So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

Mechagnomes should conquer both factions and remove all that pesky individuality, and use our new found automated soldiers to save reality

Actually the narrative for the bell this whole time was that a handful of belves who were garrosh loyalists infiltrated the sunreavers and abused the connections that came with that. Aethas found out but garrosh blackmailed him into keeping his silence by threatening violence on the sunreavers.

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Where was this at? I just did the Landfall campaign and there was no mention of this.

The quest where you retrieve the bell is actually bugged at the end and was never rectified. On the quest where you steal the bell, Aethas was/is supposed to pop out of the portal and ask what we think we’re doing and then try to leave and alert Jaina.

The Belf in charge of the operation threatened to tell Garrosh exactly who spilled the beans on the operation. So aethas was forced to gamble that Jaina’s wrath would be more merciful than Garrosh’s in an attempt to spare the lives of his sunreavers.

You can still read about it on the wowpedia page, but it doesn’t happen on the live servers anymore.

Without this context, it just looks like they threw Aethas’s character into a blender for no reason. Because like a couple quests prior you talk to Aethas in Silvermoon and he’s like “Wowee i love being a part of a neutral faction. I love the Kirin Tor”


This is correct.

Ah… interesting. So it sounds like they’re just going with that narrative and left out the bugged portion on purpose now.

Still doesn’t mean Jaina was right, though. I’ll still stand by that! :slight_smile:

genocide is bad actually

Most folks I know would not consider it okay to judge modern germans and japanese nor their country for the actions in ww2.

can you define what you mean here… because to quote Inigo Montoya, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”


I am not on twitter anymore but Ineed to go check out redshirtguys twitter.

Honestly, it’s written down by people who write stuff down, and not all of them were winners, by a long shot.

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Can’t we just kidnap her hairstylist?

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It means that if someone insulted you so many years ago that it’s in the double digits, it’s time to let it go.

Fair question.

Who said I was doing that? I was just pointing out clans/tribes that did not join the Iron Horde, not their reasons for refusing to do so.

The thing some over look is when it comes to Warchiefs we have had:
a Frostwolf orc (Thrall)
A Warsong Orc (Garrosh)
A Darkspear Troll (Vol’jin)
A Forsaken Elf (Sylvanas)

Now the time with the Frostwolf and Darkspear Troll, while not free of tensions, at least avoided hot war between the factions.

Please, dont ever begin a written sentence with “like.” Please, for the love of Moses on a HUMMV.

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The Tauren joined the horde because Thrall and his forces helped them reach Mulgore even though it only delayed their goals. It was this selfless act that made the Tauren join the horde, and help the orcs reach the ‘oracle’ they were seeking in Stonetalon.


Like, wow, scoob! Zoinks!


Like it’s so nice and fun to start a sentance with like

Not to mention, the Tairen saw the orcs as fellow shaman that had lost their way, so took it on themselves to help the orcs rediscover their shamanistic ways.

agian… Ailliance need be bad guy… Why that so hard?