So have attunements been removed yet?

My druid alt that has been 70 for 2 weeks and hasn’t done most of the big sha’tar quests only needs 2 N Bot runs for revered. I really don’t get people complaining about this stuff.

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Because Retail is :arrow_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right: that way.

because being against turning the game into retail crusade because some players can’t be bothered to put in the required effort is so toxic.

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As a technical answer to the OP:

  1. Kara attunement is removed (though having key + quest rep and gold is still nice)
  2. Heroics still require revered - I think that changes to honored in either p3 or p4 but I’m too lazy to check which
  3. SSC & TK attunements are still intact.

SSC is pretty easy since H-SP is easy enough to pug, esp. since you only need to clear one boss or just borrow someone’s completed instances, and kara/gruul pugs are routine on most servers I’ve seen.

TK is more of an actual challenge - getting groups for the SMV questline is a pain but doable; and H-SV isn’t bad, but pugging HSlabs, Shat halls, and Arc, is a gamble, and H-Arc in particular is more demanding.

Ironically Mags as the grand finale is easier to pug (both because the content is easier and moreso because it’s much easier to be carried through if undergeared/underskilled). But it’s a long chain for sure.

The only change to the attunement I would be comfortable with is maybe when you have revered with Thrallmar/HH,Cenarion,Shatar,and LC you can access the Trials of the Naaru for TK attune. That would bypass the quest chain that people can’t be bothered to do and make it easier for TK attunements.

I do hope heroic attunements are reduced to honoured in the next phase. Repeating normal dungeons is boring :frowning:

i think 3.0 or so?

It’s fine I don’t read Comments most of the time because the majority of them are painfully stupid

I just happened to spot this one when I clicked on notifications and it pulled me to the middle of the thread

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sounds like OP doesn’t want to play TBC at all

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And it’s fine that “that’s tbc classic” but it’s tedious and boring

Classic was nice. Simple quest for attunement and on your way.

3th. i am truly at a loss for words.

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3.0 surely

Go play SoM then.

Attunements are integral to TBC.

attunements are basically how wow plotline worked before wrath of the event king

Just got TK attuned yesterday

I love the long quests chains that open up different aspects of a game. Its good immersion and its fun.

Save quests till after your honored and then do them. You will only need to run the dungeon a handfull more times to get the rep for heroics. Also there are things you can turn in for rep with 3 of the 4 factions that you need revered rep with.
I enjoy the game so getting alts attuned is fun. IMO.

Hell no. Account bound anything is garbage retail mentality.

Because were playing a recreation of a game where those things dont/didnt exist.

Probably why the game sucks lol.


Tbc is the worst expansion in wow next to bfa and wod. Might actually be worse than wod.

Because this isn’t braindead retail WoW and no amount of your whining and crying will ever make it so.


Yet you continue to pay to play it… Why would you pay, to play a game you think sucks?

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Then don’t play it.