So have we lost Blizzard?

It’s no longer about creating a world to explore and inhabit. Wow is now solely a vehicle to extend people’s subs until the next patch/expansion.


We haven’t lost Blizzard, on the contrary. Literally, they lost some of us.

“There’s too much mindless farming for no reward in this expansion, they’d better bring back a system that’s nothing but mindless farming for no rewards.”

Seriously, how do people come up with this stuff? /sigh

SL for the most part is fine and has been well received by 80% of the playerbase if not more? Just cause you don’t like it doesn’t mean it is bad. The only place I see anyone complaining is on these forums you know where the 5% minority exists. Just leave honestly, no new MMO is going to be better. Probably best to find a new genre/game, or a new hobby entirely. This applies to numerous people in this community and many other gaming communities.

WoW died after MoP and Blizzard died with it.


Ummm no. All the casuals I know dropped out after 1 month.


Lul wut?
This is a complete circle jerk thread.

The only kind of circle jerk threads are ones complaining about things, not ones praising them. I realize 3 posts mean you might actually be new here, but ya… if you want maximum upvotes, say the game is dying and you’re leaving.

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Uhm well thats cool for you? All the people I know still play daily and none of us have really been complaining about anything. Just cause people you know stop playing doesn’t mean its suddenly bad or dead. I don’t get why people can’t comprehend such a basic concept here. But then talking to the people on these forums is like talking to a wall. If you don’t agree with the complaining you somehow are in the wrong.

Cata was good though. Some bad parts, but I stayed subbed for the entire thing and had a blast.


Strange perspective. Why bump the thread? He’s getting plenty of likes. Go troll elsewhere.

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I sure did. Hit a wall of time gating and decided to play something where I could go at my own pace. Some time left on sub, so tried some Classic…enjoying it. We’ll see if they announce BC at Blizzcon, otherwise I’m out.

It might have been good for you but it was catastrophic for others. My entire guild was wiped out in that expansion due to the changes they made in the raiding format.

Leveling was to linear, the old world content was a mess, and the content that was added wasn’t that interesting.

Cata for me was only eclipsed by WoD. I’d put BfA roughly on the same level as Cata. Different issues but roughly the same outcome ( I played something else ).

That said Shadowlands still has the potential to be good if they make the right adjustments and the story doesn’t go haywire.


the highest content you have done is LFR raid, and your renown is still 11. maybe play the game and you will see whats so bad with it -_-


I don’t know about entertained, but definitely feeling animated

Your name is intriguing

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Best giggle just read the forum to know how PATHETIC IT IS. I haven’t even brought it reading this forum NOT GOING EITHER. Blizzard lover.

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2 months of an expac = worse garbage, hilarious.


What the truth hurts? people are leaving this game left right and centre gl with your empty SL cause I would give maybe another month and number will drop dramatically. Been in denial all you want.

yep, I remember the good old days when nobody use to say wow was dying or that people were leaving

https:// www.gamespot .com/forums/pc-mac-linux-society-1000004/who-here-thinks-burning-crusade-killed-wow-25902237/

This is not the GOOD OLD DAYS, This is the 20th century and the game runs like a WET DISH RAG, more problems then it’s ever had and it’s PATHETIC, stop defending this debacles Ion and stop making new toons to talk it up.