Fair? No thanks I expect more i’m worth it.”


I haven’t. I like being mediocre.


this is one of my mains, plague… not sure if you thought i was vouching for alliance whining that horde deserve long as[s] queues or something…

Nah, just tired of the incessant whining. We all know HvH is coming. They are just so impatient it is too easy. :sunglasses:

So you’re just causing trouble for no good reason

No, the horde whiners are causing problems. I’m just adding my opinion like everyone else.

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But we talked about this before where you agreed it’s not a faction imbalance and now you’re just telling horde a day later to roll alliance. Either you forgot or you just want blood

Isn’t pvp all about blood?

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When discussing the health of the game and you say something like that… sums up how well you can contribute lol

No, to be honest, I wish the Horde queues were infinitely longer.

Instanced PvP, for the 10% of Azeroth’s subscription population, should have been Sylvanis’ first target.

Burn it all down, you stupid Banshee Bit**.

  1. Roll alliance
  2. Quit the game.

P.s. I hope you quit the game :slightly_smiling_face:

The OP is literally complaining, your thinking is so moronic and so tribal.

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No racials, no talents and equal gear/weapons. Just skill and latency.

Would there be less than the current 10% population participation in instanced PvP, or more?

Would there need to be more development resources spent on that PvP formula, or less?

What does Azeroth’s other 90%, paying the same per subscription, have to say about these niche issues, created by niche players, eating up 90% of limited development time?

Rogues with broken vanish, pet classes with bugged pets, the others with borked situations, what say you?

I’m not sure what you’re talking about but I would sure like to see where you got these numbers at least

Check the server population websites, and drill down into their breakdowns for instanced PvP participation rates.

Instanced PvP participation population rates, versus overall population, versus development resources spent on fixing all issues.

Instanced PvP is akin to the slow kids in class, eating up 90% of the teacher’s time.

We get it, you folks are special, and you need attention; but the rest of us can’t live on Twitter integration updates as content. Our subscription monies deserve equal development time for our fixes, in the name of equity.

Cool downs and situational use. A racial ability isn’t swinging battlegrounds.

I mean equal time would probably require alot more time spent on pvp. Since questing and raiding is the main form of other content and is the majority of the player base most of their development is spent there.