So, collecting things is a mental disorder now?

u make the retail , 50 more classic it is good

Unian was my legion boost and I’ve hated her for the longest time until I experimented with different specs and created a RP character out of her.

But my BFA boosted Enh shaman is just sitting there… fighting a undead dino every month or so…

I mean I have 61 max level characters, 50 of which are warriors.

Like, everyone plays the game differently. That same time is equal to most people who have a 4k IO rating in M+, both are boring to the other.


do u do 2 acct or u have classic

I do agree everyone enjoys the game very differently. Some people won’t like their characters unless they level each one individually and others don’t care about the leveling process at all. Too bad you can’t gift your boosts huh?

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if 50 char is bad it is bad 1 char same time , some ppl on here play like 6 hour in 1 week only , no matter how many u play if u do like 3 hour the 1 week only u probly good , ppl can get adicshin the wow it only the video game


Theyre saying that me as an old DnD pen and paper Role Player shouldnt want or need more than one single character the entire tme Ive been playing the game since 1980 or so, LOL.
I should never have wanted to reroll to try other races…other classes…etc.
i find that preposterous and would be more than happy to tell them that THEY are playing the game wrong, lol

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People love attacking others for being different.
Human nature and all.
This thread has great examples of that.

I have 31 level 120s on my main account, 15 on my 2nd account, and 1 on a 3rd account I made for RAF rewards.
Account 1 and 2 both have 49 characters atm after some recent transfers and most that aren’t 120 are 90+. 1 is my Herald of the Titans character I made a while back, gonna be sad to see that one get squished…


It seems as though the game is now designed by people who don’t play alts and don’t understand why anyone would have them for raiders who don’t play alts and run out of things to do between raid tiers if they don’t get new borrowed power to grind currency for.

This is fake news. Its super easy to have 50 characters in modern wow. Leveling is so fast and easy its a joke. 10 years ago which was during wotlk which was still easier leveling than vanilla, getting 50 level 80s took hard work. Nowadays, its meaningless. To attack someone because they have more characters than you makes you look like an extremist and really stupid.


Well, leveling if fun if if your thing. But I already have 28 Max lvl alts and really don’t need more for any kind of gold or mount farming (only farming a world boss is too much time consuming for many alts). Of course still missing some classes or races I’m going to play when I can and try fresh leveling methods in pre-patch and shadowlands

Ok for you Unian I see this personally (I’m no doctor either) as two ways of things. There is obsessive collecting which could be considered an addiction. Like if your willing to give up your job or well being to obtain something which for most would never be the case.

Then there is collecting for a semblance of satisfaction or order. Basically a hobby. You collect stuff because it’s something you can do in your leisure and have control over getting it, it also allows you to set small goals to take smaller steps and still progress.

My best example for myself is my comp is crap and I work almost 60 random hours a week so I cant raid or have a set playtime schedule. So I decided to level one of every class to max level. I set goals certain classes this far etc. Now I’m doing class mounts on them all 3 at a time. It let’s me set minor goals for collecting stuff myself and gives me a sense of enjoy when I finish. I dont plan on playing many of my alts after I finish but it’s just something I wanted to do.

Not to mention the fact that some of us like to level and lock at 60 to keep role playing that character in classic content. I had probably 50 or so characters locked at 60 over two wow accounts, but only because I ran out of room on my main account.

For me, im gonna try new specs that arent blizzard sanctioned like 1h/shiels arms, 2h enhance, 2hand prot warrior and pally 1h/shield ret pally. Makes leveling little more interesting in modern wow.

Are you gonna lock toons at 49? Im debating doing that because i hate the fact blizzard is forcing you out of chromie time at 50.

I’m hoping they will add the option to lock at 50 in the dialog that will kick you.

“Oh hey, I remember you, you seem a lot stronger now, It’s time you come back and join the fight on the front lines.”

“Unless… unless you still have some unfinished business here?”

-Stay and lock experience gain- or -Start the intro to shadowlands-


MTG cards and WH40k are game pieces. As long as you use them as such, it’s not hypocritical.

Funko Pops don’t do anything. Having one or two as decoration is fine, but I also find it strange to have walls of them.

They have already confirmed that this will be an option.

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I know, I’m a hoarder. Have you seen my wardrobe?

The fact that you are even saying this means you are fabulous.

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