So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

You said the Horde brought children over from the Dark Portal. Other than Thrall, there’s no evidence the Horde brought children over. If you have a source that says otherwise, I’d be happy hear about it.


Since mop…?
Looks at story of Alliance killing vulpera just to do a genocide

Yeah… Only since mop!

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The playable race is children from orcs that came from the Dark Portal. We’re pretty much the same age (or younger) as Thrall.

Or did you really think the playable orc is as old and crusty as Etrigg and Saurfang?

So that means they were either born on Draenor or they were born in captivity. Blizzard gives you facial options to RP as either.

Can’t be born in captivity if they were all destroyed first.
Just saying.

I don’t know what you’re saying.

It’s established lore that the humans kept orcs. It’s Thrall’s entire backstory.

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Just commenting on what should have been done instead of the camps.
If they were all just destroyed instead of imprisoned there would be no problem of them being born in captivity.
'Cause they’d be dead.

Factions are never going away :rofl:

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That wasn’t the alliance’s doing. Some humans were not with the most friendly intent, same way orcs slaughtered draenei, the old horde…but we don’t blame the current horde for that, do we now?

The vulpera were helping the horde via their selling of items. That made them a target. That being said, BFA was a joke of a war and badly written.

Did I blame anyone for anything?

I have no idea what your point is as it relates to my point.

Has nothing to do with the Horde bringing their children from Draenor.

So kind of like how Teldrasil was a legitimate military target for the horde?

BFA was indeed terribly written; as I’ve said in the past it needed to present a more balanced outlook for it to not just be MoP war v2.0 but that was apparently either beyond their abilities or the higher ups were too obsessed with including unrelated plot points for it to be properly developed.

Do you have a source confirming this?

Why not? They’re both still very capable warriors. And hasn’t it been stated that orcs who have drunk the blood of demons can live for a very long time, due to this magic sustaining them?

Yeah but he was born BEFORE being a captive by humans. He wasn’t birthed after the Dark Portal.

No but it’s simple math.

Orcs have the same life span as humans. (

Thrall is roughly 40 years old which makes Saurfang and Etrigg roughly 60, 70 even maybe 80 years old. The playable orcs are strong and young(ish) looking orcs.

So they had to be born on either Draenor or in captivity. We also know orcs don’t coddle their kids the same way humans do so I can absolutely believe they brought 10 or 11-year olds through the portal.

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Makes sense to me because that is how it is in the WoW universe.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Rexxar became disillusioned with them before even that. His thing was that his tribe was peaceful but Orcs promised food and survival. He got tired of their violence and betrayals

I thought so.

Even your source Wowpedia contradicts itself. It states that Eitrigg is stated to be in his late fifties in The Shattering, but he was already an older orc during the Dark Portal, which is waaayy earlier than the Shattering.

You really think that the Alliance would allow the orcs to procreate during captivity? Really??

And I’ll repeat this again: hasn’t it been stated that orcs who have drunk the blood of demons can live for a very long time, due to this magic sustaining them?

Wait, what???

Rexxar was joyfully killing Alliance soldiers even after Beyond the Dark Portal, which was YEARS after the first invasion of Azeroth. It was only after the Alliance whupped dat @$$ did he finally get tired of all the killing.

Rexxar was originally part of the pacifist mok’nathal, based on Draenor in Gorgrond, under the watchful guard of his father, Leoroxx. Unwelcome by both the full-blooded orcs and ogres in the area, the Mok’Nathal were secular and isolationist, wishing little else but to be left to their own devices. But their pacifist ways gave him no reason to stay, and in addition, Rexxar believed the Horde could help the mok’nathal find water and food. However, in time Rexxar would learn the Horde’s purpose was not noble.[4]

“I have watched the other races… I have seen their squabbling, their ruthlessness. Their wars do nothing but scar the land, and drive the wild things to extinction. No, they cannot be trusted. Only beasts are above deceit.”

— Rexxar

Rexxar, Champion of the Horde, is a half-ogre, half-orc beastmaster[2] of the Mok’Nathal clan, and may be one of the few from the clan. He was instrumental in aiding the Horde during the founding of Durotar, and saved the city of Orgrimmar from Admiral Proudmoore. Due to his mixed lineage, he is a towering and massively muscled warrior, and he wields his two huge axes with tremendous skill and ferocity. Rexxar is always seen with his loyal bear companion Misha.

In the period between the founding of Durotar and the reopening of the Dark Portal, Rexxar wandered the wilds of Kalimdor, his path running from the Stonetalon Mountains through Desolace to Feralas. During the Burning Crusade, he ventured to Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade’s Edge Mountains of Outland, protecting the settlement against ogres and gronn while trying to reconnect with his people. He returned to Azeroth during the Cataclysm, and later joined the hunters of the Unseen Path during the last war with the Burning Legion. After the Legion was defeated, Rexxar served on the front lines in Kul Tiras, and later answered Varok Saurfang’s call to arms in the uprising that deposed Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner.


The wars

Rexxar was one of the Horde warriors, a fruit from the union between orcs and ogres.[3] Rexxar was originally part of the pacifist mok’nathal, based on Draenor in Gorgrond, under the watchful guard of his father, Leoroxx. Unwelcome by both the full-blooded orcs and ogres in the area, the Mok’Nathal were secular and isolationist, wishing little else but to be left to their own devices. But their pacifist ways gave him no reason to stay, and in addition, Rexxar believed the Horde could help the mok’nathal find water and food. However, in time Rexxar would learn the Horde’s purpose was not noble.[4]

After the fall of Shattrath City and the draenei, Warchief Blackhand considered annihilating the mok’nathal but stayed his hand. Rexxar convinced Blackhand to spare his people.[4] Rexxar left through the Dark Portal during the First War. The beastmaster was accompanied by a large black wolf, Haratha, his loyal companion.[2] Rexxar fought in several battles, including the last one in the Black Morass.[5]

Rexxar and the Warsong guarding the Dark Portal during the Invasion of Draenor.

After the Horde’s defeat in the Second War, Rexxar briefly returned to Draenor. When Ner’zhul launched his own invasion of Azeroth to retrieve certain artifacts, Rexxar was stationed with Grom Hellscream and the Warsong clan on the Azerothian side of the Dark Portal. He remained in the Horde’s service until just after the destruction of Draenor and the second destruction of the Dark Portal. Rexxar grew sickened by the senseless killing that the orcish race seemed to favor, and particularly the constant betrayals — first by Gul’dan and then by Ner’zhul. His resolve was further weakened when Haratha was drained of its life essences by an orcish warlock when the wolf lept in front of the warlock’s spell to protect his master. Rexxar slew the warlock but had lost his companion. He followed Grom Hellscream and his band of survivors through the Dark Portal to Azeroth, and when discussions started on what to do next Rexxar proposed to live a peaceful life in a small piece of land where the Alliance would never find them. Grom stated that orcs are supposed to conquer, and he was never willing to leave the Alliance in peace. Enraged, Rexxar declared that he would only trust beasts from thereon out, and left the Horde to wander the world on which he was now stranded.[6]

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Is there something else that states his age?

Allowing has nothing to do with it.

Look, I can tell you’re one of those people that can’t stand being wrong but the playable orcs are not orcs from the Dark Portal because that would make them senior citizens.

The only playable races that are “old” are races like elves, Draenei and dwarves.

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