So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

ah the ol’ “I’m going to say something in subtext and pretend I didn’t when called out on it” defense eh?

but anyway, yeah, people should be bothered by it, they should remind blizzard we don’t want something like that to be allowed to happen again. Companies should be held accountable their actions.

Ok then quote where I said it was ok. That should clear this up pretty quick.

Not 15 years later.

This is the attitude of a child. You think Blizzard should “do something.” They’re not the police.

Cannibal Corpse =/= Blizzard.
Blizzard can’t stop them from saying what they said especially after the fact.
As far as I know they only played at Blizzcon the one time so issue resolved.

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Because the Alliance are the good guys. All the Horde ever did since coming to Azeroth was pillage, raze, and kill stuff. “But it reformed!” And immediately started causing trouble once it was stable. “But it was Garrosh!” He ran the Horde as an orc would and did his job as warchief and many followed him perfectly willingly. “But Horde members helped fight Garrosh” yeah only after he labeled them traitors (correctly) and treated them accordingly. “But the Tauren are nice!” The Tauren are idiots for joining the Horde, I can’t blame them too much since it looked nice when it was beaten and defeated and Thrall (raised by humans btw) was chill, but they should have left a long time ago. “That was Sylvanas!” The Forsaken have been evil since vanilla WoW, yet the Horde welcomed them in.


Wrong Horde.

Far, far later. Thrall’s Horde from WC III up to Cata was not that way. That’s what people want back.

These were the core members of Thrall’s Horde, no way they should leave. And all of this again, way before Garrosh.

The Tauren welcomed them in because they wanted to give them a chance. And they did help out a lot. Yes, they did stuff to humans that can be seen anywhere from gray to bad, but those humans were also hunting them and trying to kill them. So, they likely had it coming.

I disagree. The passage of time doesn’t suddenly exonerate you of any wrong doings, it just means people are less receptive to it because they forget.

People like him were part of the reason why the company rotted from the inside for so long. Not him specifically, but this general ethos or being toxic and pitting your own players against each other.

It played into this hype of alliance vs horde fantaticism, but to take it that far was wholey unnecessary and very short lived. It aged like milk

Yeah, like with most things graceless dent-heads ruin it for everyone by taking things too far.

Thankee, lol.

off topic but i’m always fascinated by your creative use of descriptors lol

BFA would have been so much more serviceable had the simply made Genn attack first. Again.

It was literally his entire character until BFA, a king that just made things worse no matter what.


One of my favorite home brewed theory crafts for how BfA could be different was floating the idea that Malfurion was the one to sacrifice Teldrassil just to spite Sylvanas.

You know, that would be a hell of a bait and switch. Like teleport the majority of the civilians out, keep a token force to lure the majority of the Horde forces in and just set the tree on fire.

Imagine N’Zoth initiated BFA.
That would’ve been cool.

Hmm yeah, cause of like… all the Naga… in the ocean… that the tree was in… who hated night elves… yeah

ROFL whatever you say.

Make sure to give your high school bully the finger wagging they deserve. They might remember your name when that happens.

History is always written by the victors.

You missed the best part of her quote"

Which is kind of like talking about how epstien was such a swell guy for giving out all those jobs to young women on his island; completely and utterly missing the context of the situation.

I’m fine with the changes. The game lacks good writing anyway.

It didn’t make sense to begin with. And they were retconning it every patch during the expansion. There are no answers to be found. And if there were, Blizzard would retcon them if they were ever brought up again.

mmm, i dunno what that means but aight

Yeah lol. That stuff is crazy talk. I know he learned strategy and fighting from humans but “raised” is not it. That’s something Alliance players tell themselves to feel better about humans enslaving an innocent Orc because of collective punishment.

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this what happens when you hire people who dont play WoW or have any actual experience or talent to write for WoW. the short stories were a real eye opener on that amateur can of worms.