The easier solution was to make Anshe the Horde God.
Literally all they had to do.
BUILD THE NARRATIVE instead of tearing down the lore.
This is what I don’t get. We’re told Demons are associated with Chaos, and Dreadlords are demons, but now they’re from the death realm?
That’d require them to do something beneficial for the Horde. They’d rather cut into the Alliance than do that.
Blizzard does plenty to benefit the Horde you just aren’t satisfied with anything they make for you. Remember envy is one of the deadly sins.
Evidently but Christ on a donkey on the way to Jerusalem I just don’t understand why they keep making this choice at the expense of every nonhuman race.
Oh absolutely none of this existed anywhere until recently, it’s blatantly obviously being made up as they go. And as I said, I also think all of this stuff is incredibly stupid.
But it doesn’t change that they still have those powers despite being arcane now, or that the Winter Queen exclusively uses life magic despite being a death god. Just because you’re part of one doesn’t mean you can’t use the others.
Where does it say the Winter Queen uses Life Magic?
All we see her use is Ardenweald Death Magic.
To any saying it’s because her attacks deal Nature Damage let me remind you that Bastion Death Magic and Broker Death Magic deals Arcane and sometimes(in the case of Kyrian) Holy Damage while Maldraxxus, the Maw and Revendreth Death Magic deal Shadow Damage.
Damage type does not decide which Cosmic Force the Spell embodies.
Elune’s Magic is most certainly Life Magic which isn’t limited to Nature Damage either as Blood which is also Life Magic deals Shadow Damage.
I don’t think Blizzard ever had any intention on making any of the Tauren beliefs legitimate. The Earth Mother is the World Soul of Azeroth. But just about everything else about their mythology is confirmed false in canon.
I am not sure if that is better or worse than what Nelves have. What is worse? Discovering your faith is false, or discovering it exists but is cold and inept?
Is there anything wrong with two peoples worshipping the same god with different names and ascribing different descriptions of this said god?
Why does each faction need a “real god” exactly? So we can turn the faction war into a religious war too?
Evidently but that’s the thing. They had no intention to world-build for a few years now, just to whittle down the lore more and more to make their short-term vision legitimate by mishandling decades of build-up.
Zovaal is “legitimized” because Kel’Thuzad, Dreadlords, and more all serve him.
Winter Queen is “legitimized” because Elune is her sister.
This is why Deities are better severed as background characters. The moment you start defining things… Now all of a sudden, someone MUST be correct. When you have two cultures who believe the Sun is a God, but they have different names, different origin stories, different personalities, different domains for that same God to the point that it is contradictory? If the Gods were an Elusive thing, that could work in a setting. But in a defined setting, it doesn’t work. Someone must be wrong and that only serves to break down the world that has already been built up.
THEN WHAT ARE THEY? What is arcane magic when it’s being used by death?! Isn’t arcane the language of order? Why do necromancers cast disease spells! Isn’t that life? Why do half the forces want domination and control? Isnt that order? What is the tangible difference between these forces beyond aesthetics? What does “death” even mean anymore when it seems to revolve around the undead?
This is so needlessly confusing! Nothing means anything anymore, I can’t XD
Damage type is a relic from the original basic world building without a cosmology.
Realistically they should do a once-over and revamp all spells/abilities into:
- Shadow
- Light
- Arcane
- Nature
- Fel/Chaos
- Death
- Physical
- Elemental
You do realize that there is no such thing as Death Damage right?
Furthermore Chaos Damage is supposed to be all Damage Types at once!
There is no Water, Air or Earth Damage in WoW either!
OR…and here me out…
They drop all of this inconsistent, overcomplicated, restrictive BS and make the world make sense again.
Nah cosmology is stable the problem is that it was introduced too late.
Realistically, in an ideal world, these problematic people should’ve been purged when allegations/investigations were first had way back in apparently Wrath/Cata/MoP era, and the cosmology should’ve been established since WoW became popular.
Having 8 schools of damage given current cosmology would be fine, and allow for world building.
You’re just making my point for me that none of this fits the established world.
I appreciate them trying to expand the wow universe, but this new cosmology was an awful way to do it because it clashes with so much of the pre-existing lore.
We can try our best to retroactively fit it all together, but why did they have to do this to begin with? Its all trash.
Counterpart doesn’t mean equal though, so it is still possible she could still be the First One of the Life plane.
The Elements of Air and Earth existed in Lore even before WoW was even released with it’s Damage Types of Frost, Nature, Fire, Holy, Shadow and Physical!
Infact they were first seen in Lord of the Clans which was released before WoW was!