So Elune is Literally Just a Lifelands Eternal One

Why is it “sorta dumb” for Elune to be part of the Light pantheon instead of the Life one?

In fact, it seemed as if Elune was going to be one of the First Ones, which I think explains how she can interact with the multiple powers.

While Ardenweald is nice, what you said about the art proves that the story team doesn’t have a plan and are making it up as they go while retconning past lore on whims… which is a terrible way to write a story.


This does seem to make sense, and considering the Winter Queen didn’t have contact with Elune, I guess it makes sense if the Primus were a bit outdated on his assessment of Elune in referring to her as the Winter Queen’s counterpart in the realms of life.

I’m generally disappointed with the cinematic. Beautiful music and art, certainly, but it’s rather exhausting to have this Elune thing teased and never given to us as a straight answer.

Titans being specifically tied to arcane was made up a few years ago, as was their massive depowering with the creation of the first ones. The reason the titans were tied to different forces was because the new cosmology wasnt invented yet and everything was more open ended back then.

Can we please stop pretending all of this was planned from the start? We’ve basically been in a new IP since Legion ended.


So if you had an amateur fantasy story, what would you name your pantheon, or deity set, etc?

I’m not sure what the deal there is? Are we bartering the reality of the situation? Things fans say? I’m not sure I understand the bargain being proposed.

Consent and rejection of “power fantasies”. True, I myself am not ready to agree to such a deal.

I sort of wanna point out how goofy the basic concept of this thread is? The Cosmic Pantheons are still basically the highest tier of the Multiverse beyond the First Ones who seem like they are likely all dead and gone.

It is sort of like saying “Artemis is just an Olympian, SMH.”


Druids literally have the ability “Remove Corruption.”

Also, Elune didn’t send Ysera’s soul to the Shadowlands. She was made into a constellation and her soul was taken from there by Kyrian. As for unlocking light’s heart? Probably something to do with her brother An’she.

Gonna be honest here, I don’t like it either. That being said, I think next expansion is looking to be Elune related. All this Winter Queen/Tyrande stuff, and now those new store mounts?

It seems to have been discussed here.

So…Lifeland Eternal One = Titans…

EOs is just another alias of the Titans.

No? Titans are Order. Different from Life.

Order seems to be mighty influential in both life and death.

“For uncounted eons, the Shadowlands was in perfect order…”

Oh and did you not catch just how celestial Tyrande/Elune was in that cutscene? Titans are celestial beings, too.

Every cosmic force can influence one another. To give a few examples:

  1. Void Lords invaded Bastion
  2. Light invaded Revendreth because (see #3)
  3. The dreadlords, originating from the Shadowlands in Revendreth, literally screwed with every single cosmic force
  4. Eonar seeking refuge in Elunaria

This isn’t referring to the realm of order. Using this quote as evidence frankly makes grasping at straws look admirable.

Ardenweald is literally a giant, celestial starry forest. Just because there’s art in Chronicles 1 of the titans as constellations and the existence of constellars doesn’t make Elune a titan considering literally all other forces are associated with the cosmos/stars in some way.

Finally, the Primus capitalizes the word “Life,” implying that Elune is directly associated with the cosmic force of Life as opposed to Order, or any other cosmic force.

Order is also a prerequisite to having any kind of organization. So obviously, there’s going to be some order in pretty much every system.

Hell, thanks to Sargeras, even the forces of DISORDER are ordered.

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I feel like people are seriously overthinking this. All this is is extremely straightforward story content that’s being drip-fed to us.

Bigger questions is : 1 and 2…why didn’t maldraxxus defend either region?

3 - Can Denathrius create demons as all Dreadlord fought last week were categorized as demons?

4 - What cosmic force does Elunaria reside in? Are we still sure that Elune/Eonar are not one of the same person?

The Arbiter was a literal construct of order…deciding who goes where based on usefulness and experience…

The titans are the Parthenon of life / reality. Created a backdoor for chosen entities to be reborn via the Emerald Dream. Ardenweald is connected to the Emerald Dream.

Someone put the cosmic power of Death in chains…and evidence/clues are stacking up that it was Order that did it.

The mushroom guy in Ardenweald says he was there before the Winter Queen arrived and took over.

Being the alpha male would bring order to disorder. Kill those who challenge you but thats hardly a viable long lasting system…Sargeras is now jailed.

How Elune has influence over the Naa’ru who have both a Light and a Void phase seems obvious to me - Elune as a Life Eternal was the one who gave them life to begin with.

Before they were just abstract forces of Light and Void, going through an endless volition cycle. Elune gave them life, consciousness, and thought, which in turn gave them a choice in how and even if they would enter that cycle or instead seek the peace of death.

I admit I’m just assuming the reason for why the Naa’ru were given life, but as they do love and die, the connection to life seems obvious to me.

You simply don’t make them.
Its like trying to give a creator to the Abrahamic god.

So we have god, then we have eternal divine who made god but the eternal divine was made by the Prime Ones.

It just sounds ridiculous. You just made a supreme divine being into a third tier nobody. If you gave me the reins then I would do away with three levels of divinity and just make 1.
One pantheon where everyone is equal but have a rock paper scissor power level.

Who made the jailor and the pantheon? No one did. They just are. Always have been and always will be because they exist in higher dimensions than we do. Its like questioning why reality exists. It just does and will do until it isn’t and then it doesn’t matter anymore.

If you are going to write gods then write them as gods, we aren’t supposed to understand these things because its beyond us. And when you do you just make your own universe smaller.

So to answer your question, Elune is Elune.
She can have a title like “Moon Mother” but her description, goddess, eternal, divine, supreme being whatever its up to the mortals to figure out what she is. Elune doesn’t care, she just does what she does. She is supposed to be a being beyond our comprehension.

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“This is a Super Saiyan. And this, is known as a Super Saiyan that has ascended past a Super Saiyan! Or you can call this Super Saiyan two… And this is to go even further beyond!”

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