So holy pally is kinda dog right now huh?

So already played a bit as resto druid and disc priest, finally got my holy pally up to 70 and was struggling with games but figured it was cause i was undergeared…but nah, even fully geared now its much worse than other disc and rdruid at least. yikes, its pretty crap, definitely needs a buff. The throughput just isn’t there at all, burst healing not so great either.

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It’s not outside the realm of possibility that the spec isn’t being utilized to its full potential.

hpal instants heal for nearly nothing considering the mana costs, so you’re kinda forced to play with two casters to cruise your healing off of infusions / barrier efficiency

find two semi competent casters and youll cruise to decent rating with your play being little influence on your success

class is in a pretty sad state


Unless a person is a multi-rank 1 player, i’d say no one is playing their spec to its full potential. But are you saying that Hpally is really good then?

Yeah hpal is pretty good for ladder.

Hoj into rep into glare is the most cross cc any healer can do. Glimmer dam reduc+ devo aura makes your teammate really really tanky. Searing glare is probably a top 5 ability in wow pvp.

All the comps hpal is traditionally good with are S+ tier atm as well.

Assa fire rmpal
Assa aff rlp
Destro splay
Sp feral.

These comps are all super free rating.

Have you played fury war?

It’s viable, but yeah, as a holy pally main it is the weakest healer in the game currently in most scenarios (imo).

It has its place in certain comps and is still very strong into comps where your bop can get a lot of value.

hpal is better than disc and mw

checking drustvar, guess you have a point on mw monk. There are still more discs above 2400 in 3v3 than hpal though, so don’t know about that one.

Either way, hpal, despite having good comps, seems to be bad/on the lower tier of the ladder (inb4 someone huffs and puffs to tell me that representation isn’t an accurate reflection as to what is performing well).

Not trying to argue about it, just going by what I see, which is 307 rdruids, 233 prevokers, 206 hpriests, 120 disc, 108 hpal, 77 mw monks at 2400+ 3v3.

If talking 2v2, then hpal is the worst healer by far at any given rating.

If talking rbgs, then hpal is more or less fighting with rsham for being the worst healer at any given rating.

If going by solo shuffle stats, hpal is the worst healer at 1800+, the 2nd worst healer at 2100+, the worst healer at 2400+, oddly middle of the pack at 2700+, and back to fighting for last place at 2800+.

All in all, unless a specific bracket is being argued for, I would still say that hpal is the worst overall healer in the game right now, despite there being some niche comps for it that can work if played at the highest level (but 99+% of the playerbase isn’t playing at this level).

I don’t even care tbh, I haven’t played my hpal since getting elite on it. I’ve decided to work on maining a dps spec. More fun overall, less headache too other than the queue times :slight_smile:

Hpal is definitely behind other healers, but I think it has some real strengths. It DEFINITELY struggles being trained and should have more damage, though.

This is my biggest complaint about hpal right now. I’d reconsider my take on hpal if they made denounce and the talent that buffs denounce baseline.

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theres always more priest healers than hpal no matter how good or bad hpal is. Priest is just the more popular healer class. Popularity != strength

yeah imagine if evokers had to take an honor talent that allowed them to use living flame on enemies lol


Popularity isn’t directly tied to strength and disc is a good example of this; it’s always relatively popular even when it’s one of (if not the worst) healer.

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i mean can the spec work? yea, look at brain and luminiosity in SL/bfa, hpal was considered one of the weaker healers all throughout SL barring s1, and im pretty sure they swept all of sl na titles.

but its still a clunky mess and generally only feels good to play when its overtuned.

basically it feels like hpal is playing 2 expansions behind every other healer, almost every other healer has better mobility, damage, and utility than hpal at this point.

every other healer got some form of modern upgrade of something this xpack where hpal really didnt

Hey Dno, mind sharing your thoughts on disc? Similar to how you talked about hpal here.

Hpal was easily A+ tier in s3

In s2 it was S tier if you played with a fire mage and C tier if u played without one because the synergy with fire mage was just beyond busted . You covered each others weaknesses sooo perfectly.

Not sure about s4 cuz ppl only played shaman and Druid that seas.

I feel like hpal gets ran over by melee

I think it depends on the kind of melee. Like, havoc/ret a little more threatening than, say, Warrior.


ya hpal has always been one of those weird healers where its always worked in those stoopid aggro highly offensive comps like fmp, wwmp, rmpally, wmp, rlp, turbo
while being a more defensive non-damage contributing healer.

hpal/fire mage is a classic combo through the ages, the synergy is really there, hpal need to hard cast? fire mage draws a metric ton of kick aggro. fire mage no stun and limited mobility hpal brings hoj/freedom.

plus like the general defensive rotation between a hpal and fire mage is insane, sac >> block >> bop >> sac >> block >> sac >> bop >> oh hey look first ice block is back… >> sac >> still have bubble and thats not even factoring in any peels your 3rd may bring to stop damages/goes.

or if your fire mage gets any insane alter times or posistions really well and avoids damage,you save a defensive cd, in theory the fire mage is immortal and the defensive rotation infinite

also like a bop’d fire mage is still like one of the scariest things in the game, esp into teams with limited magial stuns/counterspells


pretty broad question

i think disc is good in any comp where holy’s instant CC isn’t needed but you wanna bring a priest, if that’s what ur asking