So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

BOTH of you love the Horde so much even when confronted by facts, you still deny them.


I’m the one that posted facts here. You only have conjecture.


Dude, you flat out DENY the facts to the point that you’re SCARED to answer me.

I posted the lore twice. You being too lazy to read it is not my problem. Go take your headcanon to a fan fiction site.


Which contradicts YOUR OWN STANCE!! What part of that do you not understand?

It does not. I even reposted it to make it more digestable.

We are done here.


Sure it does. You can’t even admit Rexxar got tired AFTER the Alliance won over the Horde.

You can’t make this stuff up… :rofl:

Yeah, like Rexxar was done AFTER the Alliance whupped dat @$$. :rofl:

No wonder you guys like the Horde…same mentality.

I’m sure you can point that out in the sources.


I just confirmed it with that website that gives references. You have provided nothing that proves that wrong.

Which lists it’s sources at the bottom of the page, which is books, in game, Blizzard devs, etc.

No, I’m not assuming but you have to know how a reference works. I’m not going to teach you.

But I will give you an example.

The reference for orcs living to be 90 is the game. Greatmother Geyah is described, IN GAME as elderly during the red pox, which we know happened when Garrosh was a child.

Just because a parent rolls their eyes and walks away from a kid that won’t stop saying “nuh huh” doesn’t mean the kid won.

And just to rub salt in the woulds, this is from YOUR OWN post…

" After the Horde’s defeat in the Second War…"

Ok so where does it say he took pleasure in killing until their defeat? Because if you read the whole thing it says how he came from a peaceful tribe and was desperate for survival. And when he came through the portal wanted to live a peaceful life. That it wasn’t defeat but what war does to nature that he hated.


(Shakes head)

A website is NOT canon, what do you not understand about that?? And their references is conjecture, NOT FACT, based on the storylines.

Which I’ve read. NONE of them confirm orcs age as humans. Next…

Actually you are.

Here’s another reference you keep ignoring: Eitrigg was around during the first invasion of The Dark Portal and he was even then considered an older warrior which Doomhammer still respected despite his age. And Thall and the Horde are now DECADES later and he was STILL an able warrior. This hints that orcs have a longer lifespan than humans.

You’re kidding right? The Alliance CRUSHED the Horde’s plans to the point that they were in total disarray, Rexxar, one of their greatest warriors got tired of the orcs and DARED them to say something in his face (no one did), then decided to leave and you’re comparing the Alliance victory to “a parent rolls their eyes and walks away from a kid that won’t stop saying “nuh huh” doesn’t mean the kid won?”

Talk about copium. :rofl:

Wait, wait…THAT’S your argument? That he didn’t find pleasure in killing Alliance soldiers?

Fine, for sake of argument, I’ll concede he didn’t “take pleasure” in killing Alliance soldiers.

He STILL only decided to give it all up AFTER the Alliance whupped dat @$$.

Now what?

You had posted earlier that he had gleefully killed. And it wasn’t the second war defeat that made him give things up. It states that he realized that Orcs had painted a very different picture and were not in the right. That war takes a toll on nature and that he was better off living amongst beasts.


Oh please, just stop.

I’ll bet that if the Horde had won the war, he’d have a different attitude.

I’m sorry, he knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he was slaying Alliance soldiers. His @$$ is as guilty as the rest of them.

It STILL doesn’t change the fact that he STILL only decided to give it all up AFTER the Alliance whupped dat @$$.

Turalyon should have tracked his butt down and put him in the camps as well.

You think that he wouldn’t just revert to peace when he came from a peaceful tribe and according to Blizz was promised food and water? That he’d continue with the faction that threatened to kill his people before even coming through the portal the first time?

What would victory even bring him? He just wanted resources to live.

Blizz doesn’t seem to think so. As a matter of fact nowhere did they make him bloodthirsty.

You keep saying this but even after his disillusionment, he went back to Draenor then came through the portal with Grom. Then after that decided to roam Azeroth alone.

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The same “peaceful” guy who was KILLING countless Alliance soldiers?

By killing Alliance soldiers.

Maybe because it’s true??

Yeah…to kill again!!!

You’re not helping your argument.

His tribe was threatened and according to the Horde they were searching for resources for survival. So it seems obvious that if left to his own devices, he probably wouldn’t have opted for war to just kill people.

Not according to the lore.

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Soooo, that justified him to invade a new world and kill countless soldiers to take their resources? Got it.

You yourself ADMITTED it…“After the Horde’s defeat in the Second War…” Sorry, no stepping back.


Tell us again how not mad you are.

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