So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

why don’t you say it? I want to know what it is, and you won’t stop talking about it.

:smiley: what if i told you i am REALLY REALLY dumb.


This is correct.


Nah, anyone that wants to play soccer with Jaina’s head can’t be.

I’m sorry, but everyone paying attention to the lore as these things were happening knew that the Horde were suffering from big leadership problems. The Fourth War was ENTIRELY a Horde aggression.

None of these things were retcons, and a great deal of the points you mentioned were at least heavily hinted at, if not outright confirmed or part of the patch release order.

Sylvanas was known to be in the pocket of a death god in Legion. The Sunreavers transported a WMD that leveled a city. The entire War of Thorns and Fourth War was executed by Sylvanas in a way to maximize civilian and military casualties, across both factions, to pad the Maw with lives to empower the Jailer.


She deserves it :rofl:

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You brought it up in a public forum and it’s other people’s fault cause they mentioned the point first and now you don’t want to discuss it further? /scratches head


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Which was already obvious in MoP since the portal led to Dalaran.

Which was already obvious in BfA since the Zandalari troops were helping the Horde forces invade Kul Tiras in the faction assaults BEFORE the Battle of Dazar’alor.

Which was always the case since you give the water-logged pages detailing Sylvanas’ plan to Greymane at the end of the Azsuna questline.

Which was always the case since Nathanos had the blade in 8.2 so clearly it was the Horde that got it.

None of these are “retcons”, they are unnecessary confirmations of things that were already obvious in the game itself.


Jog my memory with a name and I can do the rest.

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Do you live know a farm? because all the clucking from the chicken is interfering with your comments :smiley:

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I just can’t understand why people mention stuff on a public forum that they clearly don’t want to discuss.

I’m really really good at not posting stuff I don’t want to discuss.


So which character of yours do I have on ignore?

When someone “knows me” and has 17 posts, I’m not oblivious to what you’re doing.

You mentioned bravery so be brave and answer.

Anyways, there’s not much to say about the band incident except what I said. They said something mean, I can’t repeat it because it’s been a rule on the forums since 2004 not to use swear words, and it hurt some Alliance player’s feelings so much that they still bring it up over a decade later.

And I didn’t blame anyone for anything so I don’t know what you’re going on about there.

It’s from a Blizzcon about 10 to 15 years ago. I apologize I don’t remember the exact year.

The band name is Cannibal Corpse. One or both of those words might be spelled with a “K”.


You’re good, name got me there. Appreciate that thank you.

I remember this event now. Not happily but I remember.


And he’s still posting about the topic he doesn’t want to discuss lol. And btw: it’s totally off topic. That incident has nothing to do with Horde /Alliance lore.


M’am, I’m responding to your posts but don’t worry, that will stop now when I put another one of your characters on ignore.


But it’s not all unreliable. Two out of four of the things Wowhead listed have never changed.

And as far as the “Titan aligned PoV,” that’s only how they view the cosmic chart, not all lore in WoW.

I checked out their profile and I don’t recognize any of their character names.

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Lol. Another forum warrior takes the L

If you can’t take the heat don’t post stupid stuff in GD


Let me see if I understand your ‘logic’.

One can not be capable of referring to, or discussing the ramifications of, a deplorable incident unless they go into full detail about said incident…and thusly, open themselves up to disciplinary action…because otherwise, they’re being cowardly.

Does that about cover it?


Might be a second Battle net account.


You’re a mess lol