So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

My take is self insert fan fiction is becoming a norm in many media forms.

Issue is when they self insert into some stuff…that it shouldn’t be there. they lack any ties or basis to what they are writing on.

See legends like Tolkien…while he had no experience being a hobbit…was writing an story about the horror of war.

He served in WWI. The dude knew his subject quite well from that.

Modern writers espeicially on recent more action based stuff. are, to whip all the stereotypes in one big brush, blue hair soy latte drinking activists.

I’d take some of them more seriously if they actually served. Hell I’d take “well one time back in high school ROTC” stories in interviews lol.

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Though it is not clear whether Xal’atath ever existed separately from the blade that bears her name, Dimensius the All-Devouring is said to have given the staff Voidsong to her at the height of the Black Empire.

Dialog with the twilight hermit:

Please, lower your weapon. I mean you no harm.

You recognize my staff?

Do you have any idea how ancient that weapon you wield is, ?
There was a time when this whole world was ruled by the Black Empire. It was beautiful.
The masters bestowed gifts upon their faithful. That stave was one such instrument.
It was given to the Harbinger so that one day she might… she might…
What? No! I was not going to tell them! I… I…
<The orc goes silent, as if chastised by some unseen presence.>

She’s the Harbinger:

A gift of Dimensius bestowed at the height of the Black Empire. Those touched by shadow are drawn to its haunting whispers.

And she serves Dimensius (which I refuse to acknowledge we “defeated” in Netherstorm during TBC.

Dimensius, the same void lord that consumed the world of K’aresh.

Maybe we’ll finally get to see her backstory and how she ended up in the blade, but she ain’t an Old God.

Okay but none of that actually says she was a servant of N’zoth in particular. Which is what you claimed.

Yes, the devs do hate the Horde. You cant have history if the writers for GOT season 8 change it based on a dart board. If they wanted, the Dark Lady could suddenly be Queen of the Horde Alliance™.

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Ok that was an oversight and incorrect statement of mine, as often the Black Empire is associated with N’zoth.

“Harbinger” means the messenger, and as Dimensius bestowed her with the Voidsong, I tend to believe that she was here on his behalf to maybe work things out with the Old Gods.

She wasn’t an enemy of them, as the sources cite the Harbinger at “the height of the Black Empire” rather than indicate a conflict or so.

It looks like she is some sort of Silver surfer preparing the world to be devoured by Dimensius (galactus). lol.

Alliance has always been good, since the first game (Warcraft: Orcs and Humans)
Horde have always been evil, since the first game (Warcraft: Orcs and Humans)

This never changed in any of the RTS series, nor did it change on the release of WoW. Any implication to the contrary is simply cope. Horde have always been the working hands of Platonic Evil, and the Alliance have always been fully justified in all their acts against this Platonic Evil.


The Vulpera purge squads live on in my heart.

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The Horde did change from being ‘evil’ to ‘good’ in WC3. That was the whole point of their campaigns (prologue and ‘The invasion of kalimdor’).

Meanwhile the expansion has a member of the Alliance (at the time) launch unprovoked attacks against the Darkspear trolls and the orcish horde. The Darkspears did not take part in either the first or second wars but were seen as such by Kul Tiras regardless. Straight up guilt by association. Meanwhile Jaina was trying to tell her father that the Horde had changed and used the Battle for Mount Hyjal as evidence. Not to mention that Daelin tried to assassinate Thrall under the illusion of a ‘peace meeting’.

Honestly I would say trying to ignore this is

And I am concerned with this,

Care to explain how Daelin and his forces were justified in launching unprovoked attacks on the Darkspear?

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It would be a lot cooler if the alliance were more bloodthirsty.

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It isn’t right when Alliance do it either. We just have yet to see that actually happen. When a civilian is given an evacuation order and refuses, they are now a combatant and fair game for the use of force.

Unless you want to pull out that dusty old “Taurajo!!!” card as an example of the Alliance massacring civilians, which you’d know to be untrue if you played the Alliance version of that zone.

It’s almost like the horde are the bad guys. Weird.

Bad guys, but not the bad guys. I’d rather them than the Legion or Old Gods.

Yes…being able to do the zones in any order in Legion was for gameplay/server stability reasons. There was always a definitive order to the story.

My guess is that they wanted to avoid talking about the specifics of the King Rastakhan boss fight.

And let their citizens starve in Westfall while they live in luxury one zone over in Stormwind.


No we’ve been discussing the Purge of late. Which did target and kill civilians. It’s just now according to Chronicles 4, Jaina gives the order to Vereesa to get rid of the Sunreavers. She and the Silver Covenant go ham on civilians. Even kill their Dragonhawks. In game Vereesa is the one voicing that she wanted to do it long ago. So it didn’t even have anything to do with the bell.


Given what had just happened with Theramore, I really don’t think Jaina retaliating against Horde supporters violating the Kirin Tor policy of neutrality was a “step too high.”

It was one of the most human actions we’ve seen a character take in the game.


Civilians had nothing to do with Theramore or the Bell. In that case Teldrassil was ok because we thought Azerite was there. Dangerous path to start down.

Now that I read it, the Purge retcon is even crazier?

No one died at all. (Even though the only ones who died were those who attacked Jaina/Vereesa before, this is still crazy)

Aethas and Vereesa were not even there now. Jaina imprisoned some Sunreavers and Lor’themar shows up and convinces the others to escape. The Horde help a few imprisoned Sunreavers escape.

Issue is the alliance is always responding to horde aggression. Its extremely hard to paint any member of them in a negative light even going back to warcraft 3. A lot of it stems from the majority of the horde being alien berserkers.