So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

if you really think the Blood Elves were really going to defect really shows your naivety. It was only an option because Alliance would the be the lesser of two evils in the eyes of the Blood Elf hierarchy, due to Garrosh’s opinion of anyone non-orc which in itself was a stupid change so they could villain bat him and justify the seige.

Corpsegrinder told the alliance to go kill themselves if i remember right. Dont undersell it now lol

It’s sad how this phrase can be applied to a lot of things, showing we players have better foresight than the developers sometimes.

The moment they added level scaling? “Great, archaeology is going to suck.”

The moment they add another healing-based boss? “Great, I look forward to them taking half a decade to make this soloable.”

The moment they add a PVP-reliant grind that has to be done in one specific area? “Great, I look forward to the area becoming a ghost town next expansion and having to find a Horde player to trade kills with.”

Ever since soloing old raids for pets and transmog became an officially recognised activity, they should have baked “future-proofing” into the design process.

I still think you’re bad.


If you weren’t then I wouldn’t have gotten to laugh as someone reveled in the glory of how censorship and authoritarianism can prevent discussion of topics, even if the discussion is about the topics being insensitive or inappropriate.

People need to be more vocal about this and stop whining about M+, raiding, and PVP for at least 6 months.

The lore and story and foundations of this game are extremely important. Without them we will not have a game, it literally will end up being an instance queue simulator in the next 4 years.

Doesn’t really matter, they were allowing the Horde to use their lands as a base of operations to launch military strikes against the Kul tiran. They lost all claims to “neutrality” at that point.

Before they went with the level scaling so you could do the zones in any order, it was before Stormheim. Meaning the Alliance was supposed to have that information to begin with, which is why the Alliance fleet was sent in to “investigate”. Now I do tend to agree that they went in looking for a fight but given what was going in, it was a good thing they did.

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For a lot of us, that’s what it is already. Story/lore is so terrible and has been for so long that I just skip everything at this point. If I had my way, they would be selling a max level boost at expansion launch because leveling is 100% pointless now.

It’s sad and should not be that way at least in my eyes. Though I do think at times they need to figure out a better system to replace leveling(but not remove or lessen story/lore), you know try to be innovative or different for once but I have no idea what that could be.

Which Horde? The Sylvanas era? Expected. The Garrosh era? Expected.

It most certainly isn’t today’s modern “council” horde.


Oh I’m sure these idiots will find a way.

I mean Horde could still be honorable. There is such an alignment as Lawful Evil after all.

The issue is that the writers don’t have the slightest idea on how to write a Horde that isn’t Chaotic Evil.

I fail to see how any of this is worse than allowing the Horde (esp. the Forsaken) to continually commit blatantly Evil atrocities, even since Vanilla, and then pretending that they’re actually just misunderstood heroes to appease the people who want to play edgy “heroes” and not true villains. (And of course you can also look at this from the other perspective of forcing Horde players who truly do want to play the honorable orc/etc. to go along with all this.)

And then they turn the Alliance into morons who refuse to actually take decisive action, pretend that the “”“right”“” thing to do is to just ignore the faction that commits warcrimes every Tuesday and trust that surely they’ll be better this time, and make the only people who actually want to do something about it unhinged lunatics who must surely be crazy for thinking such things.

The lore about the factions has been f****d since Vanilla, primarily because they’re trying to appease people who want to play edgy heroes, people who want to play unironic villains, people who want to play true heroes, and so on all within the same faction when the factions themselves are immutable and players never have any real choice.


It really wasn’t… it was stupid only because the most powerful loa they never heard of or knew about meddled. I feel like if the only reason you didn’t effortlessly wipe out a enemy faction was because a god saved them it was a pretty sound plan.

Belves lived there for thousands of years. Why shouldn’t they have been there?

Should never mean targeting civilians. Btw, Horde wasn’t right either when they did that. Why is it right when Alliance do it?


I’m not sure what the problem is.

From what I’ve seen over the years most diehard horde players want the Horde to be an aggressive military dictatorship that just attacks the Alliance at every chance, and all this new info does is confirm that being the case at all these points in the story.


“Are now”?

Did you not bother with an entire section of that expasion?

Did you? In-game still insists the Sunreavers weren’t responsible.

Just Fanlyr.


Yup, horde love to act like they are heroes because they canonically killed a few big baddies.

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