They say shadowlands has infinite afterlives. Zereth Mortis is the place that creates them.
We were only shown the major realms pertaining to the conflict. There are other places we havent seen. A great many.
They say shadowlands has infinite afterlives. Zereth Mortis is the place that creates them.
We were only shown the major realms pertaining to the conflict. There are other places we havent seen. A great many.
Most Death Knights are Atheists…
Here it is. The copium.
You spelled canon wrong.
If there was an Orc heaven…i’d have draka going to there. she was a true orc.
also…why weren’t they there.
Hey orc heaven. Our maldraxxus has some personnel shortages due to a little civil war. We need some peeps skilled with an axe. Sound like you?
Yes. But what happens if we so no.
The universe will end and be remade.
well okay then…30000 enough?
awww hell yeah.
Shadowlands is a bad dream. Our character will wake up after bonking their head in Legion hopefully.
I think it’s so funny how people are trying to shoehorn orc/tauren heaven into Ardenweald.
Yeah… okay!
What is actually insane, is that the heroes of Azeroth got to the literally engine of creation of the infinites afterlifes that exist, existed and will exist someday.
Hope we don’t tell anyone in Azeroth about this stuff lmao.
I desperately want MoP/WoD PvP vendors to return. I want to get back in to battlegrounds playing with everyone of all skill levels without worrying about ilvl (would love to just spam rando bgs for the 15 conquest per win after first win of the day and grab all the pieces like in MoP/WoD, with no ilvl differences or rating requirements for the conquest pieces. Might take a while to farm out, but it was ALWAYS worth the weeks and months of fun I had until the next patch released and it was rinse and repeat with no disheveled upsetness!)
All the zones have incompetent leaders. Ardenweald was withering and fastly falling to the Drust while the Queen did nothing and even let souls be sacrificed(Ursoc). Why would any Orc/Tauren/Druid want to go to such a place?
Well at least the NEs found out that Elune is actually considered a god upon other worlds.
They were literally talking about a character - who happened to be female - dying being a point of relevance.
Wouldn’t the misogynist viewpoint be that if when she died it wasn’t relevant at all?
Under all our skin we are really just Protos?
My life for Auir!
There’s no apologists. It’s literally in the lore.
The fact that 14 people who also didn’t pay attention to the story agreed with you is pretty sad. It’s literally in the first Arbiter cinematic.
It’s sort of implied that those realms do exist and that there are infinite afterlives and the 4 we visit are just like the “machinery” they’re 4 vital afterlives that are used for very specific purposes.
I agree though, they did a very poor job of showing this and it screwed up a lot of their lore. Moreso than alternate timeline shenanigans did.
i honestly hope this is all we see im sick of the narrative im sick of to many systems im sick of power resets. if 10.0 isnt something after idk 17 yrs or so of playing im done
Are we just making crap up now to be angry about?
Wrong. Sylvanas is just horribly written. I’m sorry you don’t know what good writing is, but what they did to her is not good writing. Your twisted view of it is purely that: all in your head.
Yep. Stop twisting things in weird ways just to troll the forums.
They didn’t do a poor job showing it. They literally showed it right in the beginning. It hasn’t screwed up any lore.
We need a real life Shadowlands expansion.