So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

At least the Horde has the cooler playable races

I usually skip through a lot of quest text so I miss most of this stuff. Though Immersion addon (ty btw) really really helps in this game to make it feel more like an rpg while questing.

Btw I’ve always, always seen Horde as the morally questionable faction. You could say Alliance is very self righteous and perhaps not perfect, but out of the two I’ve always seen them as the more gooderer side of things.

See even looks gooderer

Would have been more moral then to put the orcs down after what they twice did, spare those yet to come of the big sad feels while they live in captivity off the dime of the Grand Alliance.
Throwing them into camps as they did was just a massive waste of resources and put a wedge between Gilneas and the rest of the kingdoms of man. Really bad decision that effectively availed them nothing.

I know you’d want to kill all Orcs for what others did, lol. You are one blood thirsty doggie. :laughing:

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I mean if it’s bloodthirsty to think throwing resources into the trash by trying to accommodate genocidal aliens after the wars they started, then guilty as charged.
Taxpayers would love me.

We are talking about Thrall here. Hardly genocidal. He’s been on your side more than our’s in recent years.

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Long as he behaves and his leash is short I suppose he could be let to live.
For as long as Aedelas is willing to keep him.
The rest get the justice blender, though.

You are a funny person, Maurdeth.

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I try.

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They are so bad… I don’t know why they don’t find the tokyopop writers from years ago and drive a dump truck of money up to them to write world lore. They did an amazing job.

the isnt any real talent left in the industry, they will hire people who write activist columns full of political diarrhea before they will seek out an actual fantasy author. we have 3 out of the 4 writers at this point that have preteen romance trash as their chops.

That’s literally like saying “Wrong Germany” or “Wrong Japan” because they had regime changes after the war. Thrall can’t expect to take up the mantle of a violent, militaristic, genocidal regime and expect people to act like nothing happened, especially when the ranks of Thrall’s Horde were loaded with members of the Old Horde.

Far, far later. Thrall’s Horde from WC III up to Cata was not that way. That’s what people want back.

And I suppose you are going to tell me the Battle for Hillsbrad quests were “Not real Horde because it was the Forsaken”, at least the case of the Theramore guys in the Barrens (Horde) and Warsong lumber camp (Alliance NEs) they were both military targets. I don’t recall any Alliance quests that send you to gather orc skulls in the Barrens.

These were the core members of Thrall’s Horde, no way they should leave. And all of this again, way before Garrosh.

By that point “Thrall’s Horde” no longer existed, because it was Garrosh’s regime and Thrall had left after giving the mantle to Garrosh himself, Garrosh didn’t state a coup/rebellion/whatever so he wasn’t an illegitimate leader or anything like that. They had multiple chances to leave. Staying with an evil regime because the former regime was good is a “I was only following orders” tier defense. If they openly admitted it was for pragmatic reasons, like not wanting Garrosh to invade Mulgore or such when they leave, I could at least understand that, but they don’t.

The Tauren welcomed them in because they wanted to give them a chance. And they did help out a lot. Yes, they did stuff to humans that can be seen anywhere from gray to bad, but those humans were also hunting them and trying to kill them. So, they likely had it coming.

Not sure if you played WC3, but Sylvanas betrayed and backstabbed the humans first, it’s only natural they would want the Forsaken gone and their home back. I would hardly call it “Hunting”. The Alliance showed it was at least able to work with the Forsaken (That PoS Garithos no less), you can blame Sylvanas for that one. The Battle for Hillsbrad (which happens after joining the Horde, not before) only reinforced the Forsaken were enemies. The Tauren (and Thrall) had no reason to support them before even vanilla’s story ended. Thrall even punished Grom for randomly attacking the Alliance, I don’t know why he ignored what the Forsaken did, who were arguably much worse than anything Grom did (attack a human settlement which was set up too close to what would become Orgrimmar, I’m not even counting killing Cenarius since that was a defensive battle so Grom did nothing wrong)

Which is kind of like talking about how epstien was such a swell guy for giving out all those jobs to young women on his island; completely and utterly missing the context of the situation.

That was not my point, let me rephrase it, since I wasn’t saying Blackmoor wasn’t a PoS. “Wasn’t raised by orcs” would be a better term. He didn’t grow up in the violent warmongering culture that was the orcish culture. Which is why he was capable of diplomacy instead of “zug zug blood and honor” before doing stupid things like attacking the Alliance of Lordaeron (10 kingdoms + gnomes) like Doomhammer did or literally every other faction on Azeroth like Garrosh did.

