So does the Lore team just Keep forgetting Lothar Existed?

I almost never see mention of him in the lore anymore. Despite the fact that Anduin is named after him, and Turalyon is a major player now.

In fact, Turalyon seems to be much more prominent in events that SHOULD feature Lothar instead. As far as I know he doesn’t have a Hearthstone card, Turalyon is the major NPC assisting Uther in his story in the new Hearthstone campaign, and I was honestly shocked that they resurrected Trollbane as one of the Horsemen instead of Lothar.

In fact, I don’t think I’ve seen a single mention of Lothar by any lore characters since BURNING CRUSADE.

Did the lore team forget he existed? I guarantee all of Shadowlands will pass without a single mention of him or appearance by him.


Lothar has been dead since Warcraft II. He isn’t relevant to literally anything concerning Warcraft 3 and beyond.


Not even an expansion full of dead people? Or multiple arcs in hearthstone dealing with events from Warcraft 1 and 2? Sit down.


He is not relevant. At all. No one cares but you about him

Only purpose he would serve is to stuff the story with yet ANOTHER alliance HUMAN character.As if the story isn’t bloated enough with them


And Draka has been dead since before warcraft I. Yet she’s around. In an expansion all about the dead, why couldn’t we squeze in one of the Alliance’ oldest heroes?


Because I can do without a bunch of humans clogging the story like they always do. We don’t need another one.


Even one with as much importance as Lothar? I mean he got a whole group of heroes named after him, the Brotherhood of Lothar, which in turn consists of some of the Alliance’s best (and in some cases former) heroes. I’d say that merits a story.

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Nah. Less human potential in the story, thanks. Dealing with the current crop in SL is nauseating enough

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He was mentioned in Chronicles. And while the movie itself is abit of a tangent. They made the graphic novel(Bonds of Brotherhood) canonical.

This is a very funny thread. “Hearthstone arcs.”

If we revisited every dead human to give their ghost a moment in the sun we’d do nothing else. Let the man stay dead.


I will never understand this obsession with wanting to have long dead human heroes in the spotlight , as if the story doesn’t already suffer from human bloat.

Like you said, let the man stay dead.

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We’ve got enough focus on boring human characters. This is supposed to be a fantasy setting.


Hey! We agree on something! Woot! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Yeah, they should include more boring elves instead.


The Kaldorei are a lot of things, but boring is defiantly not one of them. They’re actually a pretty cool race once you deep dive into their lore.

Shocking to be sure.

I will never cease crusading against more humans in setting already overly saturated with human potential trash. In a world with Orcs, Dwarves, Elves, Werewolves, Walking Talking Bears, etc, etc there is zero reason humans should have any sort of spotlight. They bring nothing to the table that isn’t perfected by someone else and the fact that Anduin is the center focus for Light Worship when the Draenei exist and Jaina is the center focus for powerful magi when we have 4 different flavors of elf is absolutely disgusting.


Uther and Turalyon have effectively replaced Lothar in the writer’s minds in the lore. The lore team has to focus on important things, like Goth Elves, and Pandering.


God forbid we remember the humble beginnings of the mess that this franchise has become. But point taken, I guess.


Guy’s the closest thing Warcraft had to a main character in the first game, he should at least have a cameo.


No. He can stay where he is. In the background and continue to be irrelevant to the current story.