So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

Fixed that for you.


Well, that user sure is being a coward, they want others to do something they won’t do. Such a coward ROFL.

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Hey. I bathe.


Hueh hueh hueh, people legit still angry about this just tickles me.

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Once a year counts ! :rofl: or in the blood of the enemy :stuck_out_tongue:

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Actually, originally Azsuna WAS before Stormheim… gameplay wise it’s like any other recent continent where zones are optional. As for the Divine Bell, Aethas and the Sunreavers were always responsible… that’s what leadership is… responsibility.

Regardless Jaina was never 100% justified in the entire purge, she does hold responsibility for Vereesa’s actions even if she herself only imprisoned Sunreavers with exception of Aethas’ guards. Because canonically if the Dalaran Purge were working as it’s supposed to she only kills said guards. Both parties are equally wrong in the Purge of Dalaran.

But the SUNREAVERS coulda prevented it entirely if not for Lor’themar, Rommath, and Aethas’ collective stupidity enabling it in the first place.

To clarify, it was always known that Zandalar would fall, Rastakhan was said to have ignored the Blood Troll and Zan’chuli threats for far too long. Whether it was from withing or without, something in Zandalar was gonna destroy the Zandalari empire.


Thunderbluff and Undercity beg to differ.

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Funny thing is, I was being flippant.

I was referencing another poster that brought it up a few days ago. That’s when I said “people are still mad about this?”

But then someone I’ve ignored probably half a dozen times made it into something it’s not.

Maybe that person WAS the other poster :open_mouth:


I lowkey always did Stormheim first, but… I love Stormheim <_<

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Oh, well it is still funny to me.

People hold on to things way longer than they should.

Some folks are still angry on WRA because some mean orcs did a mean in roleplay 10/11 years ago.


I prefer to call it dumpstory myself.

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I know this is going to come across as mean spirited, and I don’t mean it that way, but if this is truly what you are feeling of wow and the story writing, why do you stay? Why do any of you who complain 24/7 about the writing stay? Why do you not vote with your dollars and unsub and leave?

I actually agree that all sides should be morally grey and that it takes a lot from the characters to retcon previous morally grey choices … But seriously for all of who who poop in the writing day and night, why are you still here?

It really must be a horrible life to force yourself to play and engage with something you loathe so very very much I think finding other games that you don’t loathe as much as wow might behoove so many. It might just make some os us nicer, less cranky people.


A.k.a., “Hue-hue-hue-history”.


Because the story is only a small part of the game and I find the rest of it pretty fun.


I dunno.

The person that said it only has 90 achievement points so they have every thing turned off.

I’ll answer this when you answer this:

Have you ever actually met anyone that only plays for the story?

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Thank you. That I can understand.

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Lol. The forum sleuths trying to figure out my main lol. I barely post here and I don’t have a second account.

The alliance doesn’t care about that blizzcon video. Nobody ever talks about it.

The only people who mention it are are the people still upset about it (example Tovi)

From what I remember The queer community was very understandably upset. But the president of blizzard apologized (not to the alliance btw. Here’s a copy pasta of his apology

It was shortsighted and insensitive to use the video at all, even in censored form. The language used in the original version, including the slurs and use of sexual orientation as an insult, is not acceptable,


Despite that, Jaina did still permit the Silver Covenant to run rampant through the city to assault, harass and prosecute any and all Sunreaver and Blood Elves regardless of any involvement on the matter, which is still a bit pretty grey personally. Even more so when the Sunreavers and Blood Elves aren’t allowed to leave due the Silver Covenant trapping their Dragonhawks.

It’s a small more detail, but the fleet we’re traveling with was actually meant to supposedly assist the Horde player with locating the Aegis, while Sylvanas moved to another Forsaken camp to acquire Eyir. Genn is justified in his vendetta, him and Roger’s though just chose a very, very poor time and chose to waste an entire airship and an elite fighting force because they both felt their personal need for vengeance came before the rest of Azeroth.


This is not uncommon in the fandom with pretty much anything.