So have we lost Blizzard?

Perhaps I’m just a bit of a dullard (quite likely :)), but I’m liking Shadowlands every bit as much as I’ve enjoyed the previous expansions. I think that if people just enjoyed the content, and didn’t fixate on the loot they got/don’t get they’d have more fun.

However, I admit that. as a non-raider, not having good gear is a lot easier pill to swallow than it is for someone who wants to push the content envelope.

And, of course, being a bit of a dumb bunny doesn’t hurt either. :slight_smile:

story arc is becoming the worst the more they reveal things (I can’t even believe this feels worse than wod)
features are mediocre conduits, soulbinds
anima drought for cosmetics clearly hardcore grinded to keep us playing over and over
most bugged expansion ever.

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be nice to have Hybrid specs back.

The idea that this is worse than BFA is crazy.

The single most enormous threat to stable society. Language only changes when there is an agenda to change it and the change is pushed into public use. Examples: Hyphenated people; PC; the convergence of antonyms into synonyms: “literal” and “figurative” thereby destroying concepts like “metaphor”… etc.

These changes are dangerous and should be made very carefully. The effort to gender-neutralize words like “dude” is part of the greater agenda to promote gender dysphoria and confusion. It’s not a healthy agenda.

Words have meanings and these meanings must not shift like the winds. Once society loses the ability to communicate with words of established meanings, society begins to disintegrate. Case in point… look around you.

No because they are releasing D2 remastered. That’s a real blizzard game and it will be considered timeless. D2 graphics were really really bad, D2 remastered graphics will never get old and the gameplay loop was already perfected.

That’s the last meaningful blizzard product that will ever be released though.

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Were you asleep for the last four years?

Let’s hope they don’t bollux it up like they did with the “renewed” WC3. UGH. D2 could be a disaster if they follow that pattern. D2 could be played as a stand-alone and offline. Bet the revision won’t be either.

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This is so inaccurate and so utterly wrong that I can’t even, lol. Enjoy your weird and angry view of the world and by all means keep spewing ideas so wrong that they make anyone who knows anything valid laugh until it hurts.

Or you could read history, literature, and linguistics.


I thought Legion was pretty darn good.

Yeah hopefully they learned from their mistakes. Hopefully consumers don’t pre-order either. Just wait till it comes out and buy it if the reviews are positive.

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Can’t even what?

I don’t have an angry view of the world at all. After spending years formally studying language and in particular, English, I hate to see it tortured and mutilated.

I recognize the very damaging effect on society of ever-changing definitions. That’s not an “angry” view, it’s a concerned one.

My list looks more like this

WoD (sort of garbage) - Legion (sort of garbage) - BfA (not too bad) - Shadowlands (total garbage).

WoD would have been okay if they had flying within the first month. Legion would have been okay if they didn’t try to force feed dungeon content at every opporunity. Shadowlands is like they picked everything I dislike about the game and made it into an expansion.

Liking a game doesn’t make you or anyone a dullard. We like what we like.

We are all far too critical of what other’s find fun. We each should find what works for us and not put down those who find their fun elsewhere.

People will not be here for long enjoy your world of EMPTY WARCRAFT.

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There are loots. You just dont know how to get them.

There are tons of content. But you hit your wall early. There’s tons of fun stuff on the other side of your wall. How about you learn how to break the wall so you could see the fun stuff that many players are seeing?

Worse Garbage is right

Bfa and shadowlands are near identical. Problems aren’t fixed they are changed and new ones emerge.

so in start of Shadowlands i actually gained hope and trust to blizzard since it seemed they learnt from their mistakes in BFA, they added pvp vendors and the experience was quite enjoyable for me at least, one of the main reasons i bought shadowlands is because of customizations, blizzard did great job at that but problem being? they only did it for few races while others were drooling in jealousy waiting for their turn, blizzard stated they want to continue with customization so me as nightborne main, one of the worst races when it comes to customization had high hopes to get at least some good news from Q&A if they even mentioned the problem that some allied races lack so much features and if they noticed the feedback we gave, then the bad news came of blizzard deciding closing off their doors on customization for shadowlands, everyone was in shock and my trust and hopes in blizzard were crushed

it seems like at the start of the expansion they were on a good path and then after this Q&A they are going backwards and it just made me wonder why

now many of us after this dire news trying to make our voice heard, our requests being ignored for years yet we pay them monthly + for expansions and what not, where is my money goes to?

People did complain that loot didn’t feel significant but there are other way to go about it than just nerfing the drop rate. Blizzard could have made loot last longer than just one season for instance.

Also from what I experienced SL has more system than ever before. There are so many currencies to collect: stygia, soul ash, anima, grateful offerings, sinstones etc. I know the devs can’t please everyone but in the past they somehow managed to find a good balance in things which currently they aren’t hitting at all.

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