So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

None of this invalidates what I said. Rexxar was joyfully killing Alliance soldiers even after Beyond the Dark Portal, which was YEARS after the first invasion of Azeroth. It was only after the Alliance whupped dat @$$ did he finally get tired of all the killing.

It all invalidates what you said. That he originally thought they’d help his people find food and water, that he became disgusted with their killing and even killed one of their Warlocks. That he chose to then live amongst beasts. You can even see him still wandering Feralas alone in Vanilla.

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If memory serves, during the Dark Portal, Doomhammer still respected Eitrigg as a warrior despite his advanced years. And the Dark Portal is waayy earlier than The Shattering.

Nah, I’m one of those people that if someone makes a statement, I’ll ask them to back it up with sources. By your OWN admission, you have NONE!

And you keep ignoring my question about hasn’t it been stated that orcs who have drunk the blood of demons can live for a very long time, due to this magic sustaining them?

Sorry but the Horde NOW is the same damn Horde that attacked Azeroth years ago.

Two old Horde members don’t make it the same. Numbers don’t work that way.


Yeah, by helping INVADE another world and killing people.

I’ll say it again, he became disgusted only after, AFTER the Alliance whupped dat @$$, NOT before.

Why are you asking me? If this is your smoking gun that I’m wrong, you prove it.

Nope. The playable og orc is the same age as Thrall.

And according to Blizz’s own lore, it wasn’t long before he realized that.

No it does not.

It states that he was always in conflict with Blackhand who wanted to slay his people.


He followed Grom Hellscream and his band of survivors through the Dark Portal to Azeroth, and when discussions started on what to do next Rexxar proposed to live a peaceful life in a small piece of land where the Alliance would never find them. Grom stated that orcs are supposed to conquer, and he was never willing to leave the Alliance in peace. Enraged, Rexxar declared that he would only trust beasts from thereon out, and left the Horde to wander the world on which he was now stranded.[6]

Maybe read the actual full entry. That’s why I posted it. Actual sources.


Because you’re the one “defending” orcs in this debate. I’m not an orc expert.

By your OWN admission, you have no sources to back up this claim.

I’m not “defending” them. I’m disagreeing that the playable orc is the orcs that came through the portal.

That makes no sense because that would make them way older than Thrall. Senior citizens. The majority of facial options we have are from teenager to 40s.

Waiting for yours to prove me wrong. I provided a website with references that says orcs have the same life span as humans.

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He STILL did it. He still killed Alliance soldiers who were DEFENDING their world.

Only only got tired AFTER their defeat.

Oh geezus krist!!! What do you not understand that Rexxar got tired of the killing AFTER the Alliance won and beat their @$$#$???

Sorry, but it’s a legit dialect thing.

By the way, you should come visit California! The Valley Girl speak thing is real. We non-ironically use “like” as a way to, uh, start lists and emphasize things amongst other purposes.

Ultimately, I think that it’s just weird that you’d get so upset over this that you’d make a post about it. Like, it’s just an online post that doesn’t impact you in any way, dude.

Doesn’t say that in actual sources.

Are you not able to read the entry I posted?





To HUMAN standards. By your OWN admission you have no sources stating that orcs live by the same standards as a human.

Never said I did. I only stated there’s no proof that the Horde NOW are the children from the previous orcs from the Dark Portal.

Soooo, you’re denying the timeline that he got tired after Beyond the Dark Portal when the Alliance beat the Horde AGAIN?

This is the hill you’re gonna die on?

I’m going by what the actual lore states. You can make up whatever little fan fiction that pleases you.


You can’t make this stuff up… :rofl:

Simple question again: Did the Alliance win BEFORE Rexxar got tired of killing?

So? We don’t have senior citizen customization options.

I have no idea what this means but I gave you a source that said orcs, blood or no blood, live to be in their 90s, just like humans.

They have to be. It makes no sense that playable orcs are in their 60s and beyond if we’re given options to make them look like teenagers but no options to make them look 70.

Again, this is just you not handling the fact that you’re wrong.

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I already stated the lore to you twice, with sources.

Tovi was right about you.


Orcs aren’t confirmed to have the same lifespan. Next…

That so-called source is Wowpedia. That is NOT lore from Blizzard. AND…I already shown that Eitrigg was already considered older during the time of Doomhammer. That’s YEARS before Thrall.

Again, you’re assuming orcs age the same as humans. There is NO source from Blizzard stating this.

Sorry, the Horde NOW is STILL the same damn Horde that attacked Azeroth years ago.