So... did blizzard abandon community council?

They havnt posted anything in there for months… its like the Donowall emote. Also shuddering hollow still isnt fixed.


What is “donoall”? Haven’t heard of that one

Is this related, or…?

Community Council doesn’t fix bugs.


Community Council is a joke OP.

It wasn’t funny then either…



>he bought into the community council meme

I am sure they will read and take into account all viewpoints even if they don’t post in the forum… yadda, yadda, yadda (this is sarcasm btw)

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Wow… they really have not been interacting with the folks on the Council this year. There are only a handful of blue posts this year, and they are mostly Community Management repeating/linking already announced game changes.

There IS one feedback thread Kaivax put together in June asking for Remix feedback, so that fits the purpose of the Council forum. He has a few from before that too on other topics.

I also found a post in April from a Dev answering a question.

oh and he follows up with a change to loadouts to increase them. Well that is cool and I missed it.

I wonder if they are going to continue the program or not.

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The CC posted about one or two ongoing bugs I am personally concerned about, so to me that counts as “doing something” - at least as far the the latest “class” (class of 2023-2024) of Community Council goes

Now… as to whether or not the devs will actually fix said bugs in a timely manner, that remains a giant question mark…

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Bugs get fixed when one of the people Blizzard cares about post on twitter about it.

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Not overly surprising. Blizzard doesn’t really take feedback that isn’t glowingly positive.

Most people remember when they called logs social engineering…

They have a tendency to try and make failed ideas work regardless of community feedback.


Those people existed simply for PR reasons, blizzard doesn’t care about their opinions anymore than they do ours.


This one is interesting to discuss. Also really frustrating.

They know usually during Beta that a system they want to put in is not going to be popular. Instead of ditching the whole thing, they KEEP it for the whole expansion. They might tweak it, but they don’t dump it. Any major decisions are already over by the time players even see a version of the game to give feedback on. There is an illusion that we have input in immediate content - when we don’t.

The major input we give won’t show up in game until an expansion or two later usually. I don’t mean class balance, that changes more often, I mean things like gearing systems.

They have put in a LOT of changes that people have asked for over they years. Hundreds. The fact that many come in so much later after the requests means people have moved on and forgotten they asked. It does not feel responsive. Esp after having to live an expansion with a system someone really hates.

Not sure what can be done about that besides changing release dates - something they are not likely allowed to do. Another would be telling players outright which major topics they have HEARD and are discussing - as well as a time line even if that is “a future expansion”. Blizz does not like to say “never” but they also don’t like to say they will try to do something or they get held over the fire if it turns out not to be workable. “we are going to look into it” becomes “Blizzard promised!!!1111”.



I don’t really buy even that level of feed back to be honest… I would take ap and covenants as examples. AP being the more damning.

When it was announced the average player was excited. The more…invested player saw the nightmare ahead of time but timmy the medium didn’t. I can get that… the problem surfaces once they kept it from legion onwards to shadowlands never once making it work.

Covenants where so egregious because I honestly believe they knew how badly they messed up then LIED about having a ripcord for it.

I really don’t think the devs take feedback. I can believe focus groups and marketing testing but not direct feedback from players. Even classic wow wasnt from feedback but from how successful private servers were.

Community Council, blizzards first last and only line of defense against criticism. here to tell you that, unless its a glowing recommendation, your opinion is bad and you should feel bad for having it.

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sometimes it does feel like alot of stuff in wow is just abandoned, its why people want more public communication and feeback from the devs.


Yeah that’s really how I think a lot of us felt at the time, and still do to this day.

Yep. They (the players) always have wanted more communication. It is probably the #1 thing that MVPs have passed on back when they had an active program. The CMs have relayed the same feedback up too! We get that there are things Blizzard can’t do, or won’t do, but just TELL US, and tell us why if they can.

The communications limits are set pretty high up at Blizzard, and while they have gotten better in recent years with giving us roadmaps, weekly updates, news, etc. They still don’t, and likely won’t, have that feeling of open Dev communications people want. I don’t think the powers that be let them on any of the game teams.

Not sure if it is for legal reasons, PR reasons, or abuse of staff by the internet reasons. Not sure if there is a way to ever fix it when there is not one singular cause of the breakdown in communications.

I think it just leaves EVERYONE frustrated who cares about the game. Players, Community Management, Devs, etc. Those with info are not allowed to give it, and those who want the info just get more irritated as expansions go by.


This topic by itself is indeed worthy of its own thread.

I agree that they take too long to correct something, and if they can’t fix it, will usually just nerf it or make it insignificant (like awakening the machine).

My biggest frustration however has to be how predictable it’s become, to the extent where it just seems like part of their strategy:

-Release a feature they expect could be problematic or difficult
-Take in the complaints about that feature
-Defend that feature
-Feedback gets more refined
-Blizzard fixes the feature, usually at the middle or end of the expansion.

I suspect they learned somewhere along the line that it was better to expect frustration and look like the savers - they prefer to buff rather than nerf. But it’s gotten to be so often and such a clear pattern that all that’s being remembered by us players is the series of mistakes over and over.

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i think im just lashing out tbh. just wanna play and at a disadvantage cause its been a long time since they hotfixed in the gems and people still havnt gotten there gems.

Are you talking about the new Siren Isle ones? Those are on the turtle vendor in the camp there. I think… You can buy them instead of having to wait for them to drop.