So hardcore will not get Burning Crusade?

We’ve seen the announcement that wow classic gets Burning Crusade. Soo many of us on Hardcore have been waiting to get the greatest xpac ever in hardcore.

If you wanna play sc … okay great … here’s ur participation award
there are those of us in the HC Community, which spans across all hc games btw, who get a dynamic from hc that can only be found in a HC version of a game. Now we’re being left out from the best xpac in wow history because we are ‘only hc players’.

Whats goin on blizz ? oh sorry… its Microsoft now. Ig what do i expect after what little has been done with Minecraft after buying it…
No hc bc…unsubbed im out.
Right here in black and blue:


Theres no rrason why we shouldnt get HC TBC, other than they “feel” like its not in the spirit of HC.

Imagine not listening to people ask for TBC then telling people you’re going off how you feel.

What it comes down to is more work for them to do so they wont.


actually ridiculous they are not offering a different experience other than the server is slowly progressive.

Its very lazy…




Disappointed here.

This is the same company that said that WoW wasn’t made for HC, yet turned around and gave us HC because the people had made it themselves, and it was one of the few things that kept the subs rolling.

Have you learned nothing Blizzard? Stop telling us what we want and just give us what we tell you we want, or we will find it elsewhere. One day that will result in a loss of sub, because it will be a different company providing it.


Exactly this! ^
You know the great thing about them failing this hard is all the people that flood the forums and remind them who they work for, and what we really have been saying we wanted.

It’s though and it almost seems the devs have to have their heads under a rock to not see all the hype for a TBC Fresh all over other places on the net like YT, Twitch etc…


I haven’t hit max level on HC but I definitely would’ve liked to have the potential to have TBC be its own goal beyond hitting vanilla cap.

Sucks to have it not be happening.


Bump this post.

I really hope Blizz will change their minds on this one. Hardcore players love challenges and the increased diffculty and randomness will not scare anyone away. Considering they’re doing fresh servers with progression this is the perfect opportunity to keep continuing into TBC.


Yeah. It is so strange. The forums are full with asking for 6 things: Fresh, Classic+, HC PvP, Era TBC, Era Wrath, and HC progressing through BC (and Wrath).
Blizz says ‘We hear you’ and gives us one of these with lame excuses or silence for the rest.


It’s actually crazier still when you look at all the dead servers they instead choose to let sit around instead of merging them, and freeing up the space for these other iterations and making some money.


‘Dead servers’ is a buzzword, I really dislike. I actually play on some of these “dead” servers. With free transfer off, none plays there that does not want to, and intensely would dislike a merge.
But yeah, they could have kept one of each for each of the ‘Classics’ with next to no extra cost for them. I unsubbed for a long time due to no BC or Wrath Era servers and I was not alone in this.

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I can understand that, and I know there are some players that prefer less populated realms over more populated ones. I for instance like Medium Pop realms, so I can farm Herbs/Mining a bit better.

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No TBC for HC! Good call Blizzard!
People ask why?
Look at the TBC difficulty! lol
No one would make it in those Raids…EVER! Wipes left and right…THINK People. :laughing:


Raids are extra, The HC challenge is getting to max level. Hardcore BC servers - Yes please!



Blizzard has spoken.


Sadly, not including TBC for HC just proves that no one at Blizzard plays HardCore. They just don’t understand the HC mentality, it’s that simple.

Remember when they said HC wouldn’t work, because WoW isn’t designed for it?

Give us the challenge Blizzard, and I guarantee we prove you wrong, again!


But they also said that they were open for feedback. If we always just stopped complainig or asking when Blizz said no, we’d hav eno Classis now.

So, dear Blizz give TBC HC servers - or at the very least let in the two Watchers to give us the Soul of Iron buff.


I’d love to see a TBC HC just so we can see how many years it takes for someone to clear SWP.

You’ve already got such great challenges as heroic blood furnace, and, making sure your mage spellsteals on high king. How about brutallus? :slight_smile: Most guilds needed soulstones and ankhs to get through him.

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It’s “You think you do but you don’t.” All over again and it’s kinda ridiculous at this point.

They “feel” that TBC is too “Random”

What about my disconnects, random phasing, and my chance to get hyper spawned on? Regular HC is full of randomness, and that doesn’t stop the HC community from going Agane


Let’s go!


/10 char