So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

Because it was the Alliance who got it and not Dalaran, this is why they(the Alliance) get to decide what to do with it. And considering the Alliance did not trust the Horde having it in a city filled with Horde would be unacceptable.

Also, the Alliance specifically FORBADE any use of Sha based weapons in a meeting with Jaina present(Tyrande being one of its greatest detractors) so Jaina had ever reason to trust the Alliance wouldnt be using the bell.


Didn’t state you did. Just stated how you phrased it is softening the blow.

Others are stating or using “half.” Which, the word alone used as a reaction, can often times make one feel that it is a much larger number instead of what it really taking place. Providing what you did. “two out of four.” Which is still half, but doesn’t sound ultimately as scary as just claiming “half.”

Two out of half are not retcons, while the other two are. An then I went on my own journey of mental head canon about goblins lol.

Nah, that was a retcon from Danuser in 2019.
Before that, it was the Warcraft Bible, which was not written by an in-game character.
At least that is what the original writers stated.

Yet, I’ve heard that Chronicles 4 emphasises again that it’s only the Titan PoV. Does anyone know the passage?

I think the footnote that Val’sharah was last is new, and the idea that Suramar was after the full conclusion of the Odyn/Helya spat is definitely new. IIRC the old idea was that we just did the zones clockwise starting with Azsuna.

That said, I kinda don’t like the idea that Suramar was just a single chain of events from “Receiving Thalyssra’s transmission” to “Defeating Elisande and Gul’dan.” It makes it feel less like it’s repeating the WoD “Oh no! Anyway, *casually steamrolls the entire war machine without any breaks*”

I thought so, so what are ppl complaning about in regards to this?

Pointing out that the Sunreavers share a good chunk of the blame for what happened hurts the “Alliance bad” narrative some people on the forums push.

People don’t like that.

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No no. This is just the Titan’s perspective. The actual real lore is anything you want it to be.

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When the official game lore doesn’t match book lore due to retcon after retcon after retcon…yeah the game lore is 0/10 heaps of garbage.

And this is coming from an alliance loyalist/main who rarely touches horde. I liked how things played out. Undoing them is just horrible writing.

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It’s ok, they’re just setting up the Alliance to be bad when all of a sudden the Light is evil.

More like the current in-standing king becomes obsessed with the light, but it wont lead to a faction war. They arent doing more due to how tired players are of it after BFA.

You gotta kick them while they’re down so they stay down. Mogu failed by not kicking the pandaren enough.

Hasnt the light been evil since the scarlet crusade kept using it and killing whoever they wanted?


Nah. I was just giving information. Because Wowhead is half wrong. And that irritates me.

The BfA nonsense mostly.


I think Tyrande is retiring. That at least seems to be what they were getting at by having her and Malfurion pass the reigns off to Shandris.

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Its still bad what the alliance did, do you need a break down?

I learned in history class long ago why it was bad. XD

Oh the Alliance’s list of things they’ve done that are bad isn’t exactly a short one.

but the way faction discourse works on the forums with a lot of posters is they want to act like “their side” has absolutely no fault in anything and this confirms that some of the blame lay with the Sunreavers, even though it doesn’t justify what Jaina did.


I think the better term for chronicles would be “Gaslighting” at this point.


That should have happened in BFA.

Horde is always tossed under the bus while Blizzard favors Alliance, because people complain. The TWW expansion purchase mount is a griffon that spells it there.


Microsoft - “They will come for us now, ALL of them”


The Alliance can do no wrong whatsoever. The Horde are the monstrous evil faction. Just the way of it. Also Hi I’m back.

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I mean, you guys did most of the genocidal massacring of almost every Alliance race.

But nah, Horde’s totally innocent.