So happy Twisting Corridors is still broken

No, especially not since ive had two weeks now where my 200 ilvl item is better than a 223 item from M+ 12 key in great vault.

Just completed it. Took an hour and half in ww spec. Not that difficult. Had 84 powers by the end. Look forward to the following floors.

Day one and people are crying for nerfs. Who could have seen this coming?

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I had a lot of fun on my clear.

Decree crits for 133k that heal for 40% of damage done are hilarious.

I pulled some maw rats into a rare and the 1.2 mill hp rare died in ~10 globals.

Another case of “Working as intended” Ion. I got my one layer done for the quest, my sub runs out next week, I’ve had enough.

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I’m not sure why people are having a hard time understanding, RNG is horrible game design. This is exactly what Torghast is. I’m so sorry people are trolling or either unable to grasp simple things =/


Oh its too hard?

Well then just rpeat the first third of it three times in a row
 because that totally won’t feel like a grind and isnt totally lazy game design


I was able to clear floor 18 (layer 1) when I got home from work. I was expecting it to be quite horrible but the first few floors were quite easy. The powers I got were not the best, but one thing I do is always remember it’s one big boss at the end of it all and try to pick powers for that. When I’m doing the first half of the run I judiciously kill everything, loot everything, free every soul and all of that. Try to get powered up as much as possible.


At least mage tower you don’t waste 3 hours over nonsense. It was pure gear/skill check. You were not depending on RNG to give you good powers and getting a random boss that may or may not be easy for your class/spec/powers.


Every Monopoly game I’ve ever played.


The only thing wrong with TC is some classes having ghost anima power drops.

The tuning is fine, the roguelike mechanics are fine, the rewards are fine.

I love that game - but people won’t play with me :frowning:


I have no intention of playing this content, but I agree with what you said here. That’s what “challenge” should mean in this game, but it seems like it often is the opposite. And it’s not fun this way.


My issue is rescue quest progression is tied to it . They should of just left them all in the regular runs and left Twisting Corridors for people that actually want to do it and not force people to progress story with it.


Torghast is so hard as a warlock

Try it as warrior, you’ll one shot everything that looks at you.

Even as Fury?

Idk only tried as arms. Was 160 ilvl walking into torghast and cleared it up to layer 8 easier than my 195 warlock.

Beta Testers: Hey Blizz and non beta testers it doesn’t work

Blizz: We want the non testers to see it first

Non Testers : We want to see it first

Months later

Non Testers: This doesn’t work why didn’t any one tell us .Hey Blizz did you know this was broken ?

Blizz: No one told us

Beta testers: :man_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :man_facepalming:


Don’t most progression raiders do this on a regular basis?


I’m so glad I didn’t encounter this at all but the Torghast chat channel was blowing up with folks that did. I cant imagine that feels good. Actually
it probably feels a lot like when I used my orb on the vendor early on and he was dead from there on out.

Idk man, I was able to breeze through it without really any difficulty at all. Yea it took me quite a bit longer than I would have liked and I’ll have to weigh that when I consider climber higher layers, but overall I had a blast. Was running around in literal god mode by floor 12. Felt like I was playing with cheat codes lol

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