So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

I keep telling you people, the modern devs believe everything WoW pre-Alex’s firing is problematic, sexist, racist, offensive, misogynist, triggering, toxic, fascist, etc. etc. etc.

They will erase and/or retcon everything they possibly can for their new virtual safe space. Enjoy.


It’s not uncommon in anything that’s gone on long enough.
It’s just history.

“And history, right or wrong, is written by the victors.”-Winston Churchill.

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Modern audiences.


The only person who brought up this issue for discussion today is Tovi. He clearly wishes to discuss the issue or to invite others to discuss it. /shrug

looks like you stared it first with this post

“It says here in this history book that luckily, the good guys have won every single time. What are the odds?” -Norm MacDonald


Replying to someone saying something stupid and clearly wrong isn’t “starting it” lol. “Starting it” is posting the obviously inflammatory comment to begin with.

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The Alliance is the main character of this game, so they can’t be anything but perfectly good.

From a Horde perspective, this means the Horde will always be just a villain or a sidekick for the Alliance and nothing more.

But I can see how this is also bad for Alliance players as it makes their faction unidimensional and boring.

It’s a lose-lose situation.


Like I’ve been saying all along! Aethas is an absolute weasel and Jaina should have killed him first! The blood elves don’t need him. They’ve got Rommath. The superior spellcaster.

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like you did all tovi said was to hurt alliance feelings and you posted what i posted so you did start this whole thing.

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and yet you won’t shut up about whatever this is supposed to be about.

just say whatever it is, or move on. quit tiptoeing around whatever it is already.


Yeah man. No ones taking your bait and everyone’s laughing at you. Take the L man


Tovi wanted to discuss this one of many homophobic incidents in blizzard’s past. He obviously has strong feelings about it.

I simply replied to him. And I don’t care who started it lol. I clearly finished it. Cause Tovi is Roger dodger on the topic now.


no tovi finished it tovi did right thing by not playing your game


Don’t remind me how the greatest troll Empire fell because of incompetence (and bad writing) xd


On topic: the writing at blizzard has been terrible for a long time but not because of the incompetence of the writers but because the story was untenable.

Imagine having to write one cohesive storyline with 2 protagonists. Almost impossible

It seems like blizzard is really leaning in the absolution of the factions. After the Tww trilogy we probably won’t even have factions anymore.

Factions don’t serve the wow community anymore really. They are being dissolved.

The obviously heavy handed edits are most likely to put Jaina in a position of a major saviour (along with thrall). Once the titan trilogy concludes.


If that were true, wouldn’t they have retconned Thrall to be more heroic? His most notable part in the book was his role in Legion being summarized as “Doomhammer gone, screw y’all, I’m going home. Saurfang, watch Sylvanas, she stimky >:(”


Sounds like they just retconned a bunch more things giving the average player more reason to never care about anything story related.

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No, the writers just got lazy and went with “good vs evil” which is easier to write. Then Blizzard tried to push the continuation of this stupid faction war. Instead I would have gone for a tense peace for both sides with with plotting, murder, and framing incidents on both side. Inside the factions I would have the difference races be more wary of the undead for Horde and for the Alliance Night Elves would still hold a grudge for the other members of the Alliance not helping.

On top of this tense time you have your big bad pulling those tensions even tighter. So now that most of the faction leaders eyes are on the big bad you have smaller battles between factions happening for players that like PvP. With this you can bring in new characters that are built up with reasons for grudges or wanting peace. Story telling like this takes time and effort but not almost impossible. It is just easier to give what we have been getting.

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