Just like the Alliance of Lordaeron isn’t the Alliance of Stormwind, Thrall’s Horde isn’t the old Horde. Both consist of people in the old, both have differences about them.

No that was Forsaken fighting back against humans trying to kill them.

Right, which was many years later.

You mean the humans that were left that were incredibly racist. Good riddance. I did play through it and those humans were not depicted as the good guys.

Much like Thrall took up the mantle of the Horde, Stormwind took up the mantle of the Alliance when Lordaeron fell, it shares a good chunk of members, and Stormwind inherited Lordaerons enemies and allies by doing so, otherwise Quel’thalas would have been chill with them, Thrall and Stormwind would have had better relations, the dwarves and gnomes would be doing their own thing, etc. So the Alliance run by Stormwind isn’t some new entity with no connection to the Alliance run by Lordaeron.

No that was Forsaken fighting back against humans trying to kill them.

You have Lordaeron humans fighting Lordaeron Forsaken, so they both have claims on the kingdom (in fact that old Scholo deed quest plays off this) the Forsaken struck first because Sylvanas was being an emo idiot after the Legion was (apparently) defeated. I mean, yeah backstabbing Garithos isn’t hard to do considering what a PoS he was, but as leader she should have seen the long-term consequences of that act. Killing who was at the time leader of the Alliance (before Stormwind got back on it’s feet) for some short-term gain was a stupid move both politically and diplomatically. I guess it’s in character though since she has consistently been a bad politician and diplomat throughout all of Warcraft. At least Garrosh knew politics and diplomacy wasn’t his forte before Thrall thrust the mantle of warchief on him.

Right, which was many years later.

And my point is, it’s still the Horde, acting in the name of the Horde, led by a legitimate Horde leader, appointed by a former legitimate Horde leader. Just because Garrosh ran it differently doesn’t mean it wasn’t the Horde.

You mean the humans that were left that were incredibly racist. Good riddance. I did play through it and those humans were not depicted as the good guys.

Ah, checks out. The Alliance owned up for the stuff it did, I never hear them say Garithos wasn’t a PoS, Arthas wasn’t one of them before defecting to the Scourge, their actions in WC3 cost them an alliance with Quel’thalas, or that the Defias was created because they screwed over by Stormwind. The Horde makes excuse after excuse after excuse about how “That wasn’t the real Horde”.

The amount of errors in chronicles 4 is astounding. Everyone on wow lore twitter is just confused.

The lore is whatever u want it to be make ur own canon blizz devs do not care for consistency or canon. Its whatever they want for the current expac.

In my headcannon alliance think their the good guys while actually being the baddies. And my headcannon is stronger then blizzea real cannon cause it hasnt changed in the 14 years ive played wow.

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I wish Alliance were the bad guys, they would be more fun to play like the Horde was under Garrosh or in the earlier RTS games. Seriously they should just have a cool leader overthrow that sissy Anduin and reform the Alliance to be the bad faction.

I don’t agree with this. For instance I don’t think the current Alliance are responsible for Arthas and Garithos.

Not talking about claims. Just that Forsaken were fighting back.

Garrosh was wanting to bring it back to the old Horde. So his Horde mirrored it pretty much on purpose. He also wanted to make it the Orcish Horde again, but never got that chance. He and Sylvie are exceptions though, not the rule.

What? When?

The Alliance in game never really bring him up. But Alliance players excuse him all the time.

The Horde has killed or forced it’s own leaders to defect. It has self regulated. And Tyrande got to decide the punishment for Sylvie, so if that wasn’t enough, that’s on her.

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Don’t use the Laughing Skull of all tribes to try and prove the Horde aren’t bloodthirsty savages. The Laughing Skull didn’t join the Iron Horde because the Iron Horde weren’t bloodthirsty or savage enough for them.

As long as their enemy is the Horde, the Alliance canonically cannot be the bad faction, because they are fighting the bad faction. Anything they do in their battle against the embodiment of Platonic evil is justified and Good.

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Yeah things are getting pretty dire ive noticed myself going further and further back for audio books. I’ve entirely given up on television and movies.