So here's a neat trick to do against twinks!

I think they are suggesting they are accepting the bg pop while hitting the turn off xp from the npc.

Sounds pretty hard to do if possible, dunno though sounds worth a shot.

From what I am reading, they’re using a macro and / or an addon


sounds like you should report them so blizz can find and fix it.


First, you have to prove he’s doing that. Second, I doubt that even works.

IF that’s a known bug.

Doesn’t mean you can abuse the system to your own benefit. That IS an exploit.

Someone actually posted it earlier in a thread, I think it got overlooked >.>

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I don’t turn my exp off
I just /afk before I get to much exp.

He’s not leaving, he’s in the battleground all the way through it.

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Like I said, that goes in the bug reporting section. You can report that character ONCE in game if you SUSPECT him of cheating. But that’s the limit. Any more then that and it’s abuse.

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No but some are floating around.
Looks like the new record for BFA will arise soon enough.

I’ve gotten some 30-40 mark range on my mm at 120, I feel with wg it will be easy to get a huge k/d.

80+ in WSG is possible.

Yeah but corn steals my kbs though.

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Dont listen to him, logical people know hes wrong. Hes just trolling and not very well, throw him a bone and leave the room.

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I feel sorry for anyone who has to sift through these reports.

day 1 of the movement 2.0.


Time to join as a 5 man, and if anyone even considers reporting they will be the ones getting kicked instead.


Haha the fact that these threads exist, must be fueled by something.


Yeah, the chance to ban scumbags out of the game who use exploits to do things they’re not supposed to.

The Movement gains speed.


That’s what you got out of the picture? Someone else did more damage then me? You know Kang I used to think you were better then this but honestly man i’m beginning to have my doubts. Out of that entire screenshot you didn’t see the 39 twink, you didn’t see him not ding off a win, you saw the DPS in the match?

Wow man.

I do not see what your are seeing, sorry.