So fresh servers will just divide more era population

good job Blizzard. You are just going to divide people more with “fresh” servers.

You’re saying you’re listening to people ? so why don’t you merge all servers instead of killing your game a 3rd time.


Classic era is a meme and should hopefully die 100 percent when fresh is launched


Is meme supposed to be an insult ? Classic era is what people were asking for 15 years.

So what you’re going to play classic “Fresh” for how long ? 1 year until Naxx then you will give up ? why play vanilla at all


Doesn’t matter what I will do buddy. The reality is that fresh is coming. Accept it or cope. Era servers will be 100 percent dead instead of 99.9 percent


Mad cringe bro. Get help.


lol sure like you’re spamming era is dead already yet it’s not

level 30 troll … go get help before me mon

I am more worried it will severely kill off tbc. Things aren’t looking too hot right now for it.


Prior to the launch of classic, a poll existed which gave the choice of vanilla, tbc, or wotlk. Most responded that they preferred vanilla. Once the announcement of free classic access for retail accounts, the poll changed to make tbc more popular. TBC was eventually released, with retail aspects added on. TBC is failing miserably.

Make of that what you will.


Someone suggested that I reroll since I don’t want to pay a Xfer fee. I make characters on the Pagle and Mankrik clusters and this is what I see.
There is nothing on Era for a new player. I’ve logged on several times and no one is leveling. No leveling dungeons are being run. No one is doing the end game dungeons to gear for raids. Recruitment is looking for exceptional/geared players for Naxx.
You may be good with that sub par experience, but for me it’s unacceptable. Fresh isn’t taking me away from Era or even TBC Classic since neither is worth the monthly fee. But it would cause me to resub.
Just my two copper.


i’m on pagle pretty much every day of the week and i always put /who 1-15 and there’s at least 50 allies lvling at that point. then i put /who 16-30 and bam, another 50 ppl within that frame.

you must be playing FFXIV.

ppl joke & troll on classic era because they think that’s what is going to get them whatever they think they want (probably fresh classic era servers), but they don’t realize they’re protesting, fragmenting and stepping on the community they wanted from the beginning.

such a paradox.


No they want to get the people on private servers.

Its almost like classic was a bad idea from the start. It also seems like they put very little thought into what was going to happen with the future of it.

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Mankrik/Pagle cluster was pretty active last time I checked. And both factions. I didn’t continue to play my rerolls there because I found another cluster who just fit me better. You can create an alt and go see other clusters, asking questions in lfg. It takes 2 minutes.

When I look at a cluster like Atiesh, it’s full of people leveling. “Fresh” server won’t add anything to that. Only for unorganized people hoping everyone will gather on “Fresh” server.


Let me give you my perspective and perhaps it will answer your question.

I played TBC super hard. I hit level 70 in 4 days and we killed Prince Melch first week. We had Mag’theridon and Gruul down in the second week. By the third week I had my three relevant dungeon reps exalted, max professions, closing in on my full gear set. By the fourth week I was raid logging Gruul’s / Mag. Unfortunately, that’s only about an hour of raiding every week. I would log in Tuesday at 7:55pm, kill those two bosses, log out by 9:00pm and I wouldn’t log back into WoW until the next Tuesday. “What’s the point?” I thought, and quit. I haven’t played TBC since and have no interest in returning next phase.

I did much the same thing with the original Classic launch. I hit level 60 in under 2 weeks. I was in Molten core 13 days after the servers launched. I was in the realm second Ragnaros kill. I was Ony attuned with Scholo, UBRS and Stratholme keys by week 3. By week 4 I was raid logging… There was no PvP system, I had already bought my epic mount so gold farming wasn’t crucial and I needed nothing from pre-raid dungeons. I was doing MC/Ony on Tuesday nights and logging out until the next week. About 6 weeks into Classic I quit. I did not return for well over a year.

I did the same in BFA and Shadowlands but I won’t go into as much detail. I do the same thing with Diablo III seasons. By 3-4 days into the season I’m full ancient, clearing GR120+, augmenting my gear and pushing the leaderboards. By two weeks into the season I usually quit until the next one. See, I LOVE a fresh start. I love new content. I LOVE the leveling rush and speeding up to the content. I love being one of the first people on a realm to clear the raid tier. And I almost always am. But then I run out of rope around 4- 6 weeks, raid log lazily and then quit. Been doing it for 6+ years now with every new release. This is just the kind of player I am. I think that there are quite a few people like me.

I will play EVERY classic fresh server they release. Every one. I love it. But, no, I don’t expect to hang around longer than two months or so. Then I’ll just play other games and do other things with my life until a new fresh comes out, then back into the fray. It’s how I enjoy playing WoW.


And yet, my TBC server is packed with people every single day

pretty weird that a “failing miserably” game is so populated


Hundreds of thousands recording their logs yet it’s failing miserably KEK


In contrast, the current popular vanilla PS has leveling going on all the way down to the introductory zones, and it is months old.

On Era however, I could not even find a wand for my new priest.

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Oh no, it will divide the whole 20 people playing era…


If you thought people would play the game after they got all their BIS during p6 with no hope of new content ever again, you’re naive. Paying Blizz money to continue playing your character some more was obviously a bad decision.

If there was no TBC and only one vanilla/classic server accessible that’s where everyone who actually wants to play the game would be. The more recent history has shown that after the ‘ooooh ahhhhh’ phase wears off vanilla’s active fan base is relatively small. That fan base is dead last on the list of consideration when it comes to giving people what they want.

People who only get off on churning and burning through fresh servers come off more as dopamine junkies than legit fans of the game but there’s no real right or wrong way to enjoy WoW. The issue is the rest of us have to get dragged around by that mob and their whims just to get a whiff of what we want.

That said there’s plenty of room available to give everyone what they want. Blizz just needs to really tighten things up but that wont happen until they’ve sucked as much money out of it as humanly possible. So its back to the waiting game for vanilla fans which Im sure they are plenty tired of and I think thats Quebs point.