So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

Why would I be mad? The Alliance WON!!!

You just go ahead and tell yourself whatever you need to.


You mean the truth on how the Alliance won the war and put you guys in camps? I sure will. :grin:

Not justifies it but explains that he did it to survive and because Blackhand threatened his tribe.

You didn’t read the full entry. After the second war he went back to Draenor. After that is when he came back with Grom. It wasn’t because of the defeat. I quoted it now three times.

It was because Grom still wanted to conquer. Rexxar wanted a peaceful life.

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I mean… you’re not though.

Like amongst other things there isn’t any evidence to suggest that Rexxar himself got beat so much as he wandered off into the wilds to be apart from other people.

There is however, evidence to suggest that when he came back He (along with his gigachad buddies Chen Stormstout and Rohkan) proceded to beat the Kul tirans like a rented mule.


Sooo, to save HIS people, he went and killed OTHER people.

Got it.

Uh-huh. Very convenient he got a change of heart AFTER the Alliance whupped dat @$$.

Sh’yeah, because before then, the Horde came to Azeroth peacefully to form an alliance and asked to share the world, right? They weren’t in the process already to CONQUER Azeroth, right? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Oh, wait…

Right like I said doesn’t justify it but explains that it wasn’t because he was bloodthirsty nor gleefully killed.

Grow up.

Not claiming that at all.

What I am saying is that Rexxar was not gleefully killing people, would not go to war unless pushed to do it. And left because all the old Horde wanted to do was conquer.

But you aren’t approaching this discussion on any sort of sincere level.


But it’s interesting that he got tired of the fighting AFTER the Horde’s loss to the Alliance.

Interesting. When did this take place?

And here’s the KEY phrase, which as far as I’m concerned makes him a murderer and enemy of the state. Turalyon should have justifiably tracked his butt down and put him in the camps as well.

Right back at’cha.

So your argument about Grom wanting to conquer Azeroth is meaningless since that was the Horde’s plan to begin with and Rexxar was part of that conquering, INVADING force.

Already conceded that. Next…

He STILL did it and all you’re doing is defending an INVADING murderer.

Strictly speaking, neither of these are true.

The orcs were intended to be disposable meat by the legion, first for getting rid of the draenei and then to assault Azeroth. As hard as it might be for you to believe or accept, the Orcs are actually victims in the storyline and it’s only around the events of WC3 that they’re able to actually make real decisions in their own right about their goals and identity (which had mexed results with Thrall and Grom).

An argument could be made that Orgrim was in a position to avert this role (and he did in point of fact go about obliterating the shadow council and the warlocks) but at that point he was fully locked into the war with the Alliance and couldn’t withdraw without having them counter invade through the portal (to say nothing of how Gul’dan, Rend, Maim and Cho’gall would have screwed things up). Thus he wound up in a position where he had to try and finish the job whether he wanted to or not.

Is it? Is it really?

WC3: Frozen throne; Blizzard released a side campaign for orcs owing to how the faction hadn’t been represented or involved at all which starred Rexxar and took place shortly after the death of Archimonde and while Thrall was seeing about getting Orgrimarr built.

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He followed Grom Hellscream and his band of survivors through the Dark Portal to Azeroth, and when discussions started on what to do next Rexxar proposed to live a peaceful life in a small piece of land where the Alliance would never find them. Grom stated that orcs are supposed to conquer, and he was never willing to leave the Alliance in peace. Enraged, Rexxar declared that he would only trust beasts from thereon out, and left the Horde to wander the world on which he was now stranded.[6]

Maybe you’ll read it the fourth time.

Yes that’s exactly what I’m doing. /s

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Yeah, no. That a bunch of bull$#!+. NO ONE forced them to drink the blood and not all of them drank it such as Doomhammer, their leader. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing when they INVADED Azeroth and killed countless people. They came and got their butts whupped and thrown into camps. Good for them.

Another bull$#!+ argument to defend the Horde because not only did the Alliance NOT have any plans to invade and butcher innocents on Draenor like the Horde did on Azeroth, but until end of the Second War, they had NO IDEA where the Dark Portal was.


So not in any canon lore/books? Just the game?

The game isn’t exactly lore since many things have changed.

Just like he followed the Horde in the Second War KNOWING it was about invasion. That make Rexxar an invading murderer.

Neither was the previous Horde which Rexxar FOLLOWED.

Glad we finally agree.

This is why Tovi said what they said. You don’t want sources, just an argument.

Let me know when you want actual lore discussion and not just your fanon.

Have a nice day.

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You’re full of it! When confronted with facts, you deny it because of your love for an invading force that killed countless people.

Posted nothing but facts. You can’t handle it.

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I mean, the Horde was always explicitly the evil faction. Thrall was just one guy, the only issue the Horde has with it’s members is the degree to which they commit war crimes and human rights abuses, and even the Tauren have the Grimtotems. The Forsaken have always, canonically, had mind slaves which is something Blizzard toned down from what it was heavily implied to be previously. The Blood Elves canonically think nothing of murdering civilians. All it takes to get a war-weary orc to warm up to committing genocide and regicide is to point out that maybe the alliance will get tired of being on the receiving end of the orc’s own behavior.

It’s fine if you buy into the ‘survivalist outcast’ aesthetic they tell you about but you’d have to recognize you’re a minority within the Horde.

The Alliance, meanwhile are all saints. It takes a disturbing amount of effort to actually bring an Alliance member to conceive of giving the Horde what they deserve.

Propaganda for an invading force that killed countless people, every single orc…INCLUDING Rexxar.

Whatever dude, lol. Rexxar isn’t even a Orc. :rofl:

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Oh, I’m sorry…a MURDERING, invading half-orc.