New Warcraft short story confirms it.
It makes sense. The Quel’dorei returning home makes sense since the Sunwell was restored.
Only the Ren’dorei remains a threat and are banished from there.
I wonder what will happen in “midnight” to reunite the whole Elf kind.
I think that settles the long term debate about “high elf playable race” for the alliance (not that there really was anything to discuss, but the last hope is gone now).
Lor’themar already said that all children of Quel’thalas were welcomed home, he even opened the Sunwell to them. Arator also referred to the Blood Knights as his comrades, stating that he had all he needed in Silvermoon, and that it was his duty to be there. Which tell us that regardless of whether you consider yourself a Quel’dorei or Sin’dorei repatriating home does not require you to convert or take on the Blood elf moniker. So yes, High elves and Blood elves live together peacefully within the city once again.
I bet Auric Sunchaser also lives in Silvermoon and has repatriated.
Hoping the Sunwell is attacked / besieged as the Void tries to attack Azeroth in earnest. Also hoping SMC gets obliterated so they can finally rebuild to modern capital city standards.
I mean this short-story only confirms my original theories. The High elves and Blood elves interesting in delving into the Void will join together (Changes in the Void elf Rift already confirm that something is in the works.) and the light-oriented High elves like Arator return home and fight for Silvermoon and protect the Sunwell.
It doesn’t matter, I mean, Illidan was considered it, yet he never dealt with the Void I don’t think, and the Light part was supposed to come from Xe’ra. In other words, is obviously more allegorical and prophesized than quite literally being someone born out a Void practitioner and a Light wielder.
Plus, the Shadow and Light Dragon on each arm is kinda of a dead giveaway.
It’s highly doubtful, considering how fearful and distrustful the elves were of Alleria when she walked into the city. This confirms that both High elves and Blood elves are distrustful of Void elves, or rather the void in general.
I doubt they’d purposely give us this impression with a short-story only to backpedal later. Although I would love if Alleria and the Void elves were allowed to return home after the threat of the Void is eliminated. (Or maybe only allow Void elves into the city during the day, and make the guards hostile at night lol )