So disapointed

…and that’s why you’re…agreeing with them and don’t want LFD? You don’t make any sense bud.

3.3.5 wotlk feature not going in 3.3.5 classic wrath. You don’t have a leg to stand on.


But they aren’t going to do that. They want people to pay for transfers and boosts. Which is why LFD is off the table.

I think you’re dead-on about Blizzard’s motivation. It’s got nothing to do with ‘community feedback’.

But I wish you weren’t taking such a hard line against dungeon finder. It seems like you’re taking the unpopular opinion, just to fight it out on several threads…

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I will play with or without LFD. It makes zero difference to me. I am posting the facts and truths about LFD, as well as the real reason why blizzard took it away. Wether you like what I say or not doesn’t make the facts any different

Maybe you do not frequent the classic forums very often. My poster personality is not well understood by most. But I am 100% correct about why blizzard took away LFD

Lol these aren’t facts or truth these are opinions of yours, bad ones.

You are delusional & have to keep repeating that to yourself cause nobody’s agreeing lol.

What other wrath features do you want removed? Let us know a list so we can run it up to blizzard


honestly remove raids. they were really bad for the game and made it so that the playerbase just wanted to “git gud” and “why are you playing frost instead of fire??”. its just such a ToXiC eNvIrOnMeNt!!!

this is sarcasm

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I never asked for the removal of anything. Are you new to this forum?

I am outlining the REAL reason blizzard removed LFD. You may accept it or you may not. It doesn’t change the fact that you are still going to play it, and you will purchase boosts, which is why they removed LFD in the first place

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You must be trolling at this point really.


You are obviously new here. What exactly am I proclaiming that isn’t true? Blizzard did this to monetize WOTLK

That’s not what you’ve been saying until recently.

You were pro removal cause it’s good for the game or some nonsense and now it’s about blizzard making money (which is obvious).

You are a troll and yeah most of us don’t post to this nerd den 24/7 and don’t know you or your brand of retardation


It is good for the game in the long run yes. But wether it is in or not changes nothing. People will play regardless

The AMOUNT of players does change because of this. Especially people who aren’t in tbc currently will be adverse to this change to wrath. They want an easy leveling / alt experience that they enjoyed in wrath 3.3.5. Oh and look at that we are playing wrath 3.3.5.


I am not playing tbc and I will be playing wotlk. Tbc is a bad xpac and my goal going in was to get 70 and log till wotlk. Nobody will be leaving wrath over this. This is really reaching for the stars. Blizzard knows their player base will play and buy their boosts

I have two max lvl TBC classic characters one on a dead Horde server and one on an active Alliance server and finding groups on both is a huge time sink and barrier to play some days. I was looking forward to LFG in Wrath. I do understand the community first idea, just hoped and wished this wasn’t the final answer from Blizz.


“Ever hear of a guild”

You are a troll looking at your other posts. Enjoy the attention you’ve gotten but I’m done engaging. Your opinion on this is objectively wrong.

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Being unable to find groups at this stage in tbc is due to the nature of tbc. As I have said before it is a raid log xpac entirely, once your account is caught up there’s literally nothing to do but log off

I will be surprised if this ends up being the final answer from Blizz. Looking at social media, the negative response to this decision is pretty unanimous and visceral. Would not be the first time Blizz recognized they goofed up and change their mind.


That’s fine, you are totally free to disagree with me

No one has been fighting u on why Blizz took it away. They’re fighting u about why it should be in the game, and that’s something ur apparently intentionally overlooking just so u can be some jagoff purist on the forums who can “never be wrong and the problem is everyone else.”

Elitist gatekeeping bs like this is why purists have a bad rep in the community.

I am never wrong about my predictions with any game in the classic trilogy. If you played them and reviewed my post history you will find that to be true. Don’t really care wether or not you believe my statements. Wether LFD should be in or not doesn’t matter. Blizzard did it to monetize wrath so it’s no contest