There’s no way to play the game wrong but if they don’t play your way they are fake fans and junkies. So, just your opinion then.
Oh give me a break, you have Classic Era, you have your static game. No one will force you to play fresh. Your aren’t losing players to fresh, they weren’t plying Era to begin with.
What are you waiting for? You have Static Vanilla Servers (need to be merged) and a fresh start possibly coming. That’s a lot of vanilla.
Nah screw that noise. Those guys make no bones about how they operate and what they’re about. Im not taking the heat for them by simply acknowledging their own words and actions in less than comfy language. They openly admit its self centered joyride to nowhere and back again as fast and often as possible.
Im not trying to stop them nor do I want to but they dont get to elevate their preference as the premiere way to enjoy the game. Gotta draw the line somewhere.
You done ranting now? Era fans should have already been given a couple of servers to migrate too either shortly before or after the TBC patch but Blizz was more worried about boosts and clones. They weren’t a priority, like at all. Now we’re on the fresh train and Era players still dont have their own servers. They’re at the mercy of everyone else and it sucks.
Whose waiting? Im playing. Its still plenty fun. But yeah you said it. There needs to be a merger but I have a better idea. 2-4 servers (1pve 1pve on each coast? or just 1 pve 1 pvp in a neutral time zone) where Era diehards can transfer all their characters for free too. Keep transfers open for a week or so - so everyone who wants in has their chance and then close them off completely from the rest for the life of the server.
As one of that fan base, I personally knew that to be true. Any true fan of the OG who claimed that the base was relatively large would be lying. The issue with classic was the decision to open the door for “non fans” to wander in and flood the population, hopelessly spreading the fans amidst far too many servers. When the tide of non-fans (content locusts) flowed into TBC, it left what few fans who did not leave due to blizzard’s missteps flopping around like dying fish on a vast spread out beach.
Anyone with an ounce of foresight saw what was doomed to happen.
Going back to the beginning, had there been a separate sub, and game focused on the fans of the OG rather than used as an attempt to keep retail accounts from unsubbing, things would have been quite different. Unfortunately classic was used by blizzard as a tourniquet. Then when the populations began to wane due to the locusts leaving once again, blizzard used TBC as yet a second tourniquet, this time doubling down with paid transfers and shop items.
They have repeatedly demonstrated an inability to do things right by the original fans that fought to get classic.
Well, it depends what your concept of ‘the end’ for your toons are I guess. There’s nothing wrong with giving people what they want. I played classic again and had a huge amount of fun. My intention was to stop at BWL and AQ20, though our guild actually managed to do a bit in AQ40 too. But I had no desire to go into Nax in the original game or in this one. Then for TBC, my intention is to play TBC only through only the 5-man content and I’ve had a huge amount of fun parallel-building an entire set of toons. I have no interest in going beyond that.
As players we have to decide when the game is done. There is no such thing as ‘forever’, for a toon or for an account, and I think classic players in particular are fully aware of the limits. There really is no point progressing a single toon through many years of content just for the purpose of leveling up and gearing that one toon. Each expansion represents almost a complete reset anyway. I recycle the toon names I love, but not the toons themselves. Once a toon out-scales the world, I get bored.
Now that both Vanilla and TBC are essentially complete (ignoring the remaining phases that I have no interest in), next up for me would be fresh-start servers. I have an enormous amount of fun building up a new toon from zero, without even giving it any starter gold from another toon, then throwing it away, and then building up another new toon. Trying to optimize various aspects of game play such as how to get that first wand most efficiently, for example. Trying out different weird talent builds… sometimes actually making it work, like a firestone 'lock (which is fun), or a holyadin (which is hard beyond belief).
Having an entire server that starts from scratch would be great fun for me. Optimizing to get that first wand without any short-cuts being available… oh yah! An actual leveling economy! Without that, my classic play is probably done.
Well it doesn’t have to go away. The conundrum entirely has to do with blizz refusing vanilla crowd to have their own safe space to play the game outside of what the crying retailers want.
small server… always crowded. What an odd reflexive flex.
My feelings are pretty neutral on classic at this time. I have no faith that blizzard will do a single healthy thing for it. Besides, there are better ways to get a vanilla fix than the garbage blizzard has provided to date.
And this is what most do that want fresh classic and that is why these new realms will not be popular long term.
Fresh is just interesting for a certain type of player, but that type will just not stick around for years doing the same content. That is why I believe fresh for TBC would have been a good idea, but for Vanilla?
It seems useless if we talk about the future of classic era, as nothing will be different on those realms compared to the ones we have now, except that the playerbase will be even more spread among servers.
The good thing with the current situation is, that many reroll projects are taking place and people can level up to 60 in a group or guild. From there on, they can start doing dungeons or raids, I find that experience much more fun than on classic era release 2 years ago, where everyone was in a hurry, rushing through content by boosting.
I for sure will not play on a fresh realm, as it would be a downgrade for me to the calm and chilled atmosphere I have now. I would say this view applies to most on classic era realms, we just dont want to be in that treadmill anymore of already rushing through content and proving our worth to strangers.
I would even say that for my kind and that is the majority I believe, classic era was never better than it is now. But I also understand your view of things, you treat WOW like D3 seasons and for you, the game is always over after a few weeks, but I doubt Blizzard with make fresh classic realms every month or so.
Well said!
Its the same on retail, so much content is rushed through, nobody seems to enjoy it and a few weeks later people shout for more. That is why I stopped retail on max level, I just dont enjoy this type of playing anymore.
Fresh will be popular for a few weeks and then completely dead, it just doesnt seem worth it.
So my thing is this: The problem is that we can only go back in time and have a nostalgia trip for so long and redo the same content so many times. This is just another lazy attempt to make money off of the community. Blizzard is too lazy and cheap to ever make a WOW 2 so they just are gonna keep pumping out different versions of older expansionsand keep pumping out meh expansions until they get the level cap to 120 again. They have a plan, why do you think they made the level cap 60? To balance something? No, hell no, you’re completely ignorant to how Blizzard works if you think that. They’re doing it so they can release another 6 expansions over the next 15 years, along with the classic stuff, so they don’t have to make WOW 2 until like 2040 or something. Why not just spend some money and actually get a whole new fanbase with WOW 2? I mean come on, eventually the graphics are gonna look so old on WOW, come on, realistically there are under 1 million real daily players now total, cause of all the dual accounters and what not (some people have 4, 5, 6 etc) The game is gonna die and they’re gonna have to suck it up and make Vanilla wow on a new game engine. Why not take Unreal Engine 5 and pop out a new WOW world with the same gameplay, with a few quality of life things (like not having to press to dismount in order to cast a spell, simple, doesnt hurt the game, doesn’t take anything away from vanilla wow, always hated that and its rumored ‘fresh’ has TBC features like that. And having stuff like, mounts and item currencies not have to take up a bank slot such as in retail) and watch just as many people play it as they did when Classic originally dropped? But instead of going to play FF14 and New World, they’ll stay because they’re actually on a current era game that feels amazing to play. And we can be excited for the future cause we’ll get to see everything in a whole new world, not just the same thing we did 15 years ago
I tried to stay in vanilla, and it’s been 1 person on my server, and 10 with connected realms. Let it die, let’s start fresh
No world buffs
No mage boosting (pathing exploit)
No hunter DM tribute (pathing exploit)
Boss debuff cap increased
Ban bots
Remove edgemasters (or put the entire +weapon skill greens/blues/epics back in the game)