So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

I never said we were “innocent”

Let me know when the horde’s actions get officially white wasked as being justified.

You should include a 5th where Blizzard retconned that Sylvanas planned the wrathgate incident even though when playing the quest it was Varimathras who was the ring leader who actually tried to kill Sylvanas to free himself.

But hey…retconn… :roll_eyes:

and Turalyon’s too, seriously it would be great if they culled the number of Human Heroes hogging the limelight.


The level of incoherence with Sylvanas as a character is honestly kind of amazing.


Please leave Jaina alone :sob:.

So basically Alliance did no wrong and all Horde are evil monsters? Yup think I’m done like thanks Blizzard for completely ruining the Horde fantasy of misunderstood outcasts working together to forge a future for themselves in a World that hates them like there is no undoing this now nail is in the coffin.

Like first they ruin Sylvanas the only character in this whole damn franchise I could relate too and now rather then back peddling on the shattering of the Horde fantasy they’ve doubled down and destroyed what little remained like what the hell.

Gonna cancel my subscription and delete WoW guess then once my Sub runs out cease to be active on the forums completely :dracthyr_cry_animated:

(Also no you may not have my gold don’t ask not gonna log on just to send it to some stranger I don’t care about)

Lmao, just running the raid proves this otherwise.

He’s there alongside Mekkatorque and Jaina, shouting directions.

Basically just Alliance’s counterpart for Nathanos, pretty much.

How are they gonna retcon stuff that’s clearly still in the game?

“During the Battle of Dazar’alor, Genn confronted King Rastakhan in his throne room and tried to convince him to surrender. Rastakhan refused, however, forcing the Alliance to battle him to the death. After the battle, Genn attended a war council with Anduin, Wyrmbane, Shaw, and Jaina to discuss their next move. When Anduin expressed regret over Rastakhan’s death, Genn reassured him that it was an unavoidable casualty of war, and admitted that he respected Rastakhan as a true king for being willing to fight to the very end for the sake of his people.”

Lol but eh, seems something that Sylvanas would do, just give her credit for that one before she disappeared into the Maw.

BfA Horde and post-BfA Horde are two different things.


I’ll take credit for Xal’atath. I think she’ll at least be a better villain than nipple man.


Considering I higly doubt you two will do it I will I guess. :dracthyr_shrug:

Basically a Band member yelled out calling Alliance players Emo Homosexuals intending it as an insult because he’s lame and got no taste not to mention that like Emo Gay men would probably be playing Undead on the horde not the Alliance so.

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Lmao, people still talking about the Corpsegrinder drama from 17 years ago, Blizzard already removed the NPC that was named after him yeeears ago.

I thought that drama is done with, but here we are.

Never change, WoW forums.

Tbh it’s really more of a “she offered us 15 gold and a high five” kind of deal, like the thousands of times both factions have displaced unwanted natives, collected basilisk urethras, etc.

Problem with this logic is that post firing of the serial abuser of Women all these retcons have been super problematic like writing the Horde as evil war mongering savages is super duper racist and offensive considering the cultures that Horde races are based on.

All tea but the Horde fanboys were truly insufferable back then. Now it’s the Alliance fanboys.

My void elf s.priest freed her.

so I guess…former blood elves are still horde? sure…I can be a double agent I guess.

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The BfA stuff makes no sense chronologically. I don’t even have words for it, because it’s a mess.

The Legion zone order was always that order, and still makes Genn off the rails and the one who started it.

And Jaina still went overboard with the Dalaran cluster fudge, even though the Sunreavers were always involved. Because it wasn’t every elf in the city and there was still no justification for locking everyone up and people getting hurt, tossed out, etc.

So the Horde ain’t that bad. And the Alliance ain’t that good.

I liken the Alliance to the Jedi Order: they act all holier than thou, but have some serious flaws they try to cover up and get too big for their britches.


You mean absolutely.

Yes, no matter how hard Horde fanboys cry otherwise, no retcon was needed here. And the purge wasn’t a step too far. They shouldn’t have been in Dalaran to begin with.

When you fight hard to remain neutral (which Jaina did, as she was a long time Horde sympathizer - again, contrary to the whole “WARMONGERING JAINA” straw man Horde players push) only for your own people to betray that neutrality, they should be ejected.

And no, I haven’t read the entire topic, because the post I quoted along with my response here are enough as far as the topic of Dalaran is concerned. Nothing in between to the contrary is needed.

Edit: Alas, the quoting system in this site sucks.


OP-none of that wasnt already known , if you didnt know it you really wernt paying much attention to things in and out of the game

The ones that were guilty managed to flee Dalaran anyway, those that stayed stayed because they cared about Dalaran. Even Varyan said to Jaina that it was a step too far. Jaina actions only furthered the conflict between the Horde and Alliance and caused the Sunreavers to take arms on the isle of Thunder when discussions were going on for them to join back the Alliance. It will always be a stain against the Alliance for the blood elves.

  1. Aethas knew exactly what happened, and stayed silent when questioned about it. He even “shifted uncomfortably” when it was brought up that he and the sunreavers were responsible for the Dalaran incident and the theft of the bell from an alliance capital.
  2. Another episode of “Why the heck is Genn even here?”. He was after Sylvanas and to give pep talks to Anduin. If he was present it was mostly due to "we need more alliance rep but we cant think of anyone so lets slap Genn there.
  3. Regardless of how it was made free form from a player perspective, there has to be a canon order to events. I knew this would be an issue the second they allowed it, and players being mopes they are will just take head canon order as the actual order, leading to confusion and anger when it proves false.
  4. I have no stake in this plot point either way, Xal will end up yet another placeholder throwaway villain like Queen Azshara. A cool fight but wont amount to much in the grand scheme. Which means the Hordes “guilt” will be minimal and moot in the end anyways.