So hardcore will not get Burning Crusade?

Do you hate HC or TBC or both?

Or are you a Blizz employee in disguise?

Please Blizz give TBC Eraservers and TBC HC


Nope, just a player since Closed Beta 2004. TBC is not HC friendly. Hence why Blizzard isn’t doing it.
Maybe go look up the mechanics ect of TBC and then realize how much you really don’t want it. lol

Players: “We want TBC HC”
Blizzard: “You think you do, but you don’t”


you do know how many you MUST die things are in TBC right? and no they can’t just “change” the boss fight for you

Teron Gorefiend and Azgalor: no let them it’ll be funny

I’ve only played since 2006, so I did all of TBC when it was actual content same as you. On the other hand I’ve been playing IronMan - the OG Hardcore challenge - since 2012, many times with a Draenei playy as my chosen character. And I’d say that TCB is not more, nor less, HC-friendly than Vanilla was. Hardcore is way easier than IronMan btw. Blizz changed the Linken-Quest, the same can as easily be done for killer-quests in TBC.
And repeating myself:

So Blizz do please give TBC Hardcore - or at the very least the Soul of Iron buff - and TBC Era servers.

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> Our new Hardcore Anniversary realms will not progress to Burning Crusade Classic. Hardcore has always been focused on the Classic 1-60 journey, made truly viable and approachable thanks to Classic’s original mechanics and difficulty. Burning Crusade brings with it a level of challenge (and randomness) that we feel doesn’t fit Hardcore.

Dual Spec will never happen.

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TBC is inevitable. Blizzqrd will cave eventually. Remember when Blizzard spent years saying flying in azeroth will never be possible? They eventually caved and changed that


Blizzard, add TBC progression to the fresh HC server. Don’t overthink it. HC = 1 death. Add code that if you die you can’t get resurrected. Leave everything else the same. Even if you can come up with “reasons” to not do it, just do it and let us players decide if it works or not. You took the “uncharted territory” approach with SoD, right? How bad can it be in HC TBC?3


Why do they fight against their player base so much?


I was kinda shocked to hear this when i jumped into the new doomhowl hc server. I thought for sure the expansions would also be hc-enabled but couldnt believe it when they stated they would eventually get the expansions but wouldnt be hardcore.

This makes literally no sense to me. I guess we can use the HC mod still (arguably better than official anyway because of the death announcements) but yeah, not a happy customer.


I agree with the VAST MAJORITY of the HC community that we should get TBC this time around. I’ve been playing HC for years, long before Blizz released HC Official. I can’t play normal WOW any longer. It’s painfully boring if I know I can just rez. Give HC players TBC!!!


I am pretty sure in a interview with Ion he was asked about hardcore and TBC.

Hardcore is all about the 1-60 journey and does not translate well to TBC and later expansions so no plans for TBC.

Why do they add sodium into fast food? :blush:

YES, yes yes!


What you really want is the updated classes TBC brought. TBC would be extreme for a hardcore server. Just the transition from 58 - 61 alone would wipeout most players.

No, what I really want is to play a Draenei Pally on a HC server!

Fresh tbc HC servers would be cool but no trasnfers make us do it again the leveling is the content Anway no challenge 60-70 in raid gear from before smh.

See I think this is possible, all they had to do is add 6 areas into the Anniversary Edition making it unique and stand out.

Azuremyst Isle, Bloodmyst Isle and Exodar for Alliance and Eversong Woods, Ghostlands and Silvermoon City for Horde.

The rest of the leveling experience overlaps into original classic.

Then you could be your Draenei Paladin. Nothing else needs to change, same talents as classic and all. Just would of made the Anniversary HC stand out from the others.