So, Did we forgot about the massive Sargeras sword stuck on Sillithus?

Funny is the Azerite plot kinda disappeared after Nazjatar when we began to use Mechagon tech and N’zoth essences. :octopus:


Several years I believe what the one blood elf said when you chat with him on the tower outside of Org.

But ye must heal the woooooon champyun

We didn’t forget, it just served its purpose in the plot already. Like the smoldering crater that used to be Theramore. What do you think should happen? It’s too large to do anything with.

Blizz will probably pull a rehash with Sargeras. Like they did with Ragnaros lol. And the meany titan will want his sword back.

It will be green item level, and called Sargeras fireflash sword of the boar killer :crazy_face:

Please don’t make me go back to ugly-sand-bug Purgatory with the insufferably bad voice acted Dumb Diamond Dwarf.

Modern wow writers are banking on the young bloods. If like my teen son…

they hate expostition

don’t care much for lore so forget the little bit fed in main story, cba to run side quests for even more lore

and brain dump the little they have…about a week later. only anime matters. Like jo jo stances.

Issue for wow is…they don’t have this player base in large numbers. its fan base remember things. We are RPG fans. we do odd things like remember the vaguest crap about an NPC in skryim who never leaves an inn/bar in some part of the map you don’t even have to go there really.

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Its a sundial


Like exactly what would the plan be for the sword?

The powers shut off, so its basically just sitting there now

Plus yall clearly have never been impaled by something cuz you’re not supposed to yank the thing out or else you’re gunna lose a ton of blood, the thing we wanted to stop azerite from azeriting

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You are Banned From the Disney Play House!


The sword itself isn’t something I think is ever going to really be addressed again. It’s there, it’s been depowered, and removing it is both impossible for us, and would probably kill Azeroth if we tried. It’s a landmark, now.

Really, the bigger plothole for me is Azerite itself. That stuff was literally POURING out of the ground during BFA. And to my knowledge, we never actually stopped the bleeding of it from Azeroth. I believe the whole point of the Heart of Azeroth was to absorb as much of the power of Azerite as we could, so it could be returned to Azeroth… but that never happened. We just went to the Shadowlands, where the Heart no longer worked… and then nothing.

I mean, at least with the Legion artifacts, they went through the trouble of showing that their powers were gone, and that they were in possession of the various Class Halls. Presumable, the vast majority of them ended up in a vault in Dalaran, since so many Class Halls were so directly connected to it.

Where is the Heart of Azeroth now? Was it’s power returned to Azeroth? Did the bleeding of Azerite ever stop? When?


Can anyone explain to me how being stabbed in the Silithis causes azerite to bleed out in Kul Tiras and Zandalar specifically?

That would be like someone being stabbed in the shoulder and bleeding out of his knee.


Government workers trying to fix it. They outsourced to a private contractor to expedite the process but covid hit and they lost some people.

Now it’s looking like another 2-3 years assuming we have the same mayor of silithus. The new guy/girl may halt removal half way and say it’s a waste of tax payer money.

Yeah, and you know what? I’m totally a-ok with that.


Missing out, highly recommend it at least once, even if it’s just a small one

Unless you’re american, then don’t do that cuz bankruptcy

i’d not recommend it in general.


i know folks like to talk about the sword… but the question should be.

What the heck we even suppose to do? Mine it?!

Short answer: Yes.


Look, these are the same lightbulbs that made it so the King of Stormwind, Anduin Wrynn, somehow up and disappears despite being besties with a Spy Master, one of the most powerful Mages in Azeroth, and a butler that’s a magical wolf-man with a hound’s sense of smell.

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That’s like honestly my only idea

Be next space adventure xpac and we’ll need some kind of special metal that can handle the speed/tempurature required for space travel

BAM Sargeras sword is magic demon metal, break that thing down for the ships

Swords gone and people are busy raging about the .2% drop rate for the special flag for your space ship