So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

Yup, Alliance love to act like they are heroes because they canonically killed a few big baddies.

We are the heroes. True heroes. We put the rowdy horde down everytime they act up.

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We are the heroes. True heroes. We put the rowdy Alliance down every time they act up.


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As far as I am concerned, it is all 1 big lie.

Short answer: yes

Long answer: It’s all propaganda. Chronicles 4 is from the perspective of the alliance and is thus filled with propaganda and lies.

To be fair, this is the only way that plot line could make sense.

For the sake of argument let us say that it was an Alliance player that did the questline that resulted in Xal’atath being freed. We learn from Crucible of Storms itself that the following two events occur.

  1. The Horde defeat Uu’nat and they find the dagger on the ground. N’zoth allows them to take it and they deliver it to Sylvanas. (
  2. The Alliance defeat Uu’nat and they don’t find the dagger. We inform Anduin that it has gone missing. (

In the trailer for 8.2, we see that Nathanos has the dagger with him and he later goes to deliver the blade to someone. In 8.3 we learn that the person that Nathanos gave the dagger to is Azshara.

With that established, if the alliance did do the questline involving Xal’atath, how would the horde know that the now empty dagger was

  1. Empty
  2. In N’zoths possession

And how would they know where to find it? The Horde clear Crucible of Storms and find the dagger there. We have established that. And even if they went into the raid for another reason, what is that reason? What reason does the Horde have to go to the Shrine of the Storm? For Alliance they would have a reason. Brother Pike and the other sane Tidesages could’ve sensed that N’zoths evil has once again infected the Shrine and we go and investigate.

The horde player being the one who freed Xal’atath makes sense in this context. That provides them the knowledge that the blade is now empty and where it is. They go back there to get the dagger and give it to Sylvanas. In which Sylvanas will later give it to Azshara (via Nathanos) as part of their bargain. The Alliance players then go in and find everything dead, and the dagger has gone missing since we find an echo of it on the ground.

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Two of those were known: the order of Legion zones and the Sunreavers. The cluster that is BfA stuff doesn’t even make sense chronologically if you played through the zones and War Campaign.

Glass houses and all that.

Hell when Blizzard removed the “pick your own adventure” thing for BFA when Shadowlands came out, the order goes

Kul Tiras: Tiragarde Sound (10-60) > Drustvar (20-60) > Stormsong Valley (30-60)
Zandalar: Zuldazar (10-60) > Nazmir (20-60) > Vol’dun (30-60)

Due to the minimum level restrictions on these zones.

But now the chronological for Kul tiras is in reverse. While Zandalar is in a completely different order. Unless Blizzard brings back the “pick your own adventure” gimmick for BFA leveling, you cannot do the chronological order at all until you hit level 30.



Even as a alliance as well as horde I say this.

Theramore was a military targer. It was the only Paladin base on the continent.

It be like a modern army parking all their tanks in 1 parking lot.

that it gets bombed out…should not be a shocker. An entire armoured division, 1 strike wipes it out. Bombs away!

Civilians there signed up for that. I’ve known many freinds who rolled the dice on Iraq and other conflict contracts.

The tradeoff for making 6 figures, tax free in a combat zone was…mortar shells in the compound and IED’s in transit outside the wire don’t care what they blow up. they all came back home thankfully. That was agreed to when they signed up though.

After going to the loo and having a think, part of me thinks Blizzard did this for the following reasons. At least with having Tiragarde sound and Zuldazar has the final zones for Alliance and Horde leveling in BFA respectively.

Tiragarde Sounds main storyline ends with Ashvane being exposed as a traitor. Meaning that this is still fresh in Katharine’s mind. Which leads into the Pride of Kul Tiras questline (the one where we try and find Jaina) nicely. As Katharine is still coming to terms that her bestie could stab her in the back after all this time. Meanwhile the Zuldazar main story ends with Zul’s betrayal and Rezans death. This leads into the Zandalar forever questline, which sees Rastakhan making his bargain with Bwonsamdi, Mythrax destroying the final seal and Zul’s first death.

As for having Kul Tiras and the horde war campaign (up to and including where they break ashvane out of prison) before the Stormwind Stockade assault, I believe Blizzard made that change to give the Alliance more agency. During BFA there was an outcry for the Alliance to be proactive instead of reactive. Myself included. Jaina going to Kul Tiras to try and bring them back into the Alliance is reactive in game. Since this is in response to the Horde partnering up with the Zandalari, whom have a massive fleet. The only nation that could be an ally to the Alliance that has a fleet that could rival the Zandalari’s is Kul Tiras. So instead of that, Blizzard retcons it so Jaina goes back to her homeland on her own accord. Thereby being proactive.

Unfortunately none of the reasons I gave for these retcons is reflected in game. Via actual quest dialogue and the minimum level requirements to access questing in that zone.

Also if Stormsong valley happens before Tiragarde sound, the questline at Anglepoint Wharf feels strange. That side questline was clearly designed to be a little foreshadowing to the Stormsong Valley questline. Where we learn that House Stormsong is in league with the Old Gods. Likewise there is a sidequest at a lumber mill that foreshadows plot points in Drustvar. Mainly the Thornspeakers and the Heartsbane Coven.

Even though BFA originally had the “Choose your own adventure” gimmick that Legion had, it is clear that some zones, mainly via side quests were designed to take place before the other zones. I mean we know that Legion didn’t start off with the whole “Choose your own adventure” gimmick either when it was in development.

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This has been my main for 20 years now, and I do have an alt-main on Horde. Every expansion other than Shadowlands and Dragonflight have I done every quest on both sides. The amount of times I’ve done Alliance quests where the result had me laughing at how evil I am being forced to be is really high. Then again, Horde has done some heinous things as well.

I’ve never seen the Alliance as Good with the Horde as Evil once WoW was made a thing. It was easier to see it that way in the RTS games since IRL we are Human and we are seeing it as Us vs Them (space monsters), but they lost that Black/White thing once it became an MMO.


tbf that grey line was a thing even in the RTS games. Such as Daelins unprovoked attack on the Darkspear Trolls and the Orcs. The former was done simply because they were allies with the Orcs. Guilt by association basically. Given that the Darkspear had nothing to do with the second war. While the latter was done because Daelin refused to let go of the past. Even though his own daughter was trying to argue that the Orcs had atoned for what they did by helping defeat the Legion at Mount Hyjal.

I was doing one of the questlines in Dragonflight and every single NPC seemed to be sides of the same person. Like the writer only knew how to write themselves as a character and not other people.

Well, I guess I’ve to double down on my forum RP of burning trees.

Bel’ameth is looking gorgeous, and I don’t even get flagged while I’m there.

I’ll start with a campfire.

And that’s the another Retcon because Xal’atah was a servant of N’zoth during the black empire.

Aman’thul straight up murdered the biggest one.

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And that is why Dragonflight will be the default leveling as of TWW.

Edit: maybe I should start taking credit in the death of Varian now, since it looks like we retreated on purpose to kill the whole alliance :rofl: :rofl:

When was that established? Xal’atath being a possible Old God has been a thing since Legion. There is a passage in the lore book for Xal’atath that mentions a theory that she is an Old God.

There are many theories concerning the blade’s creation. The more outlandish claim that it is all that remains of a forgotten Old God who was consumed by its kin in the early days of the Black Empire.

Y’shaarj is included in the list of “imprisoned 4”. Since his heart was you know, imprisoned.

I get it, but I’m also one of those people who like Horde = evil, Alliance = good so I don’t really mind.

Although I’m not a retcon fan regardless.