So do I really have to do the main story quest on one character?

Started an evoker a few days ago and managed to get level 65 halfway through the first zone, doing all of two extra side quest chains.

If I cleared all the sidequests I would already be 70.

Do I really have to do 3+ more zones of forced questing on this one character, even though I will clearly be max level a quarter of the way into it?

This wasn’t as bad in wod or legion or bfa because each zone was self-contained, you could do them in any order, and the achievement for completing the zones were account-wide.

If you haven’t done it yet on any character, yes.

It’s completely optional for alts, though.


So it’s confirmed I have to do it all on one character, just wasting 30+ hours of quest xp on an already maxed character?

I don’t get it. This is your first time through the story and you’re complaining about having to do it?


If it takes you 30+ hours to get through the main story quests, that’s a PEBKAC issue.


I went from 60 to 70 in 10 hours just by doing the campaign.

In terms of character power I don’t really know if even finishing the story on your main is needed.

I can’t think of what you’d be missing that is power related. Power comes from dungeons and raids and crafting orders, none of which need a quest to unlock.

Or from a vendor for PvP gear.

My blood DK alt is tanking 16-17 keys farming aspect crests and has Aotc and he’s never done any DF quests at all.

The story never takes that long in any expansion. Maybe 10 hours of total gameplay.


It is nice to have it unlocked on at least one characters, then alts can just focus on leveling and gearing up. I did it with a demon hunter and it went fast, especially in veng spec where you can never die.

Gotta play the game huh, that’s rough buddy


Bruh if it takes you THAT long to play through it then that is your fault


Are you playing your character naked with no weapons? Or do you just have the Greater Hyperbole enchant?


If you read the op instead of rushing to personally attack me to pretend to elevate yourself: you would notice that I am almost 70 after finishing the first zone. I will have to waste A LOT of xp just to do this all on one character.

For what it’s worth, in my experience (heh) the campaign quests feel like they give much larger rewards than the side quests. So, to me anyway, using the campaign to level actually feels faster than avoiding it.

Up to you, though. At the end of the day, I just like getting the exclamation points off my map.

You could do a dungeon or break it up with p v p battlegrounds. You have options. Your definition of forced is incorrect


Then stop playing that character at 70 because any quest you complete or mob you kill will be “wasted xp”.

What a stupid complaint lol


They must have really increased the xp from the main story quest. When DF launched you couldn’t hit level 70 on the main story alone. But its not really “wasted xp” because you also get rep and gear as you go through the main storyline.

I’m really surprised that you seem to be complaining that the main storyline gives to much xp and you are leveling up too fast.

you have to complete the story on one character, and you will be 70 well before the halfway point.

You have to hit seventy on one character you don’t have to complete diddly in story

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Is it not required for unlocking the free leveling for all other characters?