So fire mages are getting a 3% damage buff

As their Disciplinary Command legendary is getting buffed and will then become their best legendary, giving them 3% overall damage buff from their current best performing legendary.

So basically, let’s buff the over performing specs some more and nerf middle of the pack specs like WW and MM hunters via fixes to interactions that have existed since beta. And also nerf their legendaries to be WORSE than live version.

How is this even logical?


Dont forget… Leave underperforming specs largely untouched. Buff Top. Nerf Middle. Forget about the rest.


Might as well delete the specs they don’t care about lol. Give them enough development time to give their favorite specs a good old buff every patch.


Mages have always been the princesses of WoW, not sure why people thought they wouldn’t be coddled.



True but its irksome.

I remember in pre BFA MM hunter was doing good with the 9.0 preload. So good…it was imba as hell in pvp.

The reason was it had the 9.0 buff but…the gear to counter was not in game yet. More damage, the gear to not die to it as easily not in game…yeah that’s an issue.

So…it was nerfed in pre-release.

Then you see mages and where its shining is pvp. And no nerfs come. And we have the gear for the current expac. That will now be 3% worse soon. Sigh…


Windwalker and Marksmen are not middle of the pack specs. They are top performers. But yes I agree with you, typically they are not even strong specs.

I really think they don’t know how to balance fire mage, it’s either straight trash or God tier. And I also think they could care less about classes like survival and demo with a small player base (probably in part to the fact that they are weak but VERY fun specs imo) :black_joker:


Meanwhile ST dh damage is garbage.


Time to give survival some love. I’m not even saying make it ranged again, just make it good.


Ion is a fire mage in disguise.


yes they need it

3% all this whine for 3 % that’s nothing

Now 30% you will have me interested :sunglasses:


Should I level a fire mage then or balance druid

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Meanwhile warlocks manage to exist in the state they are in.


At least…you didn’t get nerfed right? That’s the only thing you get…nerfed or nothing.


Of course mages aren’t going to get nerfed. None of the high performing classes will because they are the darlings of the E-Sports world. And we can’t have the E-Sports players crying that their top classes aren’t top anymore.

I recognize the irony of my statement given my avatar. But I also play many classes and specs that have been kept beat down expak after expak without so much as a second thought. I’ve come to the conclusion that until the top players start playing the under dog specs so they can get some attention, they will never be fixed.


Look, I agree that buffing fire mage is ludicrous, but WW and MM aren’t ‘middle of the pack’. MM is A tier in nearly every type of content, and WW is S tier in every type of content.


Man I can’t wait for the next MDI post patch where it’s yet again the same 3-5 classes and literally nothing else.

Can practically feel myself falling asleep talking about it.


You know, somehow, I feel like they added the rule where you cannot stack classes just because you’re likely to see multiple mage comps…

They don’t want to showcase a clown fiesta like last expac’s MDI where you had 1 Blood Death Knight and 3 Outlaw Rogues skipping half the dungeon, pulling the other half and destroying it.