So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

Exactly, so it’s just to destroy the orcs that sought an end to all mankind.

like, totally dude.

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I think a lot of them are dead. I think on the Horde the only Orc from the Old Horde is Eitrigg and he’s only ever a companion or something anymore. Rexxar probably counts too (even though he’s technically Mok’nathal), but both he and Eitrigg were not the Orcs that tore through Azeroth. Eitrigg became Tirion’s best bud and Rexxar just wanted a peaceful life. They are more in line with Thrall.

At this point, any others from the Old Horde are more likely to be a case of things not updating, like I am sure Rend Blackhand is canonically dead with the redone UBRS, but any other instances involving the Old Horde that have yet to be updated could still have them.

If anything, we are more likely to deal with remnants Of Garrosh’s Horde/The Iron Horde (might be time for another UBRS update, since Zaela was among that number).


Let alliance do more cirmes… let us war with them yes?

But not all orcs wanted this. There is literally child orcs.

Doesn’t matter what anybody wanted if they came through the portal and attempted genocide themselves, their lives are forfeit far as I’m concerned.
I have zero sympathy for anybody that would do such a thing, even less in a first contact scenario.

That’s not how this works.

They brought children. You can say that was unethical (it was) but that doesn’t give you the right to kill children. You never have the right to kill children.

It is to me.
You’re free to disagree.

Their fault.

It’s not a right to kill children, it’s a right to defend my planet and way of life from alien invaders bent on its total destruction.
And I would absolutely do that.

I feellike genocide is not something you can agree to disagree on.

aurdeth, post:332, topic:1894474, username:Maurdeth-moon-guard"]
It is to me.
You’re free to disagree.

No the children’s fault.

Which the children do not count as. Children are inherently innocent and cannot be judged nor punished fromt he crimes of their parents or the adutls in their culture.

I think if you think it’s okay to kill children then we have fundemental difference of morality.

Some of us want to bring over just 1 more person from the same place mag’har came from.

Yrel to me seems like a woman who seeks perfection. She missed a few orcs. She’d like to correct that as I see it.

Some of char’s rps…I’d assist her even. I wanted Maiev to be the nightwarrior as well. She’d not have wasted that gift.

It is as long as we’re talking about fiction.
In real life, though, if aliens were to pour through a portal and make an earnest attempt on our existence, I would be all for exterminating any that were left on our side once the fighting was done. There’s also a strong case for going through the portal to nip them in the bud and make sure it’s never a problem again, because if they did it once what’s to stop them from recouping and doing it again, but that falls beyond the purview of this discussion.

You’re right, their blood is on their fool parent’s hands for bringing them along on their genocidal campaign like it was bring your child to work day.

Human children, sure.
Dunno about orcs, especially considering, if memory serves, they used fel magic to push them more swiftly into maturity to swell their forces.

The children of genocidal aliens, yeah.
Not about to go plant bombs in the orphanages of humans, gnomes or dwarves, that’s just silly.

“Are we the bad guys here Dave?” Said Reginald, the world-invading, town burning, demonic-magic infused, warmongering monster.
“I don’t know, what do you think, Steve?” Said Dave, the imperialistic cannibal tribesman

Steve, the master bioweapon craftsman and staunch reanimated corpse-man glanced over at the nearby multi-generationally indentured denizens of their Plutocratic allies and shrugged. “It’s ambiguous”

“Hey” Said Bill, the Eight foot tall minotaur, fresh from his busy day guarding labrynths, “We are a peaceful people with only like, four or five genocidal wars in recent history and only half of our elected leaders have turned into threats to all of reality! And think of the humans, one of them became the Lich King and that was so bad, the humans had to go to Northrend, fix their own problem and then install a solution to that problem which only lasted until one of our former leaders killed him”

There was a blood elf there too, but as usual nobody noticed because he wasn’t Kael’Thas.

The blood is on who kills them. When you kill someone you don’t get to blame anyone else. Not your country, not your god, and certainly not your enemy.

I do if they came over to enact genocide on my people.
Again, I have zero sympathy for any species that would just up and do that, and I don’t care if they brought their kids. I care even less if they were pumping their kids full of demonic magic to hasten them into maturity for more soldiers.
The children of an alien species come to destroy my civilization are not my responsibility.

Both Eitrigg and Rexxar were indeed part of the Horde invasion of Azeroth as well as much of the existing Horde. It was only after the Alliance whupped dat @$$ did they decide to want peaceful lives.


You still made the choice to kill them.

Still can’t go around killing kids.


Wait, what??

He’s ONE orc. The majority of orcs are STILL from the Dark Portal.

I never said the majority were children. Also

And would again.
If they weren’t there I wouldn’t have had to, but they insisted on bringing child soldiers, so cowabunga it is.

I’ve made it pretty clear that’s not what I’m doing.
It’s only the orcish children they brought over to serve their murderous horde, specifically because they’ve made them combatants in a genocidal war against humanity.
In those circumstances it’s 100% justified, ain’t no changing my mind on that.