So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

Thrall was not accused of war crimes the way Jaina “was”.

Everything the writers are doing at this point in in support of the titan story conclusion. The need Jaina scrubbed for the big sacrifice.

Can we keep Jaina and sac Tyrande instead?




As far as I am concerned, an apology is owed to the players that lived through events in game only to be told it didn’t happen, its offensive.


Jaina is the worst mary sue of wow. She’ll probably be there until the heat death of the universe, unfortunately.


100% this.

The are retconning for a reason. They are setting up the titan trilogy. The only reason Jaina needs to be scrubbed is to make her ultimate sacrifice for more . But the good news. thrall will die too!

We can only hope. Maybe they’ll take Tyrande with them. She is written so flat she’d need daily haldol to find any character depth.

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Yeah, but Tyrande is just so insufferable. I can tolerate Jaina in small doses… being around Tyrande is damn near physically painful.


Alliance is awesome and are leaders are great. No notes on Chronicles 4.


Yeah, they continue to be too afraid to let the Alliance have done anything wrong.

How anyone continues to defend the writers for this garbage is beyond me.


There is no Alliance bias, and there is no war in Ba Sing Se.


The article that the OP is talking about


There was indeed no war in Ba Sing Se, Boomy was just messing with the Fire Nation over tea in his metal coffin.

I still just find that plot twist that Boomy could’ve at any point escaped and wiped the floor with the invaders hilarious, only match by Iroh being hilariously deceptive about being a one man army+.

The white Lotus: “We’ll give em till the solstice when their power is tenfold to make it even.”

Aang: “Wait any one of you could’ve literally ended this war sooner and just didn’t?!?”

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Two out of four aren’t retcons at all.


People really have to stop using “retcon” incorrectly, and as a bogeyman. Retcons are not inherently bad. Sometimes you want retcons.

Mystery stories rely on retcons, much of the time.


/hands you a white lotus tile.


Lol, nice way of softening the blow. Despite the other two of the four are still retcons.
Meh, I play goblins. Goblins are loyal to their Cartel, or until someone offers to drop multiple coffers full of gold at them to join.

Only a matter of time that I’m not a Red Goblin but a Blue Goblin chasing after those coffers being dumped.

Used to be…
For the Horde
For the Alliance
For Azeroth

But I have always been


I really dont see how this sets hordes actions to be evil, etc. Also isnt the bell information old?

… okay? Where did I say it was good or bad? I’m just saying that the Sunreavers stuff and the Legion stuff aren’t new. Wowhead failed to research or have a clue what they’re talking about with that stuff.

The BfA stuff is just atrocious.

The bell info and the Legion zone order has always been known.