So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

Orcs are the aliens.

Belves and Nightborne stem from Nelves that stem from Trolls.

Trolls are one of the oldest races on Azeroth.

Goblins aren’t known but are from Kezan which is Azeroth.

Tauren are from Azeroth.

Forsaken were humans which were the babies of the Vrykul who were from constructs.

Vulpera are from Vol’dun which is on Azeroth.

Most of the Horde are not aliens at all.

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Purge of Dalaran was always justified the way that Jaina had intended to carry it out. Aethas brought this on the Sunreavers, the thing that truly got out of hand was bad actors in the Silver Covenant taking advantage of the situation for caste-like warfare.


Those shopkeepers had it coming.

People keep mentioning him but he was not directly involved.

They weren’t even bad actors. They were commanded by Vereesa to do so. She says to drug the Dragonhawks or kill them, she doesn’t care. She’s quite like her sister, Sylvie.


A lot of these bits had precedent in the game already. I’m more bothered by the confusing re-shuffling of events at the start of BFA which end up making no logical sense with what the player experienced.

If a terrorist threat is discovered, failure to report is an act of treason.

Speaking in terms of overall population

Well he found out late and was more frightened of Garrosh. The ones directly involved were Thalen and Fanlyr. But all people can bring up is Aethas. I guess because he’s the most known.

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Aszuna was always canonically first I thought.

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Yeah, I found this and posted it a few posts down:

One thing that was stated during the developer panel at PAX which I found interesting was that the original order of the zones was Azsuna, Val’Sharah, Highmountain, and then Stormheim.

That was posted 8 years ago.


Incorrect. They allied with the Good Guys (The Alliance) in order to defeat a greater threat (the Burning Legion), but immediately went back to their old ways and began stealing land and resources from the Night Elves

All attacks against orcs and trolls are self-defense. Even if they’re preemptive self-defense.

Thrall was a criminal terrorist colluding with those who had perpetrated one nearly-successful genocide against the Draenei, and attempted another against the civilized races of Azeroth.

The Darkspear were allied with the world-murdering Orcs of the Horde. One can argue that they were simply unwillingly under control of the Legion, but Warlords of Draenor showed the orcs of that world to be equally as bloodthirsty and barbarous with or without demonic taint. Daelin was provoked by the trolls being unambiguously evil monsters, like their allies.

Okay I can see that you are just trolling. No sane person would say the things you just did.

Alliance good guys, Horde bad guys. As it should be.


Yep…they just love making Alliance the heroes and even after kicking the tar out of the Horde and forcing us into a dang council…they still pull this crud. “Gee guys you think we’ve beaten the Horde enough already? Is it about time we let them be good guys for once?” Bet that if any of the team said this kinda thing they’d be laughed at and told that they’re only getting started kicking the tar out of us…possibly followed by a pink slip… yet we still got players who think Blizz loves Horde most… no…no they don’t…we’re their favorite punching bag but not their favorite faction. I mean the pre order items for TWW all alliance colored and modeled on a NE in the promo, we’ve had one too many blue subscription mounts, the trading post class armors were alliance colored first before remix gave us Horde colors, Horde is in shambles forced into a council and Alliance is just fine doing what they’ve always been doing not in a council


I think you have skipped Warcraft 3, The Frozen Throne and World of Warcraft until idk MoP and the first Chronicle was released.


“Teaming up to fight a greater evil” does not make the lesser evil “not evil.”

How did you deal so far with the bad alliance you were playing with until the retcons here? I wonder.

Like the House of the Nobles still exists in Stormwind and haven’t been punished for what they did to the Stonemanson’s Guild, or that led to the death of Tiffin Wrynn?

Or when Varian sent the SI:7 to Ironforge to assassinate Moira, or the fact that she was there with the Dark Irons and holding Anduin Hostage?

Up to until now Jaina was a genocidal maniac that burn down many sunreavers in Dalaran and almost snapped at Orgrimmar, caused a huge loss for the alliance as she made the Blood Elves return to the Horde as well.

Or unjustified invasion of Dazar’alor and the assassination of Rastakhan?

I really wonder how someone putting out so much was dealing with all of those before.

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This was always the case. Some players used to delude themselves into thinking it was only one two two based on a few snippets of dialogue.

Likewise, even if the Sunreavers were more complicit than some folks thought, that doesn’t really change the morally grey nature of the Purge: in no universe is it morally acceptable to feed people alive to sewer sharks.

Even before the chronology was defined this way, the Zandalari were involved in assaults on Kul Tiras before the raid opened. Either way, the Zandalari supported the Horde before Dazar’Alor. Nothing new here at all.

No offense, but why would this quest exist at all if it WASN’T meant for this explicit purpose? It feels like a big stretch to say this changes anything. It was STILL an act of aggression on Genn and Roger’s part that exceeded Anduin’s orders for them. Just because they had a little bit of justification doesn’t make it acceptable to attack the Warhcief of the Horde like that.

The Horde PC was tricked into it. Not really a whitewashing of the Alliance. To be frank, at best this lets the Void Elves save face, because if it HAD been the Alliance champion, then Alleria/Umbric should have been told and taken steps to rectify the problem.

Nothing has changed. The Alliance’s actions are as morally inexcusable as they were previously. The Horde’s culpability does not forgive or excuse actions taken against them by the Alliance in each scenario.

Naw, that was all Onyxia, scheming with her brother who leads, you guessed it, the Dark Horde of Blackrock Mountain.

The Dark Irons were well-known slavers, and released a living WMD into the world in order to try to win a power struggle among the three clans in ages past. Varian was wholly justified in being suspect of someone who wanted to rule Ironforge, Stormwind’s greatest ally, using these wicked dwarves from Blackrock Mountain as footsoldiers and enforcers. Moira herself is motivated primarily by resentment towards her father, and her worst tendencies are kept in check only Varian’s enforcement of the Council of Three Hammers.

Jaina was ALWAYS justified in locking up the Sunreavers, as their organization was responsible for stealing (yet another) WMD from safekeeping in order to use against the innocent people of the Alliance. Garrosh attempted to do exactly that as soon as he got the bell, proving Jaina correct in all her worst guesses. She didn’t kill anyone who wasn’t attempting to flee justice, or unjustly fight her in her attempt at seeking justice. The traitorous terrorists could have just gone to the Violet Hold, but their pride prevented them from ever accepting consequences for their evil actions.

The Zandalari have been flailing wildly against the civilized races of the world throughout the entirety of their slow, pathetic decline, and were always a danger to those civilized races. Harboring those Horde doing battle against the sovereign nation of Kul’Tiras was the least of their crimes, but another one tossed on the pile regardless.

OK he lived in the delusion before the retcon. I’m fine with it.

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Alliance for LOTR larpers on their way to Mount Derpy…I mean Black Rock

Horde for geeks who want to play an Alien Robot Ninja Pirate Green Jesus and die in glorious bloodlust

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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