So does the Lore team just Keep forgetting Lothar Existed?


Because he’s dead.

He showed up in Return to Karazhan as a memory, but past that, I don’t feel the need to wistfully recall people who have died every ten seconds.

You’ll live.


WC1 and 2 didn’t put this franchise on the map. WC3 and Vanilla did that.


Not that I care about human lore too much but you people are downright vitriolic about a legitimate question. Some of you guys need to chill.

Lothar is an important lore figure in an expansion about dead people. I don’t care one way or the other if he makes an appearance or not but you don’t need to go for the throat every time there’s a fan of human lore.


It’s the only way we will make anyone understand Warcraft is more than just Humans and friends

I’m pretty sure it’s also the only way to make sure people avoid this forum. Dude just got dogpiled on for asking a simple lore-related non-trolling question, lol.


He asked a question and a group of people each gave him his answer.

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Anduin and Turalyon are alive.

All that’s left of Lothar is a forgotten monument by Blackrock Mountain.


In all fairness, I dont see why they couldn’t let the guy show up. We had a whole expansion about the orc heroes in their prime. Bringing him as drakas alliance “counterpart” in maldraxxus could’ve been interesting story.

But don’t forget… if you want him in todays story, you’ll have to accept the risk that the writers may butcher his character. Look at all of the “warlords” of draenor, saurfang… Not sure if its worth it tbh.


It’s kinda funny. I see little reason for Lothar to show up as he’s likely provide nothing in a story that’s clearly post WC3 stuff.

But now after this thread I hope he shows up lol


Lothar is fing awesome wtf are you on? This guy single handedly saved the remnants of a defeated Stormwind and was a major player in the second war.


I said he wasn’t relevant. All he is another example of an overpowered Perfect Human. Warcraft is saturated with humans being front and center constantly. It really needs to stop

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He’s as relevant as the writers need him to be. Humans are the major players anyways. Sorry they rock so damn hard. Feel free to have your own gathering in outland or wherever alien planet you’d like though.


It’s a wrong opinion, but you’re entitled to it anyway.

P.S. Humans suck

Disagree to disagree.

We’re gonna end up with a WoD style Human expo if you keep this up lol.

We already have the obligatory Warcarft Alliance returrnee in Uther.

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Feel free to leave Azeroth

Give us a new realm in the Shadowlands which is filled with Horde and Alliance fanatics, soldiers, generals and heroes who duke it out for all eternity. Lothar is the commander for the Alliance, Doomhammer leads the Horde. “The Eternal Battlefield” it’s like Maldraxxus but more gold-blue and red-black.

Yet at the same time Stormwind has barely any lore.


Which is the irony of it all. The humans are so oversaturated within the game, yet we know virtually nothing about life within the city, and organizations associated with the city

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Just to make a short list:

  • The Church of the Holy Light doesn’t have an archbishop since ten years.
  • The knights of Stormwind have absolutely no background and the Brotherhood of the Horse is neither mentioned nor appears anywhere at all. (I’m hoping that they will be part of the Stormwind-heritage questline…but who am I kidding it will be about Anduin.)
  • The House of Nobles just…exists. No idea about how it’s structured, organized or how the nobility actually works in the first place. (Hereditary titles and lands? Some towns are seemingly democractic so…yeah.)
  • No culture at all. In the Arthas-novel a young Varian speaks about how the people of Stormwind start training at a young age (and he completely wipes the floor with Arthas), which hints at a somewhat militaristic culture (would make some sense, considering that Stormwind was effectively cut off from the other kingdoms) but nothing comes out off it.
  • Older lore actually talked about how the Wizard’s Sanctum was after Dalaran one of the most important schools which taught magic…yet Stormwind itself doesn’t have a single named mage. (Jaina is Kul’tiran.)