So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

So when Onyxia manipulates the humans is fine, but when the Orcs are manipulated by Kil’Jaeden we are genocidal?


They’re not going to change Warlock history, that’s for sure. Alliance will still be the evil Warlock faction while Horde would be the good Warlock faction.

So when it comes to which faction employs demonology for the betterment of the world, that’s Horde. Alliance has the outcast and recluse witches that serve themselves first; their allegiance is divided at best.

That’s important because the Alliance are more corruptible by power, and Horde, somewhat like hobbitses, would be less corruptible. Not unlike in Middle-Earth, the race of Men cannot be trusted!

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The humans themselves are responsible for half the races being a part of the horde anyways. They can sugar them up all they want, they will always be soured by their history.

Both sides have commited cruel acts of slavery and brutality with racist roots behind the motive. I love watching the hyper-progressive writers struggle with how to sugar-coat it.

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what a gross downplaying of what was actually said.

Warlords of Draenor proved the orcs were plenty genocidal with or without demon blood


Alternate (pocket) Universe, manipulated by Garrosh and Kairoz

So that proved nothing.


I really can’t imagine the huge knot in your neck from clutching you pearls for 15 years.


Not to mention we still had clans that did not join the Iron Horde:
The Frostwolves
The Laughing Skull
The Shadowmoon members that did not side with Ner’Zhul

That is another thing some fail to take into account, not all Orc clans were blood thirsty or did not drink the blood (Frostwolves never drank, and actually tried to hide from Gul’dan’s Horde,)


thats why stormwind has canalization and orgimmar is a cesspit

I have no issue with trolls, but his statements about the orcs - alien invaders who are just as destructive without demon blood as they are with it - are accurate.

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The orcs who drank the blood did so willingly.


You mean the one where Grom drank demon blood again and allied with the Legion and was specifically taking stuff from the night elves, only to be stopped the Alliance/Horde working together to stop them? Oh, sounds like MoP and BfA all over again.

People seem to want to forget that the Alliance/Horde working together to beat up the most evil portions of the Horde is as much part of Warcraft RTS as anything else.

oh you’re absolutely right.

it’s totally ok for companies to hire people to tell half their playerbase to off themselves, my mistake :upside_down_face:

Personally I think that kind of behavior is wrong, but you say it’s ok so it must be fine.


Westfall never happened? Did they retcon that too?

The name of the band was “Canibal Corpse” as I recall, being insufferable edgelords was kind of their thing.

Actually I never said it was ok but I am making fun of those still bothered by it 15 years later.

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Blizzard is on a tear to remove anything that’s morally grey or evil from the lore. Just look at Dragonflight. We Disney now.


I remember we use to loot severed heads from enemies we killed for quests. Just little things like that stripped from the game over years

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Can you define “wokeness”?