Only rarely do my tastes align with most public criticisms. I’m not saying I’ll never ever agree with a critic but if I had a nickel for every universally critically lauded media that I can’t stand or have no time for, my fiscal problems would evaporate.
Game is fine, just don’t fall into the trap and accept you’ll never make the leaderboard or have a rank 5 gem. It’s just not that horrible as long as you go into it mindfully and don’t care at all about the power level of whales.
If you play games to feel like you’re “the best” and you don’t wish to pay your way there, then yeah, it might not be for you. As a casual player it’s at least as engaging as 3 was, and I do like it better than 2, remastered or not that one did not age well for me. Yet it’s critically acclaimed more than any other in the series and seemingly loved by everyone. Yet it’s not for me. See?
Shills are out in full force.
No, just people who can have more than one thought in their heads at once.
No they wouldn’t. Many Blizzard fans look for anything to be mad about.
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Review bombs are a thing so I ignore most of that. Instead I make up my own mind.
I see this game as a double edged sword. The bad:
- If want to get the best of the best gear, in under 10 years, it is going to take real money in some form with the current system.
- The shop is often linked with “do you want more?” or a reminder that you unlocked certain bundles by finishing dungeons or quests. It is also linked daily with a free shop bundle as a daily reward.
The good:
- The game is actually very well made and fun, esp for a Mobile game.
- Graphics, zones, armor, etc are beautiful. Blizzard art department always knocks things out of the park and this is no exception.
- Lots of things to do if you like the Diablo series. Storyline quests, daily bounties/quests, elder rifts, challenge rifts, dungeons, achievements, etc. I play solo and so far can do everything myself with gear I find or get from quest rewards.
- The Battepass is really a Season Journey that lasts a month and is free, although there is a paid version. It sets goals and rewards you for doing stuff you were doing anyway like getting 4 legendary items, unlocking a skill, etc.
- I LOVE the Auto Nav system. First it has footprints. I am always lost in WoW and was the one people had to go get after a wipe to get me back to the boss. Footprints are great. Then auto Nav gets unlocked when you finish a zone. It literally walks/ports your char where you need to go. As someone with arthritis this is so much less clicky! Love love love it. Accessibility is always good in my opinion.
I am level 47 right now and still enjoying it a lot. I have not spent a penny, although if I feel it is worth it, I MIGHT later. As in I normally pay $15-$40 for a game so that is a budget I might set. I can also just use WoW gold and get a token to turn into Bnet balance and use that. So in theory I can do it for free using my WoW gold.
I think the MTX is a bit heavy handed, but overall the game is fun and I will play until I get sick of it.
Oh, and I forgot, the big thing that got me to even touch it after being furious, heartbroken, etc for years. They put it on PC. Even though it is a Mobile port and in Beta, it runs well on my old laptop. I am one of those people who really don’t have a phone that can play it.
Yes, I see, and that’s really depressing. They’d deserve that WoW migrated totally to that “style”.
In 2022, continuing to not see obvious trends (or pretending to not see them, which is the same) is inexcusable.
I would argue that it’s predatory in the sense that it is designed specifically to take advantage of people with addictive personalities and impulse control problems. There is no “fair price” built into this system. It is functionally the same as gambling, except there’s no jackpot or stopping point. It’s just there to drain the bank accounts of people who can’t control themselves. Blizzard knows that, and they did it intentionally.
For the rest of us, this kind of scummy monetization just puts an expiration date on the fun. We’re eventually going to run into that pay wall and then we’re going to lose interest.
You mean a game that cost 100k to fully upgrade or grind for 10 years is terrible… who knew
The irony is strong though because it’s in the top 5 of games steamers on twitch are playing right now
Loving that Goblin accent, hun. Still keepin it up!
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What I don’t get is why people think review bombing a game really means anything. I first noticed it with that captain marvel movie a few years back where brie larson said something that rustled some jimmies so people gave the movie which wasn’t even out, several 0 star reviews with the actual review being: lmao get rekt nerd. And then they’d point to their own fake reviews as proof of how bad the movie was. Its a classic case of “why doesn’t anyone believe me on this? I forged my own evidence and everything!”
they never should have released it on pc that was their biggest mistake…most of the blizzard hate critics are on pc.
The game felt very well done on mobile at that.
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the game play was fun it felt like a toned down diablo game but diablo 3 is better and diablo resurrected is better they arnt p2w.
id rather play those then diablo immortal.
Remember Diablo 3 started with RMAH Real-Money-Auction-House. RMAH term is just replaced by Cash Shop for Diablo Immortal.
It would have its own fan base even though I hate RMAH back then when I played Diablo 3. Back then, I focused much of my time on RMAH than playing the game. I usually farm for Legendary item and immediately put it on AH then I use the money I gained from it to buy the real gear I need to progress. Becoz there’s too much items on RMAH, I tend to consume more time on it than playing the game.
And also Diablo2 originally is also pay-to-win. But you can beat it without spending a single cent. I overheard Diablo 2 players beat the game for 10 years without spending money. But when I played Diablo 2 - Resurrected, I beat the game in a month without Trading (where you could also use real money). I am 100% positive that you could beat Diablo Immortal without spending money but it might take you a while to beat it. It wont be beaten within a month, but maybe 6 months or a year following the Diablo 3 RMAH model back then.
I assume a lot of people just like a good bandwagon. Nothing better than sticking it to the man by…pushing a button on a website, I guess.
If we don’t set fire to their abominations they will keep making them, compliance is not the way to a better blizzard.
Well being upset and voicing your discontent is fine, but I never thought EA was the worst company, not like PMC’s, Tobacco Industries, company’s using actual slave and child labor, etc.
